Why, no, a Creationist does not HAVE TO answer anything. One can just disagree with absolutely nothing to back up their belief or opinion. Fully expect to not know the difference between "things we do not know yet... and things we will never know...", unless you have a claim to clairvoyance.
"God did it." is acceptable to those who choose to believe something based on faith. It is apparently difficult to argue with that particular view because there are no facts or figures to refute. (Maddening, isn't it?)
Science is hardly undermined... it is alive and well as long as people have questions that can be answered by seeking for knowledge and testing that knowledge thoroughly. Some people just don't care about the aspects they don't understand or that are potentially flawed.
2007-10-23 08:44:29
answer #1
answered by detailgirl 4
this is actually a good question, and I have tried to get some of the more learned folks here to answer questions of similar interest to me.
the difference in natural science and creation science is actually a thin line. God created, I dont argue that, but then he set certain laws in place to control the after action of life.
for example you plant an apple you get an apple, laws of genetics, not punctuated equillibrium where you get a cactus.
the issue of your question, what is explainable and what is "an Act of GOD" is pretty important. I would define it this way,
at this time, we do not understand the functions of "x" and we are calling it an act of God.
then, from our studies, we understand that gravity acted on objects x and y, and caused z
God set laws in motion to understand. the atheistic scientist is no less a scientist, and many are foremost in their field. The christian understands that the laws he is discovering are created by God and he is merely pulling back the veil to understand what these laws do.
If God created as the bible says, then God is still active, but he commanded that we should subdue the earth, master it and the secrets therein.
I see it as a partnership, with us looking to see how God does it, while the non-believing scientist tries to make heads or tails out of the same datum without being able to go to the maker and say, "hey, how did you do this" and have inspiration of the Holy Spirit to have insite.
It is one of those things where both are working toward the same goal, the same answers, but Christians can ask the creator for some insight, some help, and grow in his fellowship with God.
not sure you understand everything I just wrote, i'm finding I leave stuff out more and more, these days
2007-10-23 08:38:15
answer #2
answered by magnetic_azimuth 6
It is my belief that God created us through science. We are after all biological beings. The universe is a complex organization of biology, physics and chemistry. To "fill in the gaps" by saying God did it is, in my opinion, ignorance of God's intelligence. Theistic evolution is a plausible explanation for a coexistence of evolution and theology. Evolution and Genesis do go together. However, for the Bible literalists out there, this is unacceptable. We do not know everything about evolution, but we are making strides to better understand our origins of life. To say God did it is ignorance of God and science.
One good example of ignorance is the Catholic church's previous view that the sun revolved around the earth because they felt the earth was the center of the universe. Galileo's observations led him to conclude the earth revolves around the sun, which we now know to be true. However, the Catholic church put down Galileo's findings and his works were banned. Evolution is the new scenario for the Catholic church and many Christians. Pope John Paul II was a believer in theistic evolution. However, many who do believe in evolution also believe the "gaps" can only be explained by saying "God did it." This is ignorance of science. As a scientist, it upsets me greatly that many people do not understand even the most basic concepts of biology and our origins. We need to educate others better so that this "God of the gaps" theory can be put to rest. God created us scientifically. Just because we may not know all the steps does not mean that we will never understand it. Patience is a virtue.
2007-10-23 08:36:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Thats why I think Atheists in general make far better observers of science.
Science is not about making ideas that last forever, it is about updating our knowledge actively and as much as possible.
By not accepting and "God did it" answers, they are driven to search more extensively. Of course it would not be practical for everyone to try and understand everything that ever was. Yet we are getting better at it.
I have heard people say "All you need to know is in the Bible" That strikes me as a copout, the easy option.
I am not an Atheist, just wanted to make that point. I honestly believe in the revelations of science, we need to learn not claim we know.
2007-10-23 08:30:26
answer #4
answered by Link strikes back 6
Actually, I think there will come a time when we will have been in God's presence long enough to understand the things which we could not or did not learn in this life. One does not cancel out the other - nature does not stop where God starts. It's all one and it's all good!
2007-10-23 08:48:50
answer #5
answered by strplng warrior mom 6
I agree totally, but I don't think that there will ever be a place where we can truthfully say "God did it".
I would be happy if they just left it that God worked through evolution in some mysterious way and just accepted the facts as they are. While refuting creationist "pseudo-science" is helping to expand my education, I get upset that people are being feed misinformation and accepting it as truth - not only that, many of them are paying for books that are essentially full of lies.
2007-10-23 08:28:23
answer #6
answered by Pirate AM™ 7
I guess there cannot be answers to everything. If you believe in God, the bible states that God is all-knowing, not us. If he wanted us to know something, he'd let us know. It also states that the light keeps getting brighter and brighter, indicating that as time passes, you'll receive more and more information. If you're more into science, I guess you should just look up things you are interested in. You can fnid answers to most things if you only take the time to research. Good luck!
2007-10-23 08:25:34
answer #7
answered by prava 2
I disagree that a supernatural explanation is required for things we will "never" know. We thought man would "never" fly or that we'd never cure polio. Never is just a time that hasn't happened yet. Science understands that not all things can be learned, or that it can take centuries or even millennia to find out. Religion insists on the blanket "god" excuse, perhaps because it does not have the patience to wait for the answer to be found or is too lazy to work to get the answer.
2007-10-23 08:25:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God of the Gaps is never valid. Unless you think that shrinking God into a fishbowl would be funny...
Some things are not quantifiable and cannot be studied scientifically. If you want to create a god, put it in with that stuff. Otherwise, you may end up with a disappearing deity.
2007-10-23 08:23:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Can a toddler of two years understand the math of an Engineer or can or now now not that is responsive to how the large furnish grow to be designed. Likewise human beings additionally at the instant are now not sufficiently smart sufficient to understand the technological understand-how maintained by utilizing God.yet, Bible is the actual technological understand-how and God is the actual Scientist.Being ignorants and immatured ,we human beings in easy terms reject God. i will tell one party:- ------------------------------- pc is a optimal astounding gadget. Can it evolve from any component at as quickly as with out innovations contained in the decrease back of. below no circumstances. Human physique is many Million circumstances greater beneficial astounding than the desktops we use. this variety of astounding gadget or Machnism ( the human physique ) can below no circumstances be designed at as quickly as with out large innovations contained in the decrease back of. Whoever needs to be responsive to the flexibility and understand-how of God can in easy terms seem in to the format ,Machanism and the functionality of the human physique and compliment God with awe and difficulty for His astounding advent. What the Bible says is the ( actual) technological understand-how in easy terms unknown to the so - suggested as scientists. Bible attempts to alter the worldwide in to a non violent paradise. even nonetheless the worldwide below the administration and guidance of the so-suggested as scientists has famous the way of destruction. Had we suggested the technological understand-how ( ethical) suggested indoors the Bible, there would have below no circumstances been the deadly Epidemic suggested as AIDS. We violated the regulation( ethical) of the Bible and are caught with the horrorsome Epdemic. the greater beneficial we overlook the regulation of God ,the greater beneficial we flow on the factor of Destruction. Now the finished worldwide's earnings is devoured by utilizing the Epidemic suggested as AIDS. Bible is the actual technological understand-how and God is the actual Scientist. Violating God's regulation ability Plunging in to peafcelessness. With God the worldwide would be a Paradise . with out God the worldwide would be a hell in fact, with all pains and sufferings. With Love , sundar r / SundayJune 17,2007 / **************************************.....
2017-01-04 08:29:39
answer #10
answered by lindeen 3