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what is the best way to break while playing yahoo pool?

2007-10-20 18:29:23 · 6 answers · asked by White 5 in Sports Snooker & Pool

6 answers

move cue to bottom right corner behind the break line... then put full back english...then if u hit the middle of 2nd last ball and 3rd last ball on the bottom right corner of rack (the corner near bot right hole) u can hit up to 6 balls in at one time...i did it...and u also scatter balls a lot...this break is awesome...but if u want a break so that u pot at least 1 ball in so that u can run...then use this one.....put cue top right of area behind line...then full top english and aim between 1st and 2nd balls on top side of rack from left....hit wit full power and if done right, ur cue will go through the rack and pot 98% of 1 ball....83% 2 balls

hope it works and good luck :)

2007-10-22 00:10:25 · answer #1 · answered by n0thsa . 1 · 1 1

i think of they ask want for velocity questions in NASCAR catagory .for an prolonged time i presumed somebody with a working laptop or workstation grew to become into clever ,Now 0.5 cant even study.For alot of them i think of video games is the only interest they are in a position to play .They cant play a actual one yet your precise somebody has requested why use chalk a minimum of 10 cases The FN swimming pool questions are those that relatively chew my as- and people will nonetheless answer them I requested why I have been given a great for Peeing interior the pool and have been given a contravention from it Becaues I advised them each and every person does it Then they stated Yeah yet no longer from the diving board

2016-10-07 07:52:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hit it at the side. In between the ball in the middle and the 2nd to the last ball. If you hit this right, you could sink 2 balls.

2007-10-20 18:36:53 · answer #3 · answered by nittin 1 · 1 2

hit in the middle facing toward the 8 ball the balls will scatter everytime.

2007-10-21 15:08:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Take your laptop to the poolroom and ask them-no-Then why do you ask here Try the games catagory it is about games this is real pool

2007-10-20 19:31:55 · answer #5 · answered by havenjohnny 6 · 1 3

hmm.I want to know that to...:-?

2007-10-20 22:12:58 · answer #6 · answered by d 1 · 1 4