To worship your God Jehovah with a complete heart, soul and mind.
2007-10-15 11:29:24
answer #1
answered by Here I Am 7
The purpose of life is to serve and enjoy the good forever. One cannot enjoy the good without serving it. One cannot either truly know or reliably continue to serve the good without enjoying it.
Let us stake our faith, then, on this principle: the purpose of life is to serve and enjoy that which is good. The principle can be one of health to the individual psyche. The result can be one of health for the whole of humanity. Balance service to others with enjoyment, for enjoyment which forgets the claims of the others will in the end be withered and forgotten pleasure.
good luck......
2007-10-15 11:38:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Read the "Purpose Driven Life"
2007-10-15 11:29:04
answer #3
answered by Nile Queen 3
Hindu sages proclaim that we are not our body, mind or emotions. We are divine souls on a wondrous journey. We came from God, live in God and are evolving into oneness with God. We are, in truth, the Truth we seek.
We are immortal souls living and growing in the great school of earthly experience in which we have lived many lives. Vedic rishis(sages) have given us courage by uttering the simple truth, "God is the Life of our life." A great sage carried it further by saying there is one thing God cannot do: God cannot separate Himself from us. This is because God is our life. God is the life in the birds. God is the life in the fish. God is the life in the animals. Becoming aware of this Life energy in all that lives is becoming aware of God's loving presence within us. We are the undying consciousness and energy flowing through all things. Deep inside we are perfect this very moment, and we have only to discover and live up to this perfection to be whole. Our energy and God's energy are the same, ever coming out of the void. We are all beautiful children of God. Each day we should try to see the life energy in trees, birds, animals and people. When we do, we are seeing God Siva in action. The Vedas affirm, "He who knows God as the Life of life, the Eye of the eye, the Ear of the ear, the Mind of the mind -- he indeed com-prehends fully the Cause of all causes."
The ultimate goal of life on Earth is to realize the Self, the rare attainment of nirvikalpa samadhi. Each soul discovers its Sivaness, Absolute Reality, Parashiva -- the timeless, formless, spaceless Self God.
The realization of the Self, Parashiva, is the destiny of each soul, attainable through renunciation, sustained meditation and frying the seeds of karmas yet to germinate. It is the gateway to moksha, liberation from rebirth. The Self lies beyond the thinking mind, beyond the feeling nature, beyond action or any movement of even the highest state of consciousness. The Self God is more solid than a neutron star, more elusive than empty space, more intimate than thought and feeling. It is ul- timate reality itself, the innermost Truth all seekers seek. It is well worth striving for. It is well worth struggling to bring the mind under the dominion of the will. After the Self is realized, the mind is seen for the unreality that it truly is. Because Self Realization must be experienced in a physical body, the soul cycles back again and again into flesh to dance with Siva, live with Siva and ultimately merge with Siva in undifferentiated oneness. Yea, jiva is actually Siva. The Vedas explain, "As water poured into water, milk poured into milk, ghee into ghee become one without differentiation, even so the individual soul and the Supreme Self become one." Aum Namah Sivaya-By Satguru Sivayasubramuniyaswami
2007-10-15 23:22:28
answer #4
answered by Siva 3
We choose our own purpose, by our actions, words, thoughts, attitudes, and characters we have in life. Also, on a less glamorous and biological level, it is to continue the species and pass on our genes.
2007-10-15 11:34:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
To survive -- and help your children.
To pass the time pleasantly.
One of the great thoughts of consolation is that, for every one,
"Life is ****, then you die."
This thought encourages you to live to the fullest -- you only have one life.
But be Wise -- actions have consequences!
2007-10-15 20:49:14
answer #6
answered by Iain 5
I cant reccommend the purpose driven life at all. But I can tell you in truth our purpose in life, is to Know God---love God---and to serve God, and to be happy with him forever in eternity. thats why he created you. he loves you and wants you with him in perfect happiness in heaven.
2007-10-15 11:31:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
To know God.
To make Him known.
Acts 17:27
That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:
2007-10-15 12:05:23
answer #8
answered by NickofTyme 6
To Glorify God To love others as ourselves To serve and To show mercy
2007-10-15 12:22:09
answer #9
answered by just duky 5
In the beginning God our Father in Heaven created Adam and Eve and placed in the garden two trees the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of LIFE.
They were along with everything else created perfect without sin but were given free will.
God told them not to eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge lest they would die (meaning spiritually they would be separated from HIM).
But they could eat from the tree of LIFE.
Satan disguised as a serpent convinced Eve that she would be like God herself if she ate from the tree of Knowledge so she did then when Adam saw what happened he ate also from the tree of knowledge because he didn't want to be separated from his wife so he died with her.
Now our purpose in life is to eat from the tree of LIFE and forever be alive in our Father connected through the HOLY SPIRIT.
If Adam and Eve had ate from the tree of life that's exactly what would have happened to them they would have forever spent eternity with God.
But Satan along with a third of the angels rebelled because when God created us He placed us above them and they didn't like that so they declared war on God and decided to kill us creating the same fate for us that they themselves are going to suffer.
Our purpose in life is to become saved through the one He sent as a sacrifice for all, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Once we are saved we will be given LIFE as we would have had if our ancestors had chosen the tree of life instead of knowledge of good and evil.
Then we will no longer live by knowledge because that leads to sin we will instead live by the spirit which gives us life.
LIFE with our Heavenly Father is our purpose in this world because without it we will be destroyed with Satan and the fallen angels who set out to kill us out of jealously and pride.
God bless you and may peace and joy be with you always!
2007-10-15 11:47:14
answer #10
answered by Adelaide B 5
the world is a waiting room for heaven and what we do on this world is detirmineing our status in heaven or hell
if u r thinking of sucicide dont because God puts hardships in our lives to