I think most of the people are reasonable. If he is your true friend he will not see only your faith but you character and rapport what you have made with him during your friendship.I have seen many of friends help us even they don't believe in our faith. And it is his house. He has every right to give you permission or not. You must be thankful in both the conditions.If they ask you must tell them in beautiful ways. And have patience and pray for him if you are his true friend.
Islam requires its followers to show patience under provocation, and to disregard and ignore the abuse. (Of course, if the abuse contains any allegations against Islam or the Holy Prophet Muhammad which require to be refuted, then these should be answered, but by verbal means only.)
"The Muslim who mixes with the people and bears patiently their hurtful words, is better than one who does not mix with people and does not show patience under their abuse."
(Mishkat, Book: Ethics, ch. 'Gentleness, modesty and good behaviour')
The Holy Quran tells Muslims:
• 1. "You will certainly hear much abuse from the followers of previous books and from the idol-worshipping people. And if you are patient and keep your duty -- this is surely a matter of great resolution." (3:185)
• 2."Many of the followers of previous books wish that they could turn you back into disbelievers after you have believed, but you should pardon and forgive." (2:109)
In connection with these verses, it is recorded in the Hadith collection Bukhari:
"The Messenger of Allah and his Companions used to forgive the idolators and the followers of previous books, as Allah had commanded them, and they used to show patience on hearing hurtful words."
Book: Commentary on the Quran, ch. 16 under Sura 3.
• "Bear patiently what they say." (20:130 and 50:39)
• 2. "Obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their hurtful talk." (33:48)
In all the verses quoted above, Muslims are taught to bear their feelings of hurt and anger with patience, and to ignore the abuse.
Another verse having some bearing on this subject is as follows:
"And if you invite them to guidance, they hear not; and thou seest them looking towards thee, yet they see not. Hold fast to forgiveness and enjoin goodness and turn away from the ignorant." (7:198-199)
2007-10-23 06:47:49
answer #1
answered by k r 2
First, I would revise your question or explain what "salat' is. Most, including myself don't know what that is.
Second, your friends behavior is sad. One would hope your so called friends would respect your religion. That being said, most kids poke fun at what they don't understand, be it religion, disability, or whatever. It is human nature to some degree, and you probably should have done a better job preparing them ahead of time for you had to do.
Also, relgion among "unbelievers" should be a private thing -- not displayed front in center among those that don't share your belief. What would you think if one of your friends stopped what they were doing at your house, told you turn off all the lights while they bowed down to the floor chanting "thank you Satan!." People have very different views on religion, so don't be so harsh to judge others when you shove yours right in their face unexpectedly.
Lastly, I hope your religiion teaches tolerance like Judeo-Chrsitian religions. Making their life a "living hell" will only make them think very poorly of your religion and support the stereotype of Islam already prevelant in this country.
2007-10-23 13:18:35
answer #2
answered by h_charles 5
You're asking UNBELIEVERS this question? I don't even know WHAT salat is. But it sounds as if your religion is very restrictive. Jesus was able to pray while nailed to a cross. You can't even deal with the TV in the next room? Also, I'm not too keen on your choice of friends. I don't know how you people are supposed to react, but Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek when disrespected. Of course, WE don't generally go around blowing things up just for the hell of it, either. And is Allah so weak that he can't deal with my disrespect personally? He needs you to do it for him? Even if you don't have enough information to make a decision? That's why YHWH said that vengeance is HIS. Because HE DOES know all the factors, and HE will get it right.
2007-10-23 13:16:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First, they don't sound like friends... I am not Islamic, but wouldn't even think of disturbing someone during a time of worship, no matter what they believe... They sound very, very immature... I don't know everything about your faith, though I've studied it a little, but it seems to me that "making their life a living hell" could have two outcomes... One would be that you feel badly for harming someone who is simply ignorant. Two, it could come back to bite your butt... maybe your "friend" spreads rumors about you, or the tension escalates to your further unhappiness... Maybe in this case, as is usually true, vengeance would not be the best choice. I suggest finding other friends who will not be so disrespectful and let the ignorant, childish ex-friend remain foolish or, if you want to remain friends, you need to let them know, calmly and sincerely, that what they did was beyond rude... May Allah bless you.
2007-10-23 13:23:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
but perhaps they feel that you are disrespecting their god by making salat. Perhaps you should do your salat at home in the comfort of your own home. If you came to my house I would try to make you comfortable, but you doing the salat in my home would be just as uncomfortable as a bunch of people comming to my house and drawing a witches star on my living room floor and telling me they had to make contact with the spirits. Concider this why was it necessary to make salat at your friends house. Why couldn't it wait till you got home?
2007-10-23 13:13:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
try discussing why this ritual is important to to your friend, try reason first before violence if that doesn't work than this person is not really your friend and you will be much happier with them not around.
i have a cousin who has converted to Islam i respect that when she needs to pray she needs quiet time . when she is over at my house and the time comes for her to pray i leave the room and give her privacy, this time also gives me a chance to catch up on my reading, so really while you are praying your friend should be quiet capable of finding something else to do with their time other than harassing you it's only for an hour a grown person can read or watch the TV with head phones on, it's no trouble at all.
2007-10-23 13:24:05
answer #6
answered by ilona c 5
A sensible person would not pray in the middle of the living room.
They would ask for a room to be left alone in.
Also, what kind of a friend does that kind of treatment to anyone?
He/she is not a friend.
To make fun of someone and bother them for their faith is a most disturbing and rude thing to do.
If anyone I know treated me as such, I would leave their house and make it a point never to go there. I would cut all my relations with them until they apologized for their rude behaviour.
2007-10-23 13:17:49
answer #7
answered by Antares 6
Anger leads from the devil. The best alternative is to make the punishment fit the crime. Going over the top will make your friends categorize you with the terrorists. Extreme mentality is criminal, in spite of what laws are put forth for you.
2007-10-23 13:16:48
answer #8
answered by Sidereal Hand 5
I'd say don't be friends with them any more if you can't work out a compromise. Remember you are at his house not your own if some one TOLD me what to do in my own home I would tell them piss off. But if some on ASKED me then I would probably say no problem. Also teaching people lessons is for school teachers not religious wackos.
2007-10-23 13:13:18
answer #9
answered by deztructshun 3
If they were a friend, I would explain how serious my faith was and that if they continue to interfere, we may have to stop being friends. If they were my friend, they would understand and stop their tomfoolery.
If not, then they are not truly your friend, and stop hanging out with them. Making their life a living hell will only dishonor you in Allah's eyes. Surely, he has a more meaningful destiny for you.
2007-10-23 13:15:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous