I felt the same way when I started studying with them. My Wife felt the same way to.
We were baptized in Aug. 1996.
You really feel Jehovah's Holy Spirit when you attend a meeting at the Kingdom Hall or study with them.
It's also clear to others that we witness to people all over the world. Even though some people slam the door in our face we still continue preaching. We are not paid for this work so how do we do it?
God's Spirit is upon us to do this work.
Also would God really allow a Religion to go around and call themselves by His personal name Jehovah if he really was against them? Jehovah would never allow that !!!
We display the fruits of God's Spirit in our lives also.
Love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self control.
I'm happy that you studied at one time. We would love for you to study again and attend the meetings. The truth is beautiful.
And you are being drawn by Jehovah to the truth. Please get back in contact with the Brothers and they will help you.
It was nice talking to you and have a nice evening.
2007-10-15 13:57:56
answer #1
answered by Jason W 4
I don't think the "presence of God" or the "force of the Holy Spirit" is a feeling. I don't doubt that you and all these other people have had some kind of feeling, but I don't see any reason to attribute the feeling to God or the Holy Spirit.
Unless you just deny the validity of the law of non-contradiction, it's impossible for all of these various Christian sects to all be right about everything. It's possible they could all be wrong, but it's not possible that they're all right, because they contradict each other.
2007-10-15 12:53:21
answer #2
answered by Jonathan 7
How do you know whether the Holy Spirit is in action in a person?
1. God's spirit produces fruit in people
Galatians 5:22, 23- On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law
It is this fruitage, rather than outbursts of religious fervor, that one should look for when seeking to find people who truly have God’s spirit.
2. Luke 4:18, 31-35: “[Jesus read from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah:] ‘Jehovah’s spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news’ . . . And he went down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee. And he was teaching them on the sabbath; and they were astounded at his way of teaching, because his speech was with authority. Now in the synagogue there was a man with a spirit, an unclean demon, and he shouted with a loud voice . . . But Jesus rebuked it, saying: ‘Be silent, and come out of him.’ So, after throwing the man down in their midst, the demon came out of him without hurting him.”
What gave evidence that Jesus had God’s spirit? The account does not say that he trembled or shouted or moved about in a fervor. Rather, it says he spoke with authority. It is noteworthy, however, that on that occasion a demonic spirit did move a man to shout and fall onto the floor.
3. Acts 1:8 says that when Jesus’ followers received holy spirit they would be witnesses about him. According to Acts 2:1-11, when they did receive that spirit, observers were impressed by the fact that, although the ones speaking were all Galileans, they were speaking about the magnificent things of God in languages that were familiar to the many foreigners who were present. But the record does not say that there were any emotional outbursts on the part of those who received the spirit.
It is noteworthy that when Elizabeth received the holy spirit and then gave voice to “a loud cry” she was not in a meeting for worship but was greeting a visiting relative. (Luke 1:41, 42) When, as reported at Acts 4:31, holy spirit came upon an assembly of disciples, the place was shaken, but the effect of that spirit on the disciples was, not that they trembled or rolled about, but that they ‘spoke the word of God with boldness.’ Likewise today, boldness in speaking the word of God, zealously engaging in the work of witnessing—these are what give evidence that a person has holy spirit.
Just some evidence to consider. And surely the fruit the HOLY SPIRIT produces cannot be produced by Satan!
2007-10-16 02:14:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes I have and bro that is the best what can happen to you. But Keep in mind. The fruits of the in counter will show if it is GOD or not. Now you have to Read acts 2 the hole chapter and not the JW Bible. The move of the holly Spirit is not in sects but in the charismatic move of the church as well as the Pentecostals. You will know it is God I Had the same problem when I was in a Dutch reform church. The power of God makes you bold to be a witness unto him. That means you are called by God for ministry of some kind. Now get properly reborn or saved get baptised and get to a church what have a good charismatic back ground. Get involved in youth group if you are a young man or join a home cell what will answer your questions. Or mail me on my email; where I will give you web sites of churches What have revival.
