They should, since they claim the holy spirit is what makes them understand. Funny how they all understand differently.
2007-10-19 17:06:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You have that in all walks of life. Every body is an individual, and as such, we all have our own minds that lead us in different directions. But the one thing that most belivers believe in, is God. It is after that, where the differences in religions come in. Some don't want to believe in hell, so they say there isn't one. And some don't want to believe in the rapture, so to them that is not what Revelations means. But the main theme is apparent in most religions, and that is as I said , that there is a God.
2007-10-19 17:20:49
answer #2
answered by jenx 6
Man corrupts. Not man literally, but we as humans. WE add things and follow traditions, rather than just READ the BIBLE. Religion is such a turn off because you are right we ought to believe the same thing but we have too much PRIDE, a detestable thing God hates.
2007-10-19 17:07:29
answer #3
answered by Mrs. D 1
We have disagreements just like everybody else. Some believe in being "tolerant" and some don't believe in compromising the Word of God. Some believe God's word changes with time. Others believe God never changes. He is the same today as He was yesterday, and will be tomorrow. Some like things sugar coated, and their ears "tickled" others don't believe in dilluting God's Holy Word. Some think they should add to God's word, some think God's word is sufficient for them. Etc., etc., etc.
2007-10-19 17:17:12
answer #4
answered by byHisgrace 7
1) Because we tend to believe in ourselves.
2) Yes. I believe that God did everything for me...and I mean everything. I can add nothing to His work. Grace is free. I don't understand this and it strains against every fiber of my existence and my personal observations and feelings about just about everything...but I believe it and can't get away from it.. God did this to me. There is no way an agnostic philosopher like me could end up in this mess. God adopted me in a weak moment and now I am stuck with a Good Father who will not leave me alone...not for one moment.
All glory to our Lord, Jesus the Redeemer of my soul.
2007-10-19 17:14:02
answer #5
answered by harry killwater 4
We all don't believe the same thing because Satan has gotten into most religions and twisted the truth of the bible. Also pagan practices have gotten in there as well.
I know God is not a trinity. That word isn't even in the bible. It's a pagan belief. I believe the bible. We all sin and If I work hard to do what God wants me to do I will live forever on a Paradise earth with other humble righteous people of all colors and backgrounds.
2007-10-19 17:12:01
answer #6
answered by bongobeat25 5
None of us can comprehend the awesome nature of God. We all see him from our perspective. One of my wise students told me that "religion is where spirituality and culture collide."
Each mans religion is a result of his perspective of his God seen through his culture. Generally you are Christian because your parents are. Jews are Jews because their parents are. Muslims are born Muslim. There are exceptions but not generally.
How many times have you read scripture and learned something and then the next time you read it you learn something else. Keep reading it as you grow and deeper and deeper revelations will continue to come. The problem then comes when we hold that our first basic understanding is absolute and complete then we close the door on all the deeper meanings.
God is infinite. When we hold what we know as being finite and full, we lose sight of the infinite. We lose sight of God.
Thus the one who says he knows, does not know. The one who says he does not know, knows.
I am a believer because believing is what creates my reality.
If you believe in love, love all.
If you do not wish to be judged, do not judge. Not any Jew, not any Muslim, not any Christian, Not any race, not any culture, not anyone.
If you belive in the Teaching / Love of Christ, befriend a Muslim or a Jew. Do good for them. Really get to know them and be a friend.
If you seek God consciousness and are attained to faith, befriend a Christian or Jew.
If someone hurts you or is your apparent enemy, Do something nice for them. Do not speak evil of them.
Find the lights of God within to Ignite the fires of compassion, and love.
We all hold on to some icon, image, ritual or dogma that may be different from other faiths but all these things I have just mentioned come from The Torah, The Gospels and the Quran. These concepts exist in all three. We all should be able to agree on these things.
It is time to focus on the core teachings of our Holy books and live them.
The entire teachings hangs on these two. The first. Love your God with all your heart and all your soul. The second is just like the first. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. (EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST COMMENTARY!)
Your neighbor is everyone you see. When you love your neighbor you love your God as he is Omnipresent. He is your entire experence, thus he is in every thing you see. He is in every person and every person lives in him.
"I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together. See how they run like pigs from a gun. I'm Crying" (John Lennon)
Blessings and peace to all,
All in all,
2007-10-19 18:16:29
answer #7
answered by An Nony Mous 4
Glad you asked - can you handle the truth?
Our Messiah said there was only one way - one path ... one doctrine, one law for the home born and one law for the sojourner ...
So - if you beleive the Messiah and can understand his language - you should see very clearly that there is not two different paths - not two different doctorines, a different law for the home born and a different one for the sojourner or stranger ... ONLY ONE.
The Messiah and the Disciples ARE ONE ... and the Messiah is ONE WITH YAHWEH (our creator's true name).
Satan has a church set up on every corner (see Revelation 12:9 for clairity), each preaching a different doctorine because there is not light = truth ... in them.
