Well, I agree about this "one Lord, one faith, one baptism", but only with the Protestants. Why? Because "one Lord" is Solus Chistus, that is, salvation is only through Christs work, not ours, not Mary's and not the saints! Also, he is our ONLY priest and only way to God, so we don't need priests nor other mediators.
Also, "one faith" is Sola fide, that is: we are saved by faith alone, and not by our works, something that Paul talks about earlier in the same Epistle (2,8-9) and actually condemns (that is a mild word actually) every other Gospel by faith + works!
Also, "one baptism" means either water baptism which defers from Roman catholic baptism that actually is the first step toward salvation, or it is "one baptism" in the Spirit that actually simbolizes the New Birth from the Spirit (not talking here the way charismatics view it as the second blessing - it's the first and the greatest blessing!) If so, we are truly baptized by the Spirit of God, being made new creatures and having Christ's life already in us by faith, and not starting a long way, a proces of co-saving our selves with our merits and faith (first being thusly more importiant by their view).
Does denomination really matter? Yes. But not to seperate us, but to protect the faith that we have. Salvation is not a minor issue, but a major one, and all protestants agree upon that!
Blessing to all!
2007-10-24 01:40:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I agree, we are Christians when we have one Lord, Jesus Christ.
I was baptized as a child but I got baptized again because this is the decision that no one else can do for me. There is nowhere in the Bible that we need to be baptized as a baby and then go to the school and to be confirmed. However, I know that God will forgive us this kind of differences if we all accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Because Our salvation is not about us. We get saved by the mercy and grace of God when we believe Jesus is our Savior-God.
To me a personal relationship with my Maker is much more important than following particular denomination or tradition or church. We ought to love one another and try to help each other whenever we can.
2007-10-23 15:48:05
answer #2
answered by Nina, BaC 7
Good Question, You left out one body, and one church same as one flock and one Shepard. This what the bible teaches. All protestant denominations knows that bible talks about it of one true church and each of them thinks their church is right one. At the same time they negate one true church by saying, “any one has the right to interpret and have authority to teach the bible in their own ways”. Then they go with false logic by claiming that their fonder really spoke to God to form a new church. In reality the bible say Jesus funded his Church on earth Mtt. 16:18,28:20., yet he gave him authority over the Church, which was going to last until the end of the world. From Peter, the Rock, were to come that unity and strength which would make the Church impregnable. The "gates of hell" would not prevail, and Christ would be with his Church "all days, even to the consummation of the world" (Matt. 16:18, 28: 20). Plus, their can only be one true. It is to say 2 time 2 is 4 not many answers 8, 6, 7,8 ,9 and 11.
2007-10-23 22:02:52
answer #3
answered by Original Christian 2
Amen Brother; The basics are what really matters.
Some denominations emphasize slight doctrinal differences, but more often they simply offer different styles of worship to fit the differing tastes and preferences of Christians. But make no mistake: we, as believers, must be of one mind on the essentials of the faith, but beyond that there is great deal of latitude in how a Christian should worship in a corporate setting. This latitude is what causes so many different “flavors” of Christianity.
If two churches disagree doctrinally, debate and dialogue over the Word may be called for. This type of “iron sharpening iron” (Proverbs 27:17) is beneficial to all. If they disagree on style and form, however, it is fine for them to remain separate. This separation, though, does not lift the responsibility Christians have to love one another (1 John 4:11-12) and ultimately be united as one in Christ (John 17:21-22).
2007-10-23 15:19:21
answer #4
answered by Freedom 7
the little things in common are nice and dandy but still our seperated brothers and sisters don't have the eucharist and are not in the church that jesus himself established. i am not bashing protestants but that is a reality, whilst our seperated brothers and sisters in christ have the possibility of salvation they do not have the fullness of truth as found only in the one true holy catholic and apostolic church.
in your response to tur b you bash the catholics by claiming we follow the traditions of men..........simply not true, we follow sacred tradition as does the churches st paul wrote to when he told them to hold fast to the Traditions passed on to you either by "WORD OF MOUTH OR BY LETTER". you see somethings were professed orally prior to the scriptures being compiled, surprising the catholic church compiled the bible and is the only reason we have a bible today and if you study the writings of the early church fathers and all early chrisitan writings you will find that the catholic church teaches today what was taught 2000 years ago when the church christ established came to us.
as it is there are many denominations of christians that deny certain truths about jesus and still profess to be christian, it is wrong to say that the similiarities make up for important differences, i won't mention specific groups out of respect.
