I have actually experienced this phenomena known as astral projection; indeed, it is mysterious. While I do not think it necessarily has to happen while in a fully conscious state, I will testify that I was, in fact, fully conscious at the time of this projection (this being the difference between an astral projection and an out of body experience where the body is unaware of it's surroundings). Astral projection is simply put, being consciously aware of your physical surroundings while also having an awareness, or partial awareness of a spirit surrounding. By the way, I want to make it clear, I was not on any drugs at the time, nor had I taken any drugs prior, had a history of drug abuse, nor have am I mentally ill or have any physical brain abnormalities. In essence, either your soul is in two places at once or the animal (human body) is aware while the soul is out. In this state, time and space are not as relevant as they are in the linearity of time we experience as humans. The body exists in 3 dimensions, up, down, left and right. The soul can essential be in more than one place in different times. Time and space truly are relative. It is a difficult concept to grasp, but this is my understanding while in this state. It was an interesting experience (a little frightening too). I have had some close calls where I almost "flew out."
With respect to how it works:
I won't speak for everyone but when it happened for me, my body was paralyzed (it is my understanding, the body paralyzes itself prior to sleep to prevent sleep walking). In my state, I was in essence, just very comfortable which was enough to trigger this physical state while my brain was active. Being ever relaxed, laying flat on my back, I eventually felt a strange sensation, a vibrating energy if you will...it had a loud buzzing noise (in my close calls, similar noises and vibrations could be experienced). Eventually, what happens once this energy reaches a certain "state," it is actually able to transcend what I would think is 3 dimensional energy and allow the soul, or a 4 dimensional energy to break lose. In this state, my body sort of jolted and I felt this intense "thing" fly out of me. When this happened, it was indeed quite interesting because it was like having 4 sets of eyes...the soul's eyes and my own physical eyes. Sight is relative too, there is no limit I believe to how much you can see in a split incarnation of self I believe. While I did not have a shared awareness of what my "soul" was thinking or doing, I "felt" its actions and "felt" where it went. There was nothing rational about it. Only the animal brain had some sense of rationality by which to try and comprehend this strange occurance. I had traveled at an emense speed, at some point, it seemed like I "transported." 3d energy and matter meant very little to my soul, you can in fact, "fly through" such forms of matter quite easily. As to the rest of what happened, I do not think it is so much relevant, so much so as the fact, I did experience this. I'm sure I'll have a lot of nay-sayers arguing it was my "imagination" or it was a "lucid dream." Well, I cannot prove to you what I experienced, but I know I did. Regardless of the understanding of this phenomena-scientifically speaking, the fact is, it was an "experience" and it was quite similar with respects to other astral projection experiences I have read of.
My advice, if you want to try to astral project, the best method I have found is lay flat on your back, arms at your side. Be comfortable, don't move. Stay awake but allow your body to get into that paralytic state (don't worry, you can break out of it if you want at will with a little effort, you aren't "trapped" in a paralytic state while conscious). You will eventually feel the sensations I described, you may feel something else, I do not know. Your heart may begin to beat faster (this is ok, but if it makes you too uncomfortable, know that you can stop the process at anytime). Eventually, as I said, you should reach that state where you will "feel" this essence "fly or push out of your body." Enjoy the ride.
As for the skeptics, call it what you will, even a manifestation of brain chemistry, but don't deny the phenomena unless you actually "try it." Who cares what it is, it's pretty fun to say the least. Give it a shot and let me know if you succeed.
2007-10-20 16:33:53
answer #1
answered by Joe F 2
I believe it is possible to have that experience, and that the experience itself has value. I, myself, have had these types of experiences through Lucid Dreaming. The theory behind it is that one's consciousness can be separated from one's physical body, and move about and perceive the world independent of the body. I do not know if this is what is actually happening, or if it is "just a dream." For me, it is enough to know that the experience is possible. How that experience is interpreted or defined is irrelevant.
2007-10-21 03:48:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous