JESUS is relating an illustration about a rich man and a poor beggar named Lazarus. The rich man represents the religious leaders who are favored with spiritual privileges and opportunities, and Lazarus pictures the common people who hunger for spiritual nourishment. Jesus continues his story, describing a dramatic change in the men’s circumstances.
“Now in course of time,” Jesus says, “the beggar died and he was carried off by the angels to the bosom position of Abraham. Also, the rich man died and was buried. And in Hades he lifted up his eyes, he existing in torments, and he saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in the bosom position with him.”
Since the rich man and Lazarus are not literal persons but symbolize classes of people, logically their deaths are also symbolic. What do their deaths symbolize, or represent?
Jesus has just finished pointing to a change in circumstances by saying that ‘the Law and the Prophets were until John the Baptizer, but from then on the kingdom of God is being declared.’ Hence, it is with the preaching of John and Jesus Christ that both the rich man and Lazarus die to their former circumstances, or condition.
Those of the humble, repentant Lazarus class die to their former spiritually deprived condition and come into a position of divine favor. Whereas they had earlier looked to the religious leaders for what little dropped from the spiritual table, now the Scriptural truths imparted by Jesus are filling their needs. They are thus brought into the bosom, or favored position, of the Greater Abraham, Jehovah God.
On the other hand, those who make up the rich-man class come under divine disfavor because of persistently refusing to accept the Kingdom message taught by Jesus. They thereby die to their former position of seeming favor. In fact, they are spoken of as being in figurative torment. Listen as the rich man speaks:
“Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in anguish in this blazing fire.” God’s fiery judgment messages proclaimed by Jesus’ disciples are what torment individuals of the rich-man class. They want the disciples to let up on declaring these messages, thus providing them some measure of relief from their torments.
“But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you received in full your good things in your lifetime, but Lazarus correspondingly the injurious things. Now, however, he is having comfort here but you are in anguish. And besides all these things, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you people, so that those wanting to go over from here to you people cannot, neither may people cross over from there to us.’”
How just and appropriate that such a dramatic reversal take place between the Lazarus class and the rich man class! The change in conditions is accomplished a few months later at Pentecost 33 C.E., when the old Law covenant is replaced by the new covenant. It then becomes unmistakably clear that the disciples are favored by God, not the Pharisees and other religious leaders. The “great chasm” that separates the symbolic rich man from Jesus’ disciples therefore represents God’s unchangeable, righteous judgment.
The rich man next requests “father Abraham” to send Lazarus “to the house of my father, for I have five brothers.” The rich man thus confesses he has a closer relationship to another father, who is actually Satan the Devil. The rich man requests that Lazarus water down God’s judgment messages so as not to put his “five brothers,” his religious allies, in “this place of torment.”
“But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to these.’” Yes, if the “five brothers” would escape torment, all they have to do is heed the writings of Moses and the Prophets that identify Jesus as the Messiah and then become his disciples. But the rich man objects: “‘No, indeed, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them they will repent.’ But he said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead.’” God will not provide special signs or miracles to convince such. People must read and apply the Scriptures if they would obtain his favor. Luke 16:16, 22-31; John 8:44.
2007-10-24 03:58:17
answer #1
answered by Everlasting Life 3
LOOL WE DO NOT THINK THAT 666 IS THE HOLIEST NUMBER! Where the hell do you get your information from?! We actually think 7 is the holiest number, because we, Muslims, believe that God created the Earth in 7 days and 7 nights. And if thats not the luckiest number, then I don't even know. And pshh we don't think God has a son, and no offense or anything but HOW would God even have the ability to have a son?! Notice how you used "if" a lot. I don't even think you're sure about your own religion. About the "why should we believe in a false prophet" thing, every religion believes they are right and anyone who is different is wrong. I can see why you're saying he's a fake prophet, maybe you should research a little bit more. Muhammad was in fact real I hope you know. I wonder where you learn your spelling skills because I'm pretty sure "Masaya" is Messiah. If you also used punctuation I think people would've understood it a whole lot better. We also DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT WORSHIP SATAN! People are just so ignorant these days D: Btw, we don't "behead" people. Don't get your hopes up.
