The first thing you should do is opt out with all of the credit bureaus. This puts a block on your credit from creditors looking at your credit for solicitation and "pre-approval" purposes. The next thing you should do and probably the easiest way to find about the credit cards if you are sure that you are unaware of some is to get a copy of your credit report from all three bureaus. Be sure to get all three as not all creditors report to the same/all bureaus. On the credit reports all of your open credit will reflect, and most of the time the creditor will provide a phone number on report for you to contact them. Your account numbers will also be there. I advise visiting, there you can obtain a copy of each report for free under the factact guidelines. You can also opt out on this website. They will offer other services for a fee (i.e your credit score with your report) but for this purpose you should not need any extras so just click on no thanks!
Also since you are wanting to preserve your credit score be careful when closing open credit lines because if you close them too soon you may actually lower your score. Usually you can put a freeze or block on an account so they will not allow any new charges to it without actually closing it.
2007-10-15 16:26:59
answer #1
answered by sshilaym 2
Go to this site and opt out of pre approved credit card applications:
Get copies of your credit report from all three bureaus: . This is the only site that doesn't require you to sign up for monitoring services. The credit reports should list all the credit card accounts in your name.
If your husband opened these accounts without your authorizations, you can dispute them. You will have to file a police report and they will come after your husband.
Freezing you credit would be a very good idea. That way no new accounts could be open.
2007-10-15 17:07:15
answer #2
answered by bdancer222 7
I'd start with getting a credit report. All accounts should be listed there. Then immediately close any account that has a zero balance.
Unfortunately, there are several (hundreds) of different banks offering credit cards. It may be tough to stop them from coming.
Good Luck
2007-10-15 16:10:42
answer #3
answered by game7ot 2
The first thing to do would be, if you have 5 mastercards let's say, ask them if they can consolidate them into one. That way you only have to keep track of one card. Also, you may want to find the number on the back of those pre-approved ads you get in the mail, and ask them to stop sending them.. Good Luck! =)
2007-10-15 16:05:56
answer #4
answered by ♥ AznStylez707 4
First go to annual credit report .com. Pull all three of your credit reports, from equifax, transunion, and I can't remember the name of the other. Each one is required to give you one free credit report per year. Go to that site with all the account numbers you do know. If you can't get through because they ask you questions from accounts you are unaware of, you will have to put a credit freeze on your account. You will have to go to your states web site to see if they have enacted the credit freeze law, as it is new. Do it now girl!
2007-10-15 16:13:38
answer #5
answered by ? 5
I stopped using them after I stopped having them. I cut them up. Now I only use my bank debit card and I have to be careful to only spend what I have. If you really can't stop go to your local Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS). I did that a few years ago and they helped me break my habit and helped me with paying off the $27,000 in debt I accrued.
2016-04-09 01:41:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You should get a copy of your credit report. It will list all your creditors so you can contact them. I am not sure if there is a way to prevent any more new ones to be mailed.
2007-10-15 16:07:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You can also request the three credit bureaus not to make your information available to credit card solicitors.
2007-10-15 16:23:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Go to and request a copy of your credit history. You can go through and cancel your open accounts from the report you receive. Hope this helps!
2007-10-15 16:07:22
answer #9
answered by locowise 2