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I am a 16 yaer old kid, so don't suggest stuff that cost over $150.
I already know the basic programming language, so i would prefer a basic stamp controller. But i also need a dev board which is the most expensive, i checked ebday, but the only good ones are expenisve (100 and up), and cost is a MAJOR problem. I am going to make my first robot, but i am planning to go into contests for robots to win more $$$, so i would prefer that i could switch th ic to a better faster stamp later on when i have more money. My first one is gonna be a line follower, then im gonna modify it to "visualize" and make paths to another place (i know this involves complex coding). So any ideas?

2007-10-17 11:18:51 · 2 answers · asked by hak8or 3 in Science & Mathematics Engineering

2 answers

Yes, the "professional" development board costs $150.--. But do you really need THAT? Isn't the "Board for Education" at $65.-- good enough?
See http://www.hvwtech.com/products_list.asp?CatID=90&SubCatID=93&SubSubCatID=139

On the other hand, I have used "PICAXE" (instead of Basic Stamp), and for US$25.-- (converted) + (reasonable and fast) shipping you get a decent starter kit with software and cable and all.... http://www.rev-ed.co.uk/picaxe/

2007-10-17 12:18:00 · answer #1 · answered by Marianna 6 · 0 0

i have to agree with marianna. Pic Axe is the way to go to save money when your project needs are not too critical. if you look at the projects page on my site 'bulldog1' use a pic axe 28x1 ($7).
programming them is done in basic, almost the same as pbasic.
you can 'create' your own dev board with a breadboard (less than $10) and a few resistors, and the sensors/ devices you want to drive. your project would end up looking like my project Ray1. Ray1 would cost $40~50.
feel free to email for more help.

2007-10-17 13:11:44 · answer #2 · answered by Piglet O 6 · 0 0

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