2007-10-15 13:07:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I love, love, love L-O-V-E the I am rubber you are glue thing.
Sweety, to feel the force of God you don't have to be in a certain faith. You have it all wrong. When Jesus came to earth, he never said that christinanity was right, catholicism, or "JW" as you refer to your religion as, Jesus never preached religions, he preached love, peace, harmony, joy...
Questions like these upset me, because I can not believe that someone would actually say something like this. Please know that I am not a "JW" but I feel the force of God in my life every single day. I feel it when I respect other by not coming here and posting questions that makes others feel bad about themselves, I feel God's force and presence when I don't use religion to judge who is right and who is wrong, I feel God's force when I love everyone no matter who they are, how they are, what country they are from, skin color, faith or weather they have felt the force of God or not.
I feel God's presence in the wind, in the oceans, in the sun, in the nature, when I see a bird flying, a child's laughter, a woman giving birth, and I am not a Jehovah's Witness. Everyone has a different way of thinking and a true Jehovah's Witness who felt the force of God would know better, because with the force of God comes Love, compassion, understanding, selflessness, self control and this question is not the act of a person who came so close to God to feel his force.
May God give you wisdom so you won't attack others and their faith as you just did!!!
AND WHAT MAKE YOU SO SURE THAT YOU FELT THE POWER OF GOD AND NOT SOME EVIL DECEIVING FORCE TRICKING YOUR JW HEART?!? Grow up hun, a person who really felt the power and presence or force of God would not come here attack people's faith, that person would go preach the word of God, a word of love, compassion, peace, faith, joy, happiness, prosperity, NOT a word of religion!!!
PS; Wanna little bita coffee??? Also why would Jehovah need a Witness? Just asking!!!
2007-10-15 13:01:59
answer #5
answered by ♂♥♀ & ♀♥♂ ∞! Love Oh Love ! ♫♥♪ 5
Why are you letting this concern you? Why not go a different road and think of what you can do for the world to improve it.
I always feel the presence of God and I do not belong to a religion. Every Church feel that they are the true church and that everyone else is wrong. Every section of the Christian Religion, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon, etc. etc. they all they believe that they are the true religion. Look to yourself. Don't concern yourself about question of Satan and the Devil, etc. etc. Once again, I believe in neither and am happier for it.
I live my life the best way possible, and near to the teachings of Jesus and Budha and then I do not have to compare myself with anyone, because I know I am trying to be the best that I can be.
2007-10-15 12:57:55
answer #6
answered by Maureen S 7
It's all about Faith. Whatever religion/denomination you are, you should always have Faith. It's silly to use the term "correct faith" because nobody knows what the "correct faith" is. God reaches out to everyone, not just people who believe. There are some that find God later on in life. There are many things that cannot be explained and this, I believe, is one of them.
2007-10-15 12:53:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I you are looking to a feeling for proof that the Holy Spirit is moving within you, then it is you that are being tricked by some evil force.
Probably your own natural human laziness and desire for spiritual "rushes" instead of the real, actual Holy Spirit.
I do not often "feel" the Holy Spirit. I am Roman Catholic, so it's a knowledge, more than a feeling. It's the knowledge that the Holy Spirit is within me and working to bring me closer to God every day.
2007-10-15 12:53:37
answer #8
answered by Acorn 7
As the Bible says that Satan transforms himself as an angel of light to deceive people. listen to your heart start your study up again satan is out there and working over time
2007-10-15 14:34:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
the bilbe says who so ever belives in me shall have everlasting life. there are many religions out there with some slight differances the one simalirity is christ and his death if you belive christ died for your sins then you are saved after this it dosent mater if you celibrate certain holodays or confess your sins to a priest.
as for the presents of God or evil sprits the bible says test the fruits a good tree can not produce bad friuts and a bad tree good fruits. this is simple if a religion produces good pepole who truly help and bring peace to the world think about that.
Another thought to concider is trust your heart you have a God shaped hole in your heart if this force fills the hole then it must be God
2007-10-15 12:59:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous