Im 14, and have one tattoo across my back, of my last name. its not too bad, just dont tens up and you ought to be fine
2007-10-18 14:29:04
answer #1
answered by michael c 3
Yes it's going to hurt. It depends on how close to the bone the location where you get it is. I got one when I was 25 & now 13 years later, I wish I had never got it! Take it from someone who knows, not all tattoos look good after having a baby (something you may not think of when you get the tattoo) and they are extremely expensive to have removed. It's a very permanent thing! The pain is tolerable - FYI. Good luck.
2007-10-18 20:33:21
answer #2
answered by April 1
If you just relax before you go in and stay calm while they are doing it that helps. Go to the shop and meet the person that is going to do it I have 5 tattoos and none of them hurt. I don't know anyone that has had pain from one unless it was the face or head. If you talk to someone or find something to look at while you are getting it, it will keep your mind off of it too.
2007-10-19 00:53:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
hi tyra, 17 yrs old. Um, yeah tattoos will probably hurt you. I don't remember mine hurting, but they will probably hurt for you, especially getting the wonderful sexy tramp stamp.
Give it a few years. grow up a little bit. then get a tattoo. and don't take advice from friends who don't have tattoos.
or maybe read the other 10,000 questions that ask if tattoos hurt. you'll get plenty of answers that way.
2007-10-18 23:11:45
answer #4
answered by frogfairy 5
I was a 19 year old sailor when I got tattoos. One on each upper arm. I am now 72 and wish that I had not been so dumb!
You might think it's cool now, but how will you feel about your tattoo when you are a mother or grandmother? Please think about the future and if you will still be happy about your tattoo? Believe me, you will eventually be sorry.
2007-10-18 20:28:19
answer #5
answered by betty48c 1
If you're afraid of the pain, wait till you're 18, so you're legal age (then you'll be 100% sure of what you want) but it depends on the person & where you get it. (my 1st 2 tattoos were free, I had them done on both fore-arms cause I was anxious, (big mistake) by a lousy tattooist out of his house who probably was practicing his work, I've had one covered, & still have to do the same to the other. -but good luck.
2007-10-18 22:19:20
answer #6
answered by strange-artist 7
it does dpend on the person but for me it just felt like something was pushing agaisnt your skin, the best thing to do is talk to the artist or someone it makes it go easier because your mind is focused on the conversation. believe me i was scared my first time too but once you start the tatoo you get use to the slight discomfort very quickly. also in the end it is worth it and you can say your tuough lol.
2007-10-18 20:30:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Dont get worried before you go in then it will hurt. It does hurt but usually only for the first few minutes. The wrist isnt a painfull spot.
2007-10-18 20:26:13
answer #8
answered by Mike S 1
I am 13 years old. I have never had a tattoo either (obviosly) but I would have to say that it will probrably hurt a little bit like a little sting because thats what my mom says. Only because they are sticking a needle in you so it will probrably sting a little but not like an 'omg! im gonna die' kinda pain.
2007-10-18 20:29:40
answer #9
answered by Shelbee Lyn 1
yes it will hurt, but how much it hurts depends on what your pain tolerance is and how good your artist is. I think that you should just do it. all of my tattoos hurt but I love them.
2007-10-18 20:51:14
answer #10
answered by OldSchoolLove 3