We pray directly to God the Father, in the name of Jesus. We don't have statues or Saints that we pray too.
We confess our sins directly to Jesus as He is our High Priest.
The only Purgatory that I know of is the ski resort in South West Colorado. (However, recently I heard that the Pope claimed there is no purgatory.)
Our services are held in our native tongue (mass is held in Latin.)
Hope that helps.
2007-10-17 14:20:48
answer #1
answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6
Catholics believe that "the church" is an organization. Protestants believe that "the church" refers to all believers.
Catholics believe that the bread and wine literally becomes the body and blood of Jesus when it's consecrated by a priest (a view called transubstantiation), and they worship it. They believe the mass is a perpetual sacrifice.
Protestants believe that Jesus may be present in the bread and wine (a view called consubstantiation), or they just believe the bread and wine are a symbolic representation of Christ's sacrifice. They believe Christ was sacrificed on the cross once and for all, not to be repeated.
Catholics believe in the infallibility of the teaching magisterium of the church.
Protestants believe infallibility belongs to the Bible alone.
Catholics believe that Tradition has equal authority with the Bible.
Protestants believe the Bible is the sole infallible rule of faith.
Catholics believe that humans can act as mediators between God and man, so priest can absolve sins.
Protestants believe that Jesus is the only mediator between men and God and that only God can forgive sins.
Catholics believe Mary was without original sin from the time Jesus was concieved, and that she was a perpetual virgin.
Protestants believe Mary needed salvation as much as anybody else and was not without original sins. They don't believe she remained a virgin after Jesus was born, but that Jesus even had brothers and sisters born of Mary.
There are many others.
2007-10-17 14:22:18
answer #2
answered by Jonathan 7
It is, for the most part, a rather small difference. Both believe in Jesus as the Saviour of the World, and the Holy Spirit as the interceder on earth.
The biggest difference is in the ten commandments. The catholics took out idolatry and split another one in half.
The other big difference is the protestant belief in salvation through faith alone, and not good works or charity.
2007-10-17 14:18:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Protestant- someone who does not recognize the funny , clown-suited fat-guy called the "pope" as anything spiritual or representing God. And to the person up ahead of me who said protestants don't believe in the Trinity; more catholic "doctrine"? Isn't that kind of claim that got them in trouble in the first place?
2007-10-17 14:24:32
answer #4
answered by Wired 5
protestants DO believe in the holy trinity
catholics believe that they can work their way to heaven - prot. believe salvation is a gift from God and they are saved through his grace and mercy.
catholics believe the priest can magicallly change the lord's supper from bread and wine to christ's ACTUAL flesh and blood, which they eat. they put his "body" into a big gold star and bow down to it, thinking that it is really Christ. Protestants think the lord's supper is symbolic - we eat crackers and juice/wine in remembrance of what he did on the cross.
catholics think that their priests and pope are christ on earth - they stand as christ. protestants don't.
catholics believe that mary was sinless and is still a virgin. protestants believe she was a godly woman, but she was still a sinner and needed a savior, as she states herself in the bible. protestants believe that she was a virgin when she gave birth to jesus, but later on had sons, which the bible refers to (his brothers).
The Catholic Church declares that both “Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, Para. 82) We, protestants, believe that the Bible is God's word and we do not practice man-made traditions and hold them as equal to the Bible.
Catholics think their church is the first church. We believe that the first church was the first body of believers who were saved by God's grace and today the church is the same - it's the body of believers who are saved the grace and mercy of Jesus.
Catholics bow down and pray to dead saints statues/pictures. protestants do not pray to the dead, nor do we bow down to anyone except God.
Baptism - catholics believe in infant baptism. protestants believe that after a person accepts christ as their savior, they should be baptized as an outward sign of what god did on the inside.
There are HUGE differences.
2007-10-17 14:27:27
answer #5
answered by Suzi♥Squirrel 4
All denominationsl christian differences can be distilled into 3 things.
1. the nature of salvation. (how are we saved and how do we know we maintain that salvation, decision or works based faith vs. predestination)
2. The purpose and nature of baptism,
(infant baptism, adult baptism )
3. The nature and purpose of communion.
(is it REALLY the body and blood of Christ or is it just a symbol)
These 3 things form the basis of most denominational differences.
For info on what I believe and why I believe it you might check out
Good Luck and God Bless
2007-10-17 14:20:25
answer #6
answered by Old Wise One 3
Protestants worship Jesus as the Son of God.
Catholics worship the Mother Mary as mother of our Lord.
This is easily seen and studied in statuary.
That is what the whole thing boils down to.
2007-10-17 14:19:47
answer #7
answered by ninety9point8 4
catholics worship mary- and have lots of trinkets. they are liberal in some areas, but protestants usually speak against drinking, smoking and stuff liek that.
2007-10-17 14:18:08
answer #8
answered by trooper753 5
Catholics believe in the holy trinity - God, Son, Spirit.
Protestants believe God alone is the diety.
Protestants do not recognize the pope as a religious figure.
2007-10-17 14:17:56
answer #9
answered by staggerlee337 5
protestants dont make pics of jesus
2007-10-17 14:16:52
answer #10
answered by Yasir Ali 3