Just out of curiosity, where do you come up with the idea that Christians don't need technology. What exactly is your point? That's like saying that all religions who believe there are great riches in Heaven should shun technology on earth - which by the way has absolutely NOTHING to do with the first part of your question in regards to the so called "self righteous morons" having to "sell" their luxuries to help others. I think if anything, you should have a self check and see who's being self righteous.
***EDIT: Also, I do not condone the actions of Westboro - it's quite disturbing.
2007-10-21 07:48:38
answer #1
answered by Lori E 4
It's been proven, by tax returns, that some of the religious leaders in this country earn a better income than an entire middle class family. We're talking 6 figures. Televangelists for instance make hundreds of thousands. They take the money tax free right off the top of your donations.
This is not new. Back in the dark ages if you didn't want to die from the plague and live in poverty you joined the church. Why? The church always had tons of money. The pope was rich and in control of all of Europe. The church has always been about power and control and greed. Most churches have lacked purity for hundreds of years, especially the catholic church. That's not to say that all ministers and priests are tainted. I'm just saying there are those who are in the public eye that act as though they are the messengers of God and they live in luxury because you give them your hard earned money. It's a scam, and a good one at that. How else could you earn a few hundred thousand dollars just by spouting something from a book once a week on TV?
The Bible didn't claim you should not spend money and get rid of your riches. It was trying to say, don't be greedy. Don't fight for power over money and be wise with what you spend your money on. Better your life with money, don't just use it to make your life easier for a short time.
2007-10-21 14:52:35
answer #2
answered by computerqfl 3
As I am what would be classed as a "backslidden Christian" I agree wholeheartedly. Some members of the Christian faith have a lot of animosity towards the gay and transgendered communities labelling them as freaks and other derogatory terms.
Even if they do feel that homosexuality is wrong (I don't, but then I don't really believe that the book that condemns it - the Bible - is really the word of God), they are clearly are not following the examples of Jesus set in the Bible (and they should follow those examples because they do believe it is the word of God). Jesus often befriended the outcasts of society, the people the religious communities generally rejected (including Mary Magdalene - a prostitute!).
Surely "showing the love of Christ" is treating people from the gay community with love and respect, regardless of whether you agree with personal lifestyle choices or not. It is not (as I saw on one documentary) standing outside a cross-dressing convention, shouting at the people going in there and calling them "freaks".
2007-10-21 14:57:13
answer #3
answered by leemcandrew 3
Jesus came so we can all have peace. He would not advocate waging war on any particular group. Jesus taught us that we are all sinners; Do not Judge and you will not be Judged.
Christians, like everyone. else enjoy clothes and computers.
What does one thing have to do with the other anyway? What does enjoying luxuries have to do with Christianity? No Christian is prohibited from having luxuries. Luxuries do not prevent Christians from entering Heaven. However, Jesus taught it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven than a poor man. This is because when material goods become more important than God, man sins. When man sins, he is Judged, and God determines whether he enters into the kingdom of Heaven or whether that man will be eternally separated from God.
I do not think that any group should be discriminated against. That is wrong and not what Jesus taught.,
2007-10-21 14:51:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't know what Westboro's problem is as there are many who say they are a follower of Jesus and are not. So I agree. Remember even Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. A good tree produces good fruit. The fruits being their actions.
You missed the whole spiritual point that Jesus was trying to make concerning the rich man. You are thinking with a carnal, fleshly mind. The point was how much does money mean to you? Even his disciples didn't sell everything they owned but used their possessions to help others. The spiritual lesson is that we must not allow out possessions or money to keep us from following Jesus. If Jesus asked you would you give up your position, your house, or level of income, your reaction may show your attitude towards money. Whether the money is your servant or your master.
2007-10-21 14:57:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Religion was meant to be a method of salvation. A way to get away from all these mundane sins that are commited everyday, and become elevated. However, the leaders of religion often abuse their power, as we have often seen in history. Westbro is a man just like any of us, and he has no secret key to salvation that we don't know of. He wages his war on gays, because that is his perspective and his own opinion. And you are totally right when you say that if they really had god on their side, all these prosaic devices and instruments would be reduced to trash beside the riches of heaven. The religion of christianity encompasses all believers, and maybe some interprete their faith in different ways.
2007-10-21 14:49:25
answer #6
answered by chessaholic 2
Well, I don't know if I'd call a computer a luxury...many people need one to do their job. ...but I just finished reading a book called The Treasure Principle this morning and I agree that far too many people who claim to be Christian aren't using God's resources wisely.
If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it...it will totally change your persepctive on the difference between needs and wants. On Monday, I'm downgrading my cable and disconnecting several other services that I don't need so I can have more money to use for what really matters...helping people!
BTW, anyone want to buy a BMW convertible? God recently convicted me that I don't need the "dream car" I bought a few years ago and I'm on my way outside to finish detailing it so I can sell it. I plan to give what's left after I pay off the loan to my church for missions and other opportunities to help people! *smile*
2007-10-21 14:53:27
answer #7
answered by KAL 7
I certainly don't agree with the "war on gays" or similar acts of intolerance attributed to the will of God, but I also don't see the connection with worldly possessions.
For one thing, who has more gold and priceless possessions than the Pope? Does anybody really question his commitment to God's word (even if his interpretation is different from yours)?
A lot of people criticize "smorgasbord Catholics" who pick and choose the parts of the faith they want to believe in, but that's exactly what religion -- the beliefs that you choose to believe in. If you want to only pay attention to the parts of the Bible that says don't lie down with other men, and ignore all parts about tolerance and living a modest lifestyle, then that's your choice.
Besides, computers are pretty much a necessary tool to survive in the world today. And didn't Jesus say something like "give to Rome what belongs to Rome, give to God what belongs to God"? He didn't say, don't possess what belongs to Rome.
2007-10-21 15:10:01
answer #8
answered by Andrew B 2
Sorry, I've tried to understand your question and failed.
Could you spell out, in simple language, just what you are asking - and why?
Who are "Westboro"?
What are you really objecting to?
What is your position on the Christian (and maybe other) faith(s)
Which luxuries will they not sell - and for what claimed reason(s)
I have no problem with homosexuals/lesbians (and a few of my friends are openly in this category) but I don't (despite trying very hard ) understand their place in your question.
I feel you may have a valid point but have no idea, from your question, what it might be.
Please try harder!!!
2007-10-21 14:55:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I agree that some people are selfish and could help more impoverished people.
I do NOT agree that I need to sell everything I won and give it to the poor.
I give thousands of dollars every year to my impoverished students. I help people in many ways.
I think God is happy that I do what I do, and I think I deserve to keep my computer and to live in a nice house.
I don't spend tons of money on clothes or luxuries.
You sound pretty self-righteous yourself, friend.
2007-10-21 14:47:40
answer #10
answered by batgirl2good 7