2016-05-25 10:24:58
answer #2
answered by dionna 3
Actually, there's a translation problem there. I know some people will get out of joint about it, but here it is....
"Hell" and "the place of the dead" are not necessarily the same thing. In a sense, Hell doesn't exist yet, but since it is outside of time and we are finite, there is a point of contact. The rich man is on one side of a gulf that separates the 'outskirts' of Heaven and Hell. This is where the Roman Catholics derrive the concept of "Purgatory"--a place where consciousness and free will still exists to the degree that a person can choose to make amends and progress toward Heaven. Though I'm not R.C., I think they are on the right track with that thinking--but I don't accept the idea that you can buy your way out of Purgatory by repetition of prayers or mantras [to borrow a word]. So--has the rich man repented and gone to Heaven? Perhaps, because his conscience seared him like a fire [hence the idea of flames in Hell], and although in the parable he hadn't yet learned much, he did still have concern for others. Is there a correlation between being rich and going to Hell? Yes, absolutely. In fact, the conclusion to the story is that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, that's an expression--not to be taken literally. A camel CAN pass through "the eye of the needle"--a small archway in a wall which permitted the animal [on its knees] to wiggle its way through. This was a defensive feature of old town walls. The camel had to be completely unburdoned in order to get in or out. This was to discourage smuggling and make it impossible for an armoured animal to carry out an attack. In the same way, a rich man must enter Heaven on the same terms as everyone else--you can't take it with you!--and that doesn't mean that a poor man gets in just because he's poor.
In answer to your additional question: No, God didn't invent Hell. Hell is not an original creation, but a distortion of Heaven. Satan is not able to create, because a creative act is a good thing, and the nature of evil is to take good and twist it as much as it takes to achieve its ends.
It is not correct to assume that evil is the opposite of good, because that would be like saying that good and evil are equal. That's called dualism, and although it may seem right, it is not what Christianity teaches.
2007-10-24 01:15:11
answer #3
answered by Gryphon Noir 4
It was just a parable. Not a true story. Jesus the bible says was the first to go to heaven and he was still on the earth.
Jesus doesn't torture anyone in hell. That to is a fable.
The wages of sin is death, not life in torment
(Romans 6:23) For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.
The dead rest unconscience in hell., hades, sheol. Awaiting a resurrection.
(Psalm 89:48) What able-bodied man is there alive who will not see death? Can he provide escape for his soul from the hand of She´ol? Se´lah.
(John 5:28-29) Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.
(John 11:24-25) Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life;
(Revelation 20:13-14) And the sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Ha´des gave up those dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds. 14 And death and Ha´des were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire.
2007-10-24 16:08:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The rich man went to hell at the point of death.
Satan, Lucifer, is an angel (although a fallen one) and he has not died, and will not die. As an angel, he was created an eternal being.
We are getting closer every day to the time when Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire.
2007-10-24 00:52:31
answer #5
answered by Theophilus 6
Yes, Of course......Satan is alive and well On this Planet, Scouring around to see Whom He Can Devour!
2007-10-24 03:21:21
answer #6
answered by minnetta c 6
I don't think anyone is in hell at the moment. Every human being who has ever lived has to be judged first and that won't happen until the second coming.
2007-10-24 01:35:38
answer #7
answered by ROBERT P 7
It's true that Satan is not in hell now, but this is only a temporary condition. Hell was created for the devil and his angels (not for you and me) and he will eventually be cast into hell to pay for eternity for all the evil he has done.
2007-10-24 00:56:37
answer #8
answered by David S 5
The man wasn't in hell because he was rich, and Jesus certainly isn't the one torturing him. The man was in hell because of the condition of his heart.
2007-10-24 00:53:01
answer #9
answered by arewethereyet 7
I assume you're referring to the story of Lazarus & the rich man?
First of all.....we all deserve hell. That's why Christ came in the first place.
Second......Jesus Christ is NOT torturing anyone.....He's not in hell......
Third.......This earth belongs to satan at the moment......but soon it will be under the rule & reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And I can't wait for that great day
2007-10-24 00:47:58
answer #10
answered by primoa1970 7