An astute observation...Yes, I agree. But only for the period of time it took one to mature and find their own way and decide for themselves. We are all conditioned from the moment of birth by our families, society, culture, and (in many cases) religions. It is sad to think that a child is manipulated and formed by these influences, having no chance to "become" on its own. They are fortunate who have the intelligence and opportunities to pursue beyond the limitations of their individual environments (I'm thinking of education, whether formal or informal--such as self-study). I'm pleased to see that you find commendable qualities in your non-Christian friend and that he (?) returns the sentiment. Labels (Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim) can be limitations, setting up barriers to wonderful relationships. Too, stepping outside of our comfort zones brings diversity of experience that helps us expand as human beings. You and your friend are living the premise that we are all one. I am Sirius
2007-10-23 10:34:49
answer #1
answered by i am Sirius 6
I agree that how you were brought up traps you into a religion that you did not choose. This is why there are so many atheist and agnostic people, because people today are smarter than ever before and they realize the massive holes in every religion and the sooner everyone realizes that the common ground is that everyone wants to believe something because they cant deal with the unanswered questions of the world. And if thats true than every religion is in common because none are proven so everyone should just join together and say "were all dumb asses" bc no matter what you call your god, its all the same being. 1000's of years of stupid people fighting stupid people because noone will admit they have no idea whats goin on and all along everyone has the same base beleive. There is a god hisher/its name is ______.
2007-10-23 10:20:45
answer #2
answered by Sully 2
Sure. What does that have to do with being a Christian. We live in a fallen world. A world where Hitler can run around, killing millions of people, and still be linked with Jesus Christ, who told us to love our enemies, pray for those who curse us, and turn the other cheek. Please understand what you are criticizing before you make statements about faith. Jesus came out against the religious people more than anyone else. People have not learned. They tried to institutionalize Jesus and this is what happened. Christianity became a religion. Go figure.
2007-10-23 10:15:54
answer #3
answered by phil 2
I think in this case its more spirituality You should focus on and not WHIch God is the right God.....
brama nirvana heaven are all sorta intertwined to me but im not educated bout buddist....... but I know there is power behind them
so i will just say from knowing that fact as long as You worship a higher power , of your own understanding is better in these times, whatever it may be because God uses could use different forms I know nothing about buddism.....
but I am Christian and knowbody knows on this earth WhO will burn in Hell thats rubbish.... I
2007-10-23 10:54:48
answer #4
answered by Livefor2day 3
When you are raised a certain way, you believe that way. However.. It is people that make religion such an evil thing. Wy would god send someone to hell, just for making a few mistakes? God is wonderful , and we all get to "Bask in his glory" in the afterlife. I don't believe there is a hell.. it was created by humans to scare people into believing the way they wanted them to. Be spriritual.. Don't trust religion. Trust your beliefs, don't be tainted by what some HUMAN wrote.. God didn't write the bible, people did. The concept is good, yes but don't go crazy over it. Trust your heart and what is in yourself before trusting anyone else.
2007-10-23 10:28:44
answer #5
answered by Melynda 2
Having christian parents doesn't make you a christian. Having buddhist parents doesn't make you a buddhist. These things are individual choices and responsibilities.
2007-10-23 10:10:28
answer #6
answered by sdb deacon 6
" I am supposedly Christian because I have Christian parents."
You're not a Christian, at all.
That's like saying you're a soldier, because your parents are in the Army. Or you're in the Union, because your father is a Union worker.
Christianity doesn't work that way.
Now, are people more likely to be of a faith because of their community . . . probably. But is your Buddhist friend from the US, or were he and his family born somewhere else?
You have no religion, and seemingly no faith, and I encourage you to stop worrying about the community, and instead look to your own personal spiritual development.
2007-10-23 10:13:16
answer #7
answered by jimmeisnerjr 6
Having Christian parents does not make you Christian. It's not hereditary. Belief in Christ as your Savior makes you Christian. Your Buddhist friend is ruled by the same spiritual principles that you and I are. You can't do anything good enough to go to heaven, and you can't do anything bad enough to go to hell. If he accepts Christ as his Savior, he goes to Heaven.
2007-10-23 10:15:41
answer #8
answered by randal f 2
One does not become a Christian because they have Christian parents and one does not go to heaven because they are as you say "more innocent than a saint" There are none of us good enough to get into Heaven on our own that is why God sent Jesus to die on the Cross, so that through His Blood we could be made righteous. And it is only by excepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior that we get into Heaven. Nothing more nothing less.
2007-10-23 10:16:47
answer #9
answered by PREACHER'S WIFE 5
NO, my parents were not Christians nor did they raise me in any sort of faith practice. I found God in my pursuit of knowing there had to be more to life then this simple existence. As I searched for my part in the meaning of life, I knew deep down inside me that I was not born simply to eat, sleep, work, procreate and die. It was during this search that Christ revealed himself to me. I have a relationship not a religion maybe you need to get you one of those.
2007-10-23 10:10:32
answer #10
answered by Millie C 3