Usually you are provided with a list of organizations needing help, and you have a choice. You can then call and make arrangements, etc.
It can be helping to clean up a baseball park, planting a few shrubs, reading to some old people, etc. It varies a lot.
Whoever is wanting the community service will set the hours, but it is up to you how long you stay, etc. Usually it is 2-3 hours here and there, and you choose when to work.
You live at home, and will dress according to what job you are going to be doing. Yes, your own clothing.
Usually the people needing your help, are very nice, friendly, and appreciate you. And if you work real hard some will give you a few extra "bonus" hours.
2007-10-20 11:06:23
answer #1
answered by madcat 5
A lot of that is totally up to you.
You pick the hours, and put in time with any non-profit agency, or other agency recognized by the court. They should give you a list of eligible agencies. You can pick off the list where you would like to work.
You do the work, have a supervisor sign how many hours you put in, and turn it over to the court. The court will probably give you a deadlline to complete your hours by.
It has nothing to do with jail, you can stay at home, unless you are in jail on another charge.
Around here, there is a Goodwill and a St. Vincent De Paul store where people usually go. They work in a retail like setting. Some work at the county library.
We have one guy who got a drunk driving with injury, he comes into court and does a community talk to the other persons charged with drunk driving. He talks about how he messed up his life, and how he took someone else's life away.
2007-10-20 10:59:54
answer #2
answered by trooper3316 7
My stepson worked in a park, pulling weeds and at the county dump sweeping roadways. He worked every Saturday for 8 weeks at 4 hours per day to complete his service. Wore his own clothes, stayed at home and went to school during the week.
2007-10-20 13:27:15
answer #3
answered by sensible_man 7
I was given 20 hours of community service around Sept. 11th 2001 tragedy time period. It was raining the first day but I still had to go out in the rain without a rain jacket. It was at a cemetery, I thought they had ways to dig graves with machines. But I found myself digging a three foot grave to bury an urn while a daughter cried over her mothers death.
The next few days had me picking weeds, and busting tomb stones in half with a sledge hammer. This old man made a homosexual pass at me. I threatened his life, and he stayed away from me. He didn't show up the remainder of the week I worked at the cemetery.
I hope this sounds fun, enjoy your community service!
2007-10-20 12:11:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It depends on what you were convicted of and where you are.
In some areas community service is picking up trash from the side of the road.
In others it is feeding the homeless, or cleaning up a park.
If you contact the court administrator or the the community service administrator, they can tell you what is available. And yes, you wear your own clothes.
2007-10-20 12:03:41
answer #5
answered by CGIV76 7
don't let the People who answered above fool you,.....they will work you like a slave,.....and if you don't work hard enough they will whip you,.....and there is no one to complain to,.....after all who is going to believe you, are a criminal,.....and do they work you more then 8 hours a day,.....Hell, after 8 hours you are just getting started, the truth, it is not so bad,.....just do it and get it over with,.....
2007-10-20 11:41:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous