Yes, the Christian God and the Jewish God are the same being.
2007-10-23 17:09:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
G-D of the Christian faith, Adonai of the Judaic faith and Allah of the Islamic faith is supposed to be all the same god of Abraham.
Within the Christian faith some say the son of G-d is G-d manifest. Also believe in a trinity which disagrees with Judaism.
As far as Islam it is the same. There are many other things like belief in certain angels but not related.
2007-10-24 17:44:30
answer #2
answered by יונתן 4
Of the major world religions, Christianity and Judaism are likely the most similar. Christianity and Judaism both believe in one God who is almighty, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, and infinite. Both religions believe in a God who is holy, righteous, and just - while at the same time loving, forgiving, and merciful. Christianity and Judaism share the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament) as the authoritative Word of God, although Christianity includes the New Testament as well. Both Christianity and Judaism believe in the existence of Heaven, the eternal dwelling place of the righteous, and Hell, the eternal dwelling place of the wicked. Christianity and Judaism have basically the same ethical code, commonly known today as Judeo-Christian.
2007-10-24 00:12:24
answer #3
answered by Freedom 7
the God of the OT is the "jewish god" and christians accept this God as their God although they believe wen Jesus came he revealed other aspects as to Who this "jewish god" is ..specifically " The Trinity" which is not acceptable to the Jewish faith...
however in christianity there is differing opinions ...many dont accept the Trinity as in short God is God of all whatever ones opinion of him is...whether u jewish christian or whatever....He does not change it is our opinion of Who is Is that does
2007-10-24 00:35:42
answer #4
answered by Orita 3
I think Christians and Jews have some differences in their ideas about what God is like, but then so do all the different denominations. But since both say there's only one God, it would be kinda impossible to have them be different beings.
2007-10-24 00:11:30
answer #5
answered by Ambivalence 6
yes. and there is actually an argument that Allah would also qualify. all the divisions came later Yeshua= Christians/Jews
Abraham/Mohamed = Jewdeo Christian/ Muslim
a lot of the same stories, the same ideas, and springing from the same location. but the further we get from the point of origin, the further apart the groups become.
2007-10-24 00:12:03
answer #6
answered by texas troll 2
Jews and Muslims believe the same God who created the world. Some middle eastern Christians also believe the Real God and not Jesus as son of God or God himself. Majority of Christians belive Jesus as their God, as well as son of God. Certainly that is not the same God Jews and Muslim worship.
2007-10-24 00:27:36
answer #7
answered by majeed3245 7
The great I Am of the Bible is the same for both Jews and Gentiles. And like one other person said, Ginger, the Trinity would be the exception.
2007-10-24 00:10:42
answer #8
answered by Terry L 5
No - Judaism does not believe the Christian belief that Christ is God.
2007-10-24 00:13:05
answer #9
answered by cheir 7
There is only One God for all world. He is Creator, Benefactor and Self-Sufficient with a shape which is unapprehendible by human minds. All other shapes, trinity, partners, souls, idols, gods and goddesses are false ideas or real creature of past or image of satan or image proposed by satan or human brains.
2007-10-24 00:24:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous