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2007-10-23 08:19:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

15 answers

Yes. Make campaign contributions to the Democratic Party.

2007-10-23 08:46:37 · answer #1 · answered by MikeGolf 7 · 2 2

As has been pointed out, the word is "militarily"... if I understand the question.

The American military is unbeatable... if it's allowd to do its job. The problem is that civilians are always looking over their shoulders and second guessings. their command. The only thing civilians need to do is to (1) enlist. (2) if they are ineligible, to give up everything they have to support the troops... drive less, buy less, compete with the neighbors less, own less... to put their selfish interests on hold until after the men and women get back.

If you mean "a beaten military", then the answer is different.

The bulk of the American people are working to that end. They refuse to support the military in any constructive manner. They refuse to join the military. Rather, they threaten to leave the country rather than serve it... and wonder why the poor troops have to be rotated into combat time after time. They vote for people who cut their budgets, close militaryr bases, cut back military training, give contracts to the lowest bidder and wonder why equipment the contractors supply fails. They destroy military benefits, lower their standards, and wonder why the the senior enlised personnel--those who know how to get the job done--are leaving the service.

However you phrase the question, I see the anwer is up to the American people. Those of us who have done, and are doing, our duty only do our jobs, and hope for the support of the folks back home. But we do our jobs anyway. If we didn't, the dumb folks back home wouldn't have the right to gripe ad moan. about what we do--ignorant that it is we and those like us who have procured and secured that right..

2007-10-23 09:00:50 · answer #2 · answered by gugliamo00 7 · 1 1

Strictly using tactical weapons the U.S. could be defeated; use of nuclear weapons either tactical or strategic would change the picture and would say probably not. The U.S. does not a particularly large military relative to population; this is the reason the call up of Reserves and National Guard troops for Iraq. They are well trained and while training and technical superiority is worth something the other side can always get closer technically and training through experience will off set the other. The German military of WW2 was the best trained and technically superior to all others but lost in the long run due to raw materials and numbers. The U.S. does not have the raw materials, not just oil but iron, and other metals to win a prolonged war without allies and a supply of raw materials nor do we have the numbers.

2007-10-23 08:32:44 · answer #3 · answered by GunnyC 6 · 1 2

Any fighting force can be defeated, such as the russians got their booty kick in afganistan. The same folks we train are the one we are fighting in iraq and afganistan. We got ur buts kick during the VietNam war due to polical pressure. we could very be the next great power to fall. the amercian public and politcal machine can not withstand a long duration in combat because we do not have the will and support that we should. I am a iraqi war veteran with alot of military knowledge as how things flow within the civilians and political clout.

2007-10-23 08:35:51 · answer #4 · answered by Herman L 2 · 2 2

Which continent do you mean? North or South America? And which country in one of theese 2 continents called 'America'?

'America' for 'USA' is politically and geographically not correct.

2007-10-25 22:26:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hmm a hard one. America does have a large well trained military but others have better trained ones. I would say that america are almost unbeatable due to its sheer size. But along with its alies it is invinceable.

2007-10-23 08:23:38 · answer #6 · answered by Jack W 2 · 3 2

yes, they had trouble invading small countries like Vietnam, Iraq Afghanistan imagine if they invade a country which is big which has a big population they would loose allot of men
PS. looking at history every military power one day was defeated.

2007-10-23 11:23:28 · answer #7 · answered by swiz 3 · 0 2

Nukes, yes

Ground war on American soil with all the sons of America's vengeance and ingenuity, No.

Ideals are beatiful

2007-10-23 08:26:29 · answer #8 · answered by You are all, weirdos. 3 · 2 2

Is this a trick question?

WE ARE THE BEST MILITARILY! of course, we also let our "allies" help us! its the polite thing to do!

2007-10-23 08:51:51 · answer #9 · answered by Willie Wankerz 2 · 1 1

Well, We lost In Vietnam. Now we are losing in Iraq. A rag tag group of men with basic weapons are beating the all powerful USA. That is amazing.

2007-10-23 08:31:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

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