To bind the strongman, your faith must be, the will of God must be, and strength ( anointing ) must be. To get these aligned, fasting is the most effective thing you can do. Remember how that Jesus said " howbeit, these come forth by nothing but prayer and fasting". To bind means to tie up, or, to make ineffectual (powerless), inoperative.
When I cast out devils, the first thing I do is FAST. Next, proclaim the Word concerning the situation.
Next, remember the Power given to the saints for this. Next, give an intelligent command to the spirit: Something similar to this : I command and proclaim that in the heavens this will be so......You will no more be active in (such and such). Cease from all interaction in this persons life ( or, town, or city, or state, or country, or church ).
Remember we are seated WITH Jesus in Power , and what we proclaim must align with the will of the Father. If someone gets spiritual relief, and the teaching isn't there for them to receive, the end result could be worse than the beginning.
Also , we are to go on search and destroy missions !
The Word says to search out evil, till there be no more !
2007-10-22 06:04:08
answer #1
answered by Eagle Feather 3
I LOVE your new picture.
It goes GREAT with your question also.
I have "bound the Strong Man" in an area of my life!
It was when I was remaining single too long
(at the age of 29)!
This warfare actually brought back a long lost
love I still thought about!
I was for three days doing prayer battle
and for those three days it was literally raining
very hard until the third day the sun came out
and my long lost love returned (via sending me
an email - he lived in a different state then)
and we got married a year later!
We were separated for 6 years!
I was simply given a lot of confidence and
sincerity in my prayer and I prayed everything
the Holy Spirit told me to pray in standing
against the enemy. I was given very specific
things to say and scriptures. It was powerful.
What brought me to that point was a longer story
(six years) but it was like a strand of clues or
puzzel pieces to fit together along the way.
It was perfect!
2007-10-22 03:25:10
answer #2
answered by Nickel-for-your-thoughts 5
Initially I was going to say something bold and full of "Wisdom", then I had a change of mind.
I believe the best way to bind a strong man, is with 'cheese', lots and lots of 'cheese'!
*footnote - Humans must carry two items with them throughout life. A shield and a sword. Mans shield is "Faith", and mans sword is "Wisdom. These two if combined is far beyond the abilities for the strongest of men to defend against.
Anbu (Much Love).
2007-10-21 10:58:48
answer #3
answered by WillRogerswannabe 7
calm down. stop fearing him. it's difficult, but can be done, and fear feeds him. go to the room where you've been attacked most frequently and pray in calm confidence, but pay close attention to what you're saying and really focus on your words. command him to leave in Jesus' name, showing absolutely no emotion whatsoever. continue to do so until he's gone. if it doesn't work that way, get out of that area for a while, find someone you know and trust- preferrably someone who's been through this stuff before- and go back as a team, fasting and praying. once you've gotten rid of him, DO NOT FEAR again. ever. it takes self control, but you can do it.
2007-10-21 11:37:43
answer #4
answered by That Guy Drew 6
the strong man is referring to Satan. and you can bind Him with your words. and the name of Jesus.
Satan I bind you in the name of Jesus, and command you to leave. in Jesus name.
2007-10-21 11:23:35
answer #5
answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7
When the Holy Spirit reveals to you what the Strong Man is in your life? You (upon making the decision that you no longer want his control over you in a certain area of your life)
come against him in the name of Jesus. Just say I bind you "such and such" in the name of Jesus. I renounce you and all your work in my life. And you have no control over me or my life in this area because i have been set free by Christ and I am choosing to walk after Christ in love. I command you to loose my free will in the name of Jesus, because you have no authority or power here over me. I renounce you and want nothing to do with you. In the name of Jesus, by the authority of the Holy spirit, you are to be bound in Jesus' name and you will not operate here. You will come under subjection to Jesus Christ....this instant.
Say that to him. It works.
If you really want to renounce the strong man and be delivered of him, repent of any sin you may have committed that may have offended the Holy Spirit, and ask God to forgive you. Tell him you no longer want to be bound in whatever particular area in your life that may be hindering you to walk freely in Him. And God will give you the grace to do so.
There may be a struggle..because they (the enemy and his kingdom) are always at war with God. But if you just confess with your mouth and speak with the authority Christ gave you over a situation. All you have to do is walk in it, and Christ will do the rest. And he'll deliver you.
Trust him.
I tell you no lie.
Be blessed!!!!!
You're free in Jesus' name!
2007-10-22 03:29:00
answer #6
answered by BLI 5
Plead the blood of Jesus, there is great power in His name.
Command the strong man of Satan in the name of JESUS to loose you, and to part from you, and to leave your home and return not.
In JESUS name I command you Satan, to loose me and part from me. In JESUS Name I command you to be gone and return to me not.
Use the authority that JESUS left us with in HIS Name.
Stand firm on the word of GOD.
After I do this, I lift my hands and I say the LORD'S prayer.
Then I sing HIM praise.
2007-10-21 23:24:28
answer #7
answered by Cheryl 5
I saw this Q and searchin thru the bible... finally asked my mom... here is the verse for yuo when u pray ...
11 Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said,
"LORD, there is no one like you to help the powerless AGAINST THE MIGHTY. Help us, O LORD our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. O LORD, you are our God; do not let man prevail against you."
God Grace!!
2007-10-21 17:49:30
answer #8
answered by Potter'sClay-Isa 64:8 6
I'm not sure what you mean, but the only story I can think of is the one of Samson & if his hair was cut then his strength was gone - that's all I know.
2007-10-21 15:10:06
answer #9
answered by tbeargin 2
if your a baptised christain you have that power. Heres a prayer that'll work.
St. Michael the archangel, defend us in battle,
be our safe gaurd against the wickedness and snares of the devil
May God rebuke him we humbly pray
and do thou Oh prince of the heavenly host , by the power of God, cast into hell, saton and all his evil spirits , who prowl throughout the world, seeking whom ever he may devour!! Amen!
2007-10-21 10:55:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous