"Dear Guest,
I am writing this brief note with genuine concern from the bottom of my heart, led by the Holy Spirit...to let you know that Jesus is waiting ever readily to redeem you from your world full of sin & embrace you into his everlasting arms. The Lord is keen on your soul, which abides within you.
Your soul does not belong to you. It belongs to the Lord Jesus, it has been purchased at a price, the price that Jesus paid for it was his own life on that cross of Calvary. He died a cruel death for your redemption. The truth is, until your soul unites with Jesus, it will be under constant torment... grieving within you, like a man locked up in a prison cell, without hope for his many tomorrows.
Today, are you that person who is sad, lonely, sick, addicted, depressed and without hope?
You also would have heard many sermons and promises from people who are keen on your substance, and still you couldn't find that peace that you are searching all this while..... But I am about to tell you something that is easy as eating Candy..
All it requires from you is 2 minutes of your time for the next 7 days, which is 14 minutes in total. What do you loose to gain this amazing gift?Absolutely nothing...but what do you get in return for the 14 minutes that you spend for the entire week....Eternal peace, Hope, Salvation and Eternal Blessings.
Are you a logical person? Do you always look around to see that people are not cheating you in some form, being vigilant of your environment? Wondering in your mind? I will guarantee that you will loose only 14 minutes and nothing else.
Looking around for logical answers for the questions in your life? I am telling you NOW that Jesus is there to change your life and to give you gifts and freedom which you will never want to loose again.....
I am writing this from my personal experience, as I myself was a terrible sinner bounded by sickness and decease and I ran miles looking for happiness, which I never found, until I met JESUS. The lord JESUS Christ touched me and changed me completely in 2003. All I did was to follow what exactly is shown below.
Whatever your problems may be, whether it is sickness-where the medical science has no solutions, financial problems-where are you're getting tormented, Addictions-that you cannot come out of no matter how much you keep trying????? for all of this JESUS is the only answer! He WILL redeem you.
You can do it, it’s within you, reach out NOW!
We're born in sin, we grow in sin and we live in sin. We sin so much that sin becomes a part of us. Our soul and mind are eternally bounded by these sins of Life. What happens to us is, we eventually do not realize the difference between good and evil, as we get immune to these sins, our hearts becomes hardened. and this in turn produces hopelessness and despair.
Listen to these words carefully and follow every instruction to the letter.
Allocate just 2 minutes daily, separate yourself from everything of this world and say the below prayer from the depths of your heart, JESUS WILL hear your cry....it is simple as communing to your closest friend.
Dear Lord Jesus,
I'm living a life of Sin, I have no control over things that I do, I want to stop sinning and stop these evil habits, thoughts and acts that are tormenting me, but I just can’t no matter how hard I try. I long for Happiness, Joy and Hope but I cannot find it. You know my heart, you know that I genuinely want to be free but every time I try I fail miserably.
I want to change my life for the better Lord, So starting NOW I'm giving you my life as a blank check, take it Lord Jesus, it’s yours, correct my life, take full control of it and heal me little by little, for I cannot stand what I'm going through anymore.
I know only You can do it Lord Jesus, I know that, NOW I have given my life over to you... COMPLETELY. Show me your wonders my lord, through your everlasting mercies & grace”
Rest of the time, until you complete the 2 minutes say “Blood of Jesus”.
Pray genuinely from the bottom of your heart with passion. Do this for 7 days and you will see his supernatural power working in your live, as it did in mine.
Praise be to Jesus and his holy name".
Contributor : -
Brother in Christ Jesus 12/15/2005
2007-10-16 09:36:32
answer #1
answered by s.samuel55 1
Religion isn't God. There are many religions that experience more than one gods (Hinduism, Paganism), there are faiths that shouldn't have a god in any respect (Buddhism, agnosticism), and there are faiths that middle across the competition of God (Satanism). God isn't faith for another rationale - that you'll have a "dating" with Jesus Christ or with God, which could theoretically be external the scope of a faith. Religion is an open dialogue approximately the integrity of the "soul", whether or not or no longer there's a deity worried. It is a selection of ideals and suggestions which might be used to give an explanation for and educate global perspectives, ethical values and moral behaviors.
