Nothing........Satan is the "god of this age" who has deceived the the whole world. Sexual abuse everywhere will continue until the return of Jesus Christ. Satan has effectively deceived humanity throughout history by influencing human beings to cut themselves off from God's guidance. He leads us to want to do things our own way, to rely on ourselves rather than God as the ultimate authority.
Paul describes the results of rejecting God: ". . . Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.
"They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them" (Romans 1:28-32, NIV).
Paul's words ring as true in our day as ever before. Our news and entertainment media praise and condone degenerate, sinful lifestyles and practices while condemning people who support biblical standards as narrow-minded bigots out to impose their biases on others. Such twisted values are the inevitable result of a mind-set that rejects the knowledge and commandments of God.
2007-10-20 20:06:08
answer #1
answered by TIAT 6
I think the children have to be educated in how to stop this. I remember a class I saw years ago (those kids are adults now), where even kindergarten kids can be taught some basic rules about what is acceptable and what is not. They learned first to scream loud "Leave me alone!" This will draw the attention of other teachers and older students, at which time they are to calmly report exactly what happened. Better to find out it was not a big deal than to find out the child was molested.
A false alarm now and again is a small price to pay. If a kid cries wolf once too often, they should be disciplined for it. But I would include the story of the little boy who cried wolf in the training program.
You don't need to tell them much about sex to know that nobody else is supposed to touch you without your permission, or without a reason YOU understand to be valid. A bit of time to give some examples of what is valid is all you need. Pulling your arm to make you hurry up when you are lagging behind, that sort of thing.
2007-10-21 03:11:22
answer #2
answered by auntb93 7
You could consider home schooling but hey I think you will find more kids are sexually abused by those close to them, uncles, parents, brothers of friends and so on.
Now maybe think a bit more before you begin targeting teachers. I have a friend who is a psychologist who assesses cases where kids may need to be taken from there parents due to all different sorts of abhorrent abuse.
It is not a perfect world but adults who have there morals in the right place may be few and far between. If only kids knew who they could trust and realise they too can make decisions. The story of priests abusing children, or castrating boys so they can sing in a choir, religion also has a fair share of abuse and corrupting of minds.
To get to recommending how to stop this despicable act is to empower kids to let them know they are in control of their life and choices they make, no longer adopt the attitude kids should be seen and not heard. I am not yet a parent but if my child told me they had been abused in any way that person would not live another day on this earth.
2007-10-21 08:17:41
answer #3
answered by Part-time Antagonist 3
the thing is stuff like that is extremely rare. even if it looks like alot from seeing reports here and there... its not that much.
yes even once is too much. but I think the way some see it is a bit melodramatic.
heres a start.
if teachers got paid a decent amount then they COULD be more picky and more careful about who they allow to preform such jobs.
how about parents paying attention, and being attentive parents?
teaching decent judgement and a reasonable degree of modesty? this doesn't even have to be religious, simply decent.
why would a single teacher have such an influence? where are the teachers? why aren't these issues being caught at other places in the chain of events?
also, if you honestly think this is something unique to the US... lol, thats even sillier.
as a "devils advocate" here, (not relevant to the above, its just a figure of speech) on the "genetic value" part... the issue at hand has nothing to do with biology or genetics. in fact in a purely genetic sense the people doing this are *too* sucessful.
in a purely biological sense(ignoring civility and social standards and morals), nothing is wrong with these things going on. I mean in a sense this is the result of sucessful genetic programming and execution of genetic imperatives. in a purely biological sense(again, ignoring all civilized human social standards) a mature male striving to reproduce with young, attractive, fertile, sexually mature(not counting emotional or psychologically mature) females, is a genetic sucess and genetically advantageous situation, if you look at it in a purely animal sense.
I *1000%* agree its horrible. people who cannot control those urges and such should not be in roles where they can have those situations. but the issue isn't a genetic one.
the only certain solution would be to only allow eunuchs in such roles. ... good luck with that!
a secondary option, would be gender segregated schools. of course this isn't certain, as you can still have homosexual situations and problems with THAT but at least it would be a little reduced.
2007-10-21 03:07:07
answer #4
answered by RW 6
Start killing the worst offenders and isolate the rest from normal people. Castrate them all - as their genes are worthless to a healthy society. Screen adults that care for children, and imprison screeners and politicians for not doing their job correctly if someone slips by their guard.
Hold people accountable for their actions is a start.
IF - medical science can repair the brain - REALLY repair it, then of course killing these monsters would not be needed, and they could possible return under heavy monitoring to a useful life. but medical science can't do this in 2007, or in 10 years from now - so killing them is only humane way.
2007-10-21 02:56:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There is not a trend among teachers to corrupt young children. There are a very small percentage of teachers who are pedophiles. Schools should be very careful in screening their teachers. And Punishment should be swift and harsh when pedophiles are found to be teachers. But pedophiles are found in all walks of life. The vast majority of teachers are hard working dedicated professionals.
2007-10-21 02:46:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I don't know, but I saw some of the mugshots of these types of people on
Only one case was between two legal adults.
She was 22 and the student was19 and was busted on a technicality.
Because students weren't allowed to mingle with the staff until graduation, she lost her job over it.
The rest of them were in their twenties to mid thirties being convicted of corrupting minors mostly 16 and below.
Most of them are not very good looking either. Or sane.
2007-10-21 03:04:58
answer #7
answered by 3
Okay, I think the rapture may come now, David T said something and I agree with it. Surely this is a sign of the Apocalypse. Shall I start repenting now?
Oh I guess I had better answer the question so some troll doesn't report me for not answering the question, I don't have a good answer for you.
2007-10-21 02:45:28
answer #8
answered by Gawdless Heathen 6
you know i was thinking about this too...
and i keep thinking about a few different things...
one, i think morality is something that should be taught... i mean we educate ourselves in every subject.... why not subjects of our emotions?
two, back round checks... teachers need to have extensive back round checks.
three, i think there should be teachers aids in every classroom.. so there are at least two adults which could report one if the other is acting suspicious...
four, time with students after school should NOT happen without parent consent.. and without another person present.
i also agree with an above answer... put cameras in the classrooms.
2007-10-21 02:38:14
answer #9
answered by Loathing 6
I agree with David T and Tuberoot! In addition, anyone who sexually abuses a child should NEVER be let out to walk the streets again! No matter what gender they are!
2007-10-21 03:48:06
answer #10
answered by Marie 7