2007-10-23 19:16:53
answer #5
answered by fenian1916 5
Anyone who reads the bible will tell you that God has ALWAYS been concerned with the details, and God has always been very particular about many, many things, because in the end, EVERYTHING matters to God.
God is perfect. If everything didn't matter to him, than the universe would have self destructed billions of years ago.
Not ALL Christians worship Jesus Christ. Some who claim Christ define him in very different terms, many of which are not authentically Christian.
The one faith is the complete faith that was given to us by Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and faithfully handed down to us by the apostles.
There's much more to that faith than the bible alone, so again, I must disagree with your main premise.
Many Christians do not believe in the necessity of baptism ... or in the God given power of that blessed sacrament ... which Jesus personally recommended, by word and deed, for all.
All of these things are indeed very important ... and that is why denominations do matter.
Catholics confess sins to a priest who has been empowered by Christ and his church to absolutely wipe away our sins, right here, and right now ... without any doubt ... since the power of the sacrament makes up for what we might normally be lacking (which is typically perfect contrition and true, authentic repentence).
Any Christian may certainly apologize to God directly, but unless they are truly sorry, and they truly repent of their actions by turning away from that sin, complete and absolute forgiveness might not be available ... so non-Catholics will not know until Judgment Day whether their apology has been accepted.
Jesus founded, authorized, empowered, and eternally guaranteed only one church for the purpose of our salvation ... the Catholic church.
All the denominations have some things in common with the one church of Christ, but that which they deny or fail to accept can make all the difference.
One Lord ... who we know, by virtue of his authentic church ... who is Jesus Christ ... eternally begotten of the Father, Light from Light, True God from True God, Begotten not Made, One in being with the Father. Through him all things were made.
One faith ... complete and effective ... empowered by the grace of God, the faith of the only church that Jesus ever founded and left behind on the earth for the purpose of our salvation ... the Catholic church.
One baptism ... the sacrament of initiation that is always 100% effective in making one an adopted child of God, a temple of the Holy Spirit, co-heir with Jesus Christ, and a member of the church.
When administered using water, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to anyone of any age, baptism is the perfect example of salvation ... freely given by God, through his authentic and universal church ... without the necessity of ANY works at all.
In the end, it is the Catholic church which remains the only universal, non-denominational, evangelical, charismatic, bible-believing, full gospel church ... and there is no need for any other Christian denomination or group.
If there were, Jesus, who IS God, would have established more than one.
He didn't.
2007-10-23 15:58:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
One Lord - Jesus One Faith - following Jesus One Baptism - baptism of the Holy Spirit (initiates you into the family of Christ)
2016-05-25 08:01:41
answer #7
answered by lauren 3
You may have unintentionally left out the preceding verse - one body, which means one church. This is the statement condemning the denominational system. I do not agree that the Catholic church is that one church, but it is clear that there is only one church from this passage
As to prove the writer (Paul) means church = body, he states this previously in the letter:
Eph 1:22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
2007-10-23 15:14:09
answer #8
answered by Cuchulain 6
Oh this will be good.
You would think so, but all Christians are sure thier way is the only right way. No offense guys, but no one outside your faith is going to take you seriously until you can get along INSIDE your faith.
2007-10-23 15:10:32
answer #9
answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7
Has anyone seen another phony me?
Some of you know that a fake Catholic Crusader has been spreading negativity, using my name. If you see anything blatently stupid posted by my name and avatar, please be aware. I found their profile at:
I suggest you block this person so you can tell the difference between me and them. Two phoney accounts have already been deleted by Yahoo, but this is a new one.
People often disagree with my posts: That is no secret. But I never post the kind of stupidities that this provacatur posts.
Thanks a lot. Sorry to interupt the fun. Please resume your arguing. :)
2007-10-23 15:11:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous