the fsm, zeus, shiva, brahma, ET, joe cool...rock on
2007-10-24 03:05:54
answer #1
answered by kramaster 5
You cannot believe something into being true. It remains the same no matter if a thousand believe it or disbelieve it. Absolute truth comes from Prophets and the Holy Ghost. The Apostles and Prophets were constantly correcting mis concepts. Without them there is confusion an proliferation of churches, some good and some not so good. It's one thing to choose the Lord and another to be chosen by the Lord. Look for Apostles and Prophets and you will find His church.
2007-10-24 10:47:28
answer #2
answered by scotty_84116 4
Islam. I believe that there is only one God(ALLAH) Subhanna wa ta'ala. I believe in all the Prophets from Adam to Muhammad(PBUT*). I believe that man and woman are equal before God and each other and that God will judge us all on the Day of Resurrection according to our good points and bad points. I don't believe that Jesus(PBUH*) is God or a son of God. I reject the whole trinity based pagan idea. I believe that God has no partners or sons. I believe that the Bible and Torah were corrupted and altered by man after the death of Jesus(PBUH*) and that God sent the Qur'an to Muhammad(PBUH*) as a guidance to all mankind and as a proof of Islam being the true religion for all mankind. I believe in the Angels and Jinn.
2007-10-24 12:47:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I was raised as a Lutheran, but now attend a Unitarian-Universalist church. It occurred to me in college that there are many religions and subsets of religions in the world - and if all of them think they are right, how can any of them be right?
So, I believe that religion, like science, is a way (although less precise than science) for people to make sense of the world, and that wisdom can be found in all religions. So, for one person, adopting Christian beliefs might make the most sense to them with who they are, and, for another, Buddhist beliefs might ring true. Many churches require rigorous classes and meditation before becoming a member, and I think this is SO IMPORTANT - to choose a faith because it makes sense to and speaks to you, and not do it just because. I also think that, if you look at the essential beliefs of world religions closely, and shake away the history and traditions, many of the teachings are very similar.
Because that is my take on religion, I do draw from many religions for my beliefs, which is very Unitarian-Universalist. I believe that humans are connected to each other and to the Earth, and as such, we have a responsibility to take care of one another and the Earth. I believe that it is impossible for humans to define "God," but I do believe that there is "something" greater than us that gives us the sense of spiritual connectedness, and is responsible for us being here. Part of the wonder of humans and the world is that we're so complex and random and yet - here we are!
I would say the core of my faith is acknowledging and marveling at that wonder, recognizing my connectedness to the world, and treating others and the world well. As for life after death? Who can know? Although I can't know, I don't believe we disappear...I'd like to think we become part of something greater, whatever that might be.
Great topic!
2007-10-24 10:26:00
answer #4
answered by gloworm_59 2
Gnostic. I believe there is a divine Mother/Father in union above the creator. She gave birth to the creator. That the spirit that possessed Jesus was the creator god. Read the opening of John's gospel. I believe we all have the capacity to become possessed by that same spirit. I believe the "knowledge of good and evil" exists only in our minds. That salvation lies in raising above that knowledge to true knowledge. There is no good or evil. What is seen as good or eval is the result of social conditioning. To "Become as little children of 7 days" "Gospel of Thomas" Those who exist before the first imposition of social conditioning. The Jews circumcised their boys on the 8th day. I could go on, but that gives you an idea.
2007-10-24 10:53:55
answer #5
answered by Ray T 5
And people, although I do know that many people will always like a good story.
Convincing science to me is evolutionary psychology. It explains why we have religion.
I believe that the nature of many "miracles" will be discovered by science one day. Some religious miracles are so interesting that they require good explanations. Maybe revelations like the nature of energy that humans pass on to each-other over long distances, our concept of time and our perception (ghost-appearances etcetera).
2007-10-24 10:54:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I believe "sin" "hell" and "satan" are nothing more than mind-control mechanisms. The history of people doing "god's work" fighting these "threats" shows that those using the terms the most are those most likely to do evil things.
I believe in personal spirituality, living spirituality that is not nailed down to dogmas and doctrines; spirituality should not be a second-hand experience.
I believe doing good is its own reward. I beleive in tolerance and respect for those who are prepared to do the same, even if they hold contrary views. I do not believe in imposing one's creeds on another, not in abridging liberty except in response to a clear and present danger.
2007-10-24 10:17:11
answer #7
answered by kent_shakespear 7
I believe in 1 + 1 = 2 and science
2007-10-24 10:06:56
answer #8
answered by Heterodox Idiosyncratic Algerian 3
Religious Scientist.
I believe in ONE God. It works in and through all things. The nature of God is LOVE.
I don't believe in hell. I don't believe in sin.
Prayer is simply controlling your own mind to see things in a positive way.
We celebrate the goodness in all religions.
Religious Science believes in immortality. I'm not sure how I feel about it. We could go on - or our lives here on earth could be it. I don't know. No way to know.
The RS church is also open minded enough that they allow me to belong even though I question the immortality. Otherwise - I would not belong to the RS church.
2007-10-24 10:12:14
answer #9
answered by liddabet 6
I believe salvation is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and that there is no salvation apart from personal faith in Him. I have been redeemed through his grace, my sins are gone, and I have been set free.
2007-10-24 10:16:47
answer #10
answered by Matthew 4
I don't have a religion and I don't believe in anything:
I have a collection of arbitrary labels to differentiate my complete and utter disbelief in everything and anything from the average non-specific believer in arbitrary data (common or garden "Atheists") though...
... such labels as "Nihilist".
I'll wear that one fairly frequently (reminding people of that simple matter is one of the things I do best).
2007-10-24 10:10:21
answer #11
answered by Lucid Interrogator 5