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Is it the Catholic Church?

Is it the population that takes their direction from people in "leadership"?

2007-10-23 07:00:09 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Kind of funny to ban condoms, when fornication is a sin and people are doing it but then refrain from using condoms cause the church says so...

2007-10-23 07:04:28 · answer #1 · answered by arderianwolf 2 · 4 2

The Catholic Church does not take personal responsibility away from the individual. An individual still remains personally responsible for his actions, whether or not he follows Church teaching.

But why does the Church teach what she does? That is perhaps the real question that you must try to reflect upon. The Church does not just make up rules for the sake of it. There is a 2000-year-old wisdom behind the Church. She uses the principles of the Christian Faith to help her children to live a life that is more fully Christian, and thus more fully alive. To be alive fully is to live in truth. Truth is not a matter of doing whatever one feels like, whenever and however. Truth relies on a certain natural order in things that must be respected. The Church is the instrument by which God reveals that order to His children. Whether or not the children obey is up to them. Don't obey the Mother (the Church) or the Father (God) because they allow their children to exercise their God-given free will.

Your question ("Is it the Catholic Church?") fails to take into account the notion of causality. The Church is inviting her children not to perform morally illicit acts (use of contraception, marriage out of wedlock, etc.). But that does not in any way make the Church "responsible" for the problem of AIDS! The solution to AIDS in not in the multiplication of condom use. The Church knows this truth better than anyone else. The true solution to controlling AIDS is to teach human beings to act in a way that is morally responsible in the area of sexuality.

No one has the right to blame the Church for his own lack of moral integrity.

I hope this helps to clear things up a bit.

2007-10-24 08:35:20 · answer #2 · answered by uiogdpm 3 · 0 0

A person is responsible for their decisons in life. We all have the power of free will.

I'm not Catholic, but the Catholic leadership also says not to have sex before you're married and only with the person you marry. Don't cheat on your spouse, etc. What if everyone followed those rules first? Would doing so help stop the spread of AIDS? Have prevented AIDS?

It's obvious you're trying to blame the Catholic church for the spread of AIDS and don't like their stance on condoms (and I don't agree with it either) but you also have to be fair and mention the other things they are teaching.

Again, each person will ultimately decide what they do with their lives. Has responsibility for your own actions totally gone out the window in this world?

2007-10-23 07:11:56 · answer #3 · answered by MetalHeart 4 · 3 0

Judeo-Christian tradition has taught for thousands of years:
1. Single people should be celibate.
2. Married people should be faithful to each other (adultery is wrong).
3. Married couples should welcome God's gift of children and, therefore, artificial birth control is against the will of God.

If the world is going to ignore teachings about chastity (1 & 2), then why is the world so upset about teaching artificial birth control (3)?

People who are already ignoring the more important teachings about chastity (1 and 2) should have no problem ignoring the less important teaching of artificial birth control (3).

Even if a person infected with AIDS was to use a condom to help protect his or her spouse, condoms are not 100% effective (read the box) and the spouse may be infected and die anyway. A person who truly loves their spouse would not endanger them in this way.

In regards to sex outside of marriage, the Church makes it a practice not to tell people how to sin. With or without a condom:
+ Fornication is still fornication
+ Adultery is still adultery

With love in Christ.

2007-10-23 16:39:54 · answer #4 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 3 0

I undergo no affection for the Catholic Church yet finally it really is the responsibility of human beings that interact in risky sex. fairly those that understand they're contaminated and proceed the practice. after we commence scapegoating company entities (like the RCC) and "society", and dodge taking own responsibility, we make the project worse. in simple terms as we've executed with the load problems epidemic, by shifting the blame faraway from persons and onto the colleges, quickly-nutrition agencies, and genetics. although, yeah, the RCC is nicely conscious that their movements have restricted condom availability in detrimental and arising international locations, and they preserve in mind that all and distinctive is getting ill and demise hence of it, and they couldn't care a lot less. honestly proves the lie of their declare to price existence; apparently, appearances and politics are more suitable significant than human existence, or that they'd a minimum of have the human decency to quit being a disadvantage to authorities efforts to promote secure sex.

2016-10-22 21:18:40 · answer #5 · answered by love 4 · 0 0

There are cultural, social and economic problems in Latin America that contribute far more to the spread of AIDS. Of course, not having access to condoms or not believing in using them does not help.

But we need to look at the problem in a more holistic way. Certain questions to ask about Latin America or even Sub Saharan Africa are:

What is the position of women in those socieities?
Is there a double standard of sexuality for men and women? In other words are women expected to be chaste and men expected to be macho and virile?
How many women are empowered enough to say "No" to sex?
How many woman are dependent on men for their very survival, either as a wife or prostitute?
How many women are educated?
How many children are educated about sexual issues?
How does old fashioned views and old wives tales hinder proper education on these matters?
How is homosexuality viewed in that society? Are gay men forced underground?

Start thinking of these things and we can start addressing the causes from the root up.

2007-10-23 07:09:13 · answer #6 · answered by pixie_pagan 4 · 3 0

As a matter of fact, if more people would follow the teachings of the Catholic Church, then AIDS would not be such a serious problem.

2007-10-24 07:17:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Why Would A Catholic Listen To One Rule And Not The Other No Sex Till Marriage, Sex Is For Baby Making

2007-10-23 07:02:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anthony 3 · 6 3

if the condoms are available, then it"s the individuals fault, for being stupid. why would you take advice from a bunch of pedophiles? we all know right from wrong, god gave each of us the ability to choose. the church is just supposed to help with guidance not dictate.

2007-10-23 07:10:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No I'd say it is the people having sex that are at fault for the spread of AIDS.

2007-10-23 07:07:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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