2016-09-05 11:36:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Get yourself a good, accurate translation of the Bible. Then look for the religion that mostly closely follows the model for first century Christianity. I can tell you right off that the Catholics don't, the Protestants don't, the Baptists don't, the Evangelicals don't, the Mormons don't. Any religion that has titles for those who take the lead in the congregation don't. Any religion that pays people to teach the word of God don't. Any religion that doesn't go from door to door and house to house all over the world to tell about God's kingdom don't. This is a starting point. The most egregious so-called Christian religions have been listed here so you don't get misguided. If you would like to know what religion today most accurately follows what the Bible teaches, email me at: myonesimus@yahoo.com
2007-10-16 09:08:10
answer #3
answered by myonesimus 2
If religion is "the expression of man’s belief in and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe," as one dictionary states, then surely the question should be, Is my religion good enough for the creator and governor of the universe? Also, in that case, the Creator would have the right to establish what is acceptable conduct, worship, and doctrine and what is not. To do that, he must reveal his will to mankind, and that revelation must be easily available and accessible to all. Furthermore, his revelations, even though provided centuries apart, should always be harmonious and consistent. This presents a challenge to each person—to examine the evidence and prove for oneself what the acceptable will of God is.
Take this challenge and investigate. Be open minded.
2007-10-17 20:41:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
do a very deep research and think a lot and you'll find the right religion. One religion is only accepted by God so make sure that u pick the right one. One God....One religion.
2007-10-16 09:08:36
answer #5
answered by robbie-5675 3
Religion of any kind? None of it will help. Religion is about rule keeping.
Jesus came into the world to bring life and freedom. Read the gospel of Mark. Jesus loves you and wants to accept you just the way you are.
He died on the cross. He took the punishment for your sins. He wants you to come to Him, just like a little child. and what will He do for you? Wash away the past. All forgiven. A fresh new start. A whole new life.
Jesus is the Son of God. He gave His life willingly on the cross for you. He wants to give you eternal life in heaven, a new beginning and the joy of knowing that life can be full of joy and meaning.
How do you start a life with Jesus? Simply pray in your own heart to Him; "Jesus I am sorry for my past sins and thank you for loving me. Jesus i ask you to give me a new life and to be the boss of it."
I asked Him to be my friend and Saviour 27 years ago. And it just keeps getting better. Life is not always easy, but I know God's help as Jesus now in heaven prays for me. I have seen many wonderful answers to prayer; and you will too.
2007-10-17 01:48:52
answer #6
answered by Stargazer 3
To get to know the real God and to understand Him is by talking with Him (praying) and studying His word (Bible). Also, by carefully studying what He has created- His creation- the things we sometimes call nature.
The apostle Paul was inspired to write: " For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made." (Romans 1:20). This is a law-abiding universe. God is clearly revealed in nature as a God of law and order- of supreme wisdom and purpose behind everything He does.
Try to break the law of gravity sometime. The unity of nature- the constancy of inexorable law- points to the nature and character of the creator. God's creation did not evolve! Its laws remain the same.
God decreed in Genesis 1:25, that every plant and animal should bring forth " according to its kind. " Not once has this decree been violated.
God's law does not change! All creation screams forth this truth. The principal applies to spiritual as well as physical things. The Bible and nature both teach that God's plan and His law do not change. The work of His hands are verity and justice; " all His precepts are sure. They stand fast forever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness." (Psalm 111:7-8).
Contrary to some popular teachings, the Bible reveals that Christian conversion is more than an intellectual acceptance of God's existence. It's simply more than believing in Jesus as Savior. It's more than proclaiming a certain set of religious standards. Conversion takes place when the individuals, of their own free will, repent of their nature and submit to the bonding of God's Holy Spirit to their mind, thereby becoming partakers of God's nature. God wants to heal the sickness in your nature, your thoughts, your desires, your emotions, your values. He wants to change you to reflect His nature.
The apostle Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 2:9-16, that a real relationship with God's spirit produces genuine life, not a one-time emotional experience of giving your heart to the Lord.
