Call girls have sex with the men they go out with.
Why would a man pay a lot of money for the company of a lovely woman? He expects to have sex with her, that's why.
An "escort service" is a legal company that accepts money from people (men) who want a "date" for the evening. The women who go out on these dates are call girls. Legally the escort service claims that there is no sex going on (otherwise they would be in violation of vice laws and would be shut down and fined). But the truth of the matter is.........a call girl is a prostitute. Plain and simple. The difference between a call girl and a street hooker is just one thing.....the telephone.
2007-10-21 02:58:31
answer #1
answered by artistagent116 7
You're boyfriend is right. A call girl is just a nice way to say hoe. Do you really think a guy is going to give you money just to talk???? Darling, if they only wanted to hear a woman's voice they could watch television or listen to the radio.
2007-10-21 02:56:09
answer #2
answered by Mari76 6
You have a b/f and your thinking of becoming a CALL GIRL and all he has to say about it is that would be a hoe? He would let you?!? Yes, they make good money but it's not wise to do that for all the reasons you already know!
2007-10-21 02:51:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Oooooooo Cindy.........Wow.......this is a shouldn't risk your boyfriend for money. I mean, you can get more than 500 other jobs, and make quick money!! For instance, I have a part-time job on the internet doing surveys, and answering questions. People say that doing this is a scam, but it's not!!!! I actually get paid!!! So you see, there are other things to do besides being a call girl....don't risk you boyfriend for money.....that's the most sound advice I have.
I hope this helps!!!
SK8R Dude
2007-10-21 02:53:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
actually a call girl is a cleaner and fancier prostitute. but none the less is still a prostitute. remember call girls have sex with their clients. are u willing to have sex with total strangers for money? also are u even good looking?
2007-10-21 02:56:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Why? Do you think you will be in full control of your date? Do you think they are stupid? harmless? Remember, they will pay you...don't you think they should be in control. Customer is always right, isnt it?
Think about it countless times...before putting yourself at risk. Easy money, maybe...but at the price of your it worth it?
2007-10-21 03:54:35
answer #6
answered by Reign 2
If you love and respect yourself you will not yea they make a lot of money but people don't respect them and tread them like....
2007-10-21 03:35:50
answer #7
answered by CP 6
No way that's not the kind of life you want. Stay with your bf
make love to him only.
2007-10-21 03:01:18
answer #8
answered by tony s 5
You are so astonishingly niave.
2007-10-21 02:50:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
you must have to much time on your hands
2007-10-21 02:52:42
answer #10
answered by willywonker 3