1Cr 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Bro, no matter what we do, they will always deny...they fear once they are saved, they will have to part from their sin....so embracing "Evolution" and denying GOD is their game.
2007-10-23 08:10:05
answer #1
answered by MrPlankton 2
Science isn't a crutch. Its tangible. There are physical facts to prove things happend. I'm having a hard time understanding what you mean by a crutch... do you mean an excuse not to do something?... at any rate... My question to you is how can you base the foundation of your beliefs and lifestyle on a book... Most of modern day Bibles are versions of the King James Version... King James was ... scientifically proven... to be schizophrenic... No he didn't translate the Dead Sea Scrolls, But his scholars did. He could have told them to right anything... let your imagination go wild with that one...
You also said that Science evolved from nothing... What did God evolve from?... nothing... Its a confusing subject... According to the good ole Gospel God has always been and will always be... infinite I suppose... or so it seems... Is God not an Infinite value?
2007-10-23 15:38:07
answer #2
answered by Ashley M 1
Evolutionary science makes no statement one way or the other about the existence of a deity. And nobody is claiming that anything in the universe evolved from nothing. You'll have to be more clear with your question if you want a clear answer. (I hope you will take the time for this, you seem to require an answer to something, I just can't decipher what that is)
2007-10-23 15:06:42
answer #3
answered by neil s 7
I'm not going to whip out the "why do you use religion as a crutch?" I'm just going to point out that we DON'T think that the universe evolved from nothing.
Everything has always existed.
Then I'll point out that religion is the crutch that people use to fill in the gaps of their understanding.
2007-10-23 16:09:30
answer #4
answered by Jess H 7
To me, science offers a more valid explanation to why the universe is the way it is than the scriptures do. That's all it is for me.
It didn't necessarily come from nothing, nor did something necessarily have to have a creator. It could have been just created out of circumstance. Who knows. That's why it's all beliefs. I believe in what science has taught me.
2007-10-23 15:05:29
answer #5
answered by Southpaw 7
Explain "nothing in science evolves from nothing" because right now that reads like nonsense.
Science makes testable predictions / models of the world. Science is self correcting. Science is useful (think of planes, buildings, MRI machines, Advil, Water Purification, etc; ).
Science is a tool / method that has been PROVEN over and over and over again to be very useful. Atheists, Agnostics and Theists all use Science (or something based on Science) every single day of their lives. And they should. You trying to make science out to be a bad thing is outright ridiculous.
2007-10-23 15:03:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Fine, but you must understand first that:
1) Atheism is not a belief, it is disbelief (ex. we take for a fact there is no god/gods).
2) That being true, it is impossible for us to "believe" in science, for again, it is not a believe system. It is exactly what we want. It requires evidence, actual proof to acknowledge something.
3) Evolution does not make something out of nothing, creationism do, that's why it does not make any sense.
Now my answer, no.
2007-10-23 15:23:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Science is a term that cover an enormous variety of subjects and disciplines. NONE of which are to be "believed in".
When you ask an intelligent question you might get an intelligent answer in reply.
Atheist. God is imaginary, science has nothing to do with it.
2007-10-23 15:27:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
makes more sense than an entity who materialized out of no where pointing its supernatural finger and and creating everything out of nothing. Sounds like witchery to me!
Science never asks you to have faith in a study, it provides results and conclusions that can be proven and recreated.
have god recreate the parting of the red sea and I'll be convinced
2007-10-23 15:50:53
answer #9
answered by echos_passion 3
I can't even follow most of that.
Science is a rational method to explore the Universe. That is all it is. It never once said that anything came from nothing. Only the religious make that claim when they say that is how God did it. I'm glad you agree it's silly.
2007-10-23 15:05:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
did you hit a moment of clarity???
and i would rather put my faith in ever changing science than a book written by a bronze age goat herders. at least scientists will say they are wrong and CHANGE the books...
2007-10-23 15:18:58
answer #11
answered by Anonymous