Conversion is the divinely metamorphosis of our minds, emotions, motivations, desires and actions from the way of the natural person to the spiritual character of God.
It is not an easy process. It involves struggles between our own selfish nature and the new nature being created by God's Holy Spirit. True acceptance isn't a simple matter of accepting certain religious teachings or doing good deeds. True conversion is sometimes painful, sometimes exhilarating commitment to the struggle of allowing God to create in us a totally new person.
I would suggest for you to study His word (Bible) starting with John (New Testament), and talk to Him anywhere, standing, walking, sitting anywhere. Just open up and tell Him everything that you do, eat, say simply talk. This is a daily ritual, no compromizing. You need to be where He is at all times for Him to open your mind up to Him. He will guide you, trust in Him. I hope this has been a help to you. I will pray for you and God bless.
2007-10-16 09:53:23
answer #7
answered by trieghtonhere 4
I recommend that you don't rush, but do some search and look for the evidences and the statistical data. The true religion should be only one and you should make every effort not to miss it.
Good luck and best wishes.
2007-10-16 09:04:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God is everywhere.... just start talking to him.. he's listening I promise... He's with you every step of the way... Just have the faith that he's there.... as far as which religion is right for you- shop around.. go to a different church every week until you find where you feel most comfortable. after each visit pray to God and ask him to help you make the decision. If you have any questions, feel free to set up a meeting and talk to the pastor... they would be more than happy to help you. personally, me i'm Baptist... Good luck!!
2007-10-16 09:02:16
answer #9
answered by makelly1979 3
I think you have come to the point in your life that you are tired of living a sinful life and you want to follow the Lord. If this is true,in believing faith, ask Him to forgive you of all your sins and that you want to live for Him now. Ask Him to come into your life and to save your soul from eternal damnation. The Devil will probably have your phone ring while you are trying to do this, because he doesn't want to see you go on to God's side.
God is living in heaven waiting for the time to call up His saints. If you accept God as your Savior, try to find a Bible-Believing KJV 1611 Baptist church. It should be non-denominational. If you can't find one, email me and I will ask my Pastor if he knows of a good church in your area.
Please don't wait, you never know what tomorrow will bring.
2007-10-16 09:05:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
If you are really searching for God, he is not far off. The Bible tell us, Acts 17 v 27, "for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fract, he is not far off from each one of us"
Don't jump into the first religion you come to. Think carefully. Look at the religions and ask your self, do they follow the Bible?
If you want to be a friend of God, you must practice the religion that God approves. Jesus said that “the true worshipers” would worship God in harmony with “truth.” (John 4:23, 24) There is only one correct way to worship God. (Ephesians 4:4-6) True religion leads to everlasting life, and false religion leads to destruction.—Matthew 7:13, 14.
You can recognize true religion by watching the people who practice it. Since Jehovah is good, those who are his true worshipers must be good people. Just as a good orange tree produces fine oranges, the true religion produces fine people.—Matthew 7:15-20.
Jehovah’s friends have deep respect for the Bible. They know that the Bible is from God. They allow what it says to guide their lives, to solve their problems, and to help them learn about God. (2 Timothy 3:16) They try to practice what they preach.
Jehovah’s friends show love for one another. Jesus showed love for people by teaching them about God, by curing those who were sick. Those who practice the true religion also show love to others. Like Jesus, they do not look down on those who are poor or are of a different ethnic group. Jesus said that people would know his disciples by the love they show for one another.—John 13:35.
God’s friends honor God’s name, Jehovah. If someone refused to use your name, would that person be your close friend? No! When we have a friend, we use his name and we say good things about that friend to others. So those who wish to be God’s friends should use his name and talk about him to others. Jehovah wants us to do that.—Matthew 6:9; Romans 10:13, 14.
Like Jesus, God’s friends teach people about God’s Kingdom. God’s Kingdom is the heavenly government that will make the earth a paradise. God’s friends share this good news about God’s Kingdom with others.—Matthew 24:14.
If you want to know more, email me I would be very happy to help.
2007-10-16 09:27:40
answer #11
answered by Everlasting Life 3