See, if there are 3 churches all preaching their crappolla and filling the ears of those whom pull out their wallets ... and EACH ONE TEACHES A DIFFERENT DOCTORINE - or way of life ... any kindergardner can see that THEY ALL CANNOT BE RIGHT ...
And anyone who knows the truth and can read Isaiah 8:16 and 20 - can clearly see THAT THEY CAN ALL BE WRONG ...
The true faith was all killed off by the year 325 A.D. ... none was left alive that was a true believer - they were either killed off ... or what was more fun to the pagans - the heathen ... was to allow one who once claimed they believed - to eat a piece of pork.
If the alleged believer ate it ... actually placed the abominable thing in their mouths ... chewed that crappola and swallowed it .. they were allowed to live and trusted in the community as a chief sinner with them.
I Yahchanan (I John) 3:4 tells you what sin is ... if any church practices or teaches it is alright to sin ... you should run out of there and don't bother closing the door.
Granted - you will not find any church that does not teach sin ... most churches even have ham dinners to raise money and call the whole congregation together to participate in a sin that actually defiles the body. Did you know that you cannot get cancer unless you eat one or more of the unclean foods that are prohibited in your scriptures ... and your loving preachers are telling you it's alright to eat these things our Creator said - even the Disciples said that if you EVEN TOUCH the unclean thing - you will not be accepted.
Sure - not many Christians have ever seen this before ... so - blow the dust off your bible and read the following - then check it out in your very own bible to see if it is not in there - in black and white:
2Cor 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
2Cor 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you,
Now you did read that for yourself - did you not?: AND TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING; AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU, ...
with that in mind - if our Creator could even look at you (he cannot as your sins turn his face from you - see Isaiah 59:1-3 if you don't believe it) - could you imagine Yahweh's face if he saw you stick a clam, shrimp, catfish nugget, crab, pork chop, rabbit, squirrel and/or etc. in your mouth???
Yahweh would be looking at you do this - like you would look at your child (if you have one) chewing on a dried out dead mouse that was killed by rat poison ...
Now - you must realize as well - Messiah did not come with the so called New Testiment tucked under his arm ... pulling it out every now and then and saying; "hey ... lookie here ... I got to go turn some water into wine today ... and next week I got to go walk on water and call out Kepha (Peter) so he can do the same and sink ... cool" ...
No - these words were written LONG after his death. If the Messiah had done away with the law ... would not the Disciples told you straight out that he did? If so - why would the Disciples be keeping the Sabbath Holy - a law that was supposed to have been done away with???
Look at it for yourself - the same guys who walked with our Messiah and they kept practicing to do the same things the Messiah taught them ... for example - KEEPING THE LAW 100% ... and said if you even touch the unclean thing - you will not be accepted ... they tell us that because of UNBELIEF the Christians will not keep the 7th day Sabbath - BECAUSE THEY DON'T BELIEVE ...
Yes indeed - in Hebrew 4 it says just that - read it for your self:
Hbr 4:9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of Yahweh.
(also known as the Sabbath day of Rest - the 7th day of the week - Friday at Sundown until Saturday at Sundown)
Hbr 4:4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh [day] on this wise, And Yahweh did rest the seventh day from all his works.
Hbr 4:6 Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:
Well - I hope I answered your question why there is no truth out there in the churches ... nobody out there wants to be bound by the truth ... who wants to stop fornicating, adultery ... lusting over another man's wife or daughter ... even their sons???
Just whom wants to leave all that stuff though their private parts are about to fall off from the diseases they give freely to one another ... WITH NO CURES ...
What will this all lead to? Read Isaiah 24:1-6 and you will see it in a nutshell - read Deuteronomy chapter 28 - the whole chapter tells you more graphically what all these churches teaching lies is going to bring ...
There is only ONE Place that teaches the truth and only ONE Place where there is any teachers to do just that as well ...
2007-10-19 18:06:13
answer #8
answered by aintmyfault 3
It's based on "faith," meaning it's what they want to believe. Human desires vary from group to group. There is no way to whittle fact from fiction --- except with the scientific method. Not that most people like the idea.
"Faith is what you know ain't so" -- Mark Twain
I only really take issue with the fundamentalists -- the religious fanatics who are so closeted by their belief system that they seek to overturn the principles of secular governance, bash what is empirically discovered (evolution, age of earth and universe, big bang, stem cells) or to restrict the rights of people who don't adhere to that belief system . The religious right is a frightening, oppressive force.
2007-10-19 17:13:20
answer #9
answered by Dalarus 7
I'm in a Christian family but indivually I chooses to believe in certain things from various religions. I don't think there is one correct religion or way to believe. The main point is believing first of all, and after, you just choose how!
2007-10-19 17:07:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Jesus prayed to the Father about that in John 17. And it will come to pass when Jesus returns.
Can you imagine someone being a Muslim after they see what happens when Jesus comes back? Or a Hindu? Buddhist?
He will cause everyone to shut up about those other things. People like me will be praising Him. We knew it all along.
2007-10-19 17:11:47
answer #11
answered by Christian Sinner 7