If that is the case then no one will pay their bills. Creditors won't let you get off that easily. Imagine if you loan someone money and after 3 years, they walk away free. Would you do anything to get your money back? If the answer is no then credit card company would do the same.
2007-10-15 19:59:11
answer #1
answered by Who wants to know 4
No. Negatives stay on your credit report for 7 years and 180 days from the date of delinquency. This doesn't mean the collectors won't be calling.
Before it gets to that point, the creditor will probably sue, win a judgment, attach your bank account, garnish your wages, and lien your property -- all of which also show up on your credit report but judgments stay for 10 years.
There is a Statute of Limitations (SOL) which varies from state to state. Some are only 3 years. That's the time limit to bring lawsuits. Payment restarts the SOL.
2007-10-15 16:57:42
answer #2
answered by bdancer222 7
Bad credit items only stay on your report for 7 years. The law does not allow garnishing wages for unpaid credit accounts. That's only for child support and things like that.
2007-10-15 16:34:27
answer #3
answered by J P 7
I think it is more like 7 years, but that is after it goes to a collection agency and the garnish your wages and take the payments anyways.
2007-10-15 16:15:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It is 7 years but they can still call you about the account balance forever. If you make a payment the starts all over again.
2007-10-15 21:09:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No it is not true, is is actually seven years. Be aware though the seven years is from the time it was last reported not the time it was opened.
2007-10-15 16:31:09
answer #6
answered by sshilaym 2
it comes off your cr 7 yrs after the last transaction-last time used or last bill paid. you still owe the money but its not on your cr. unless you make a payment or a bc illegally reages the debt.
2007-10-15 20:24:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No it is not true.
2007-10-15 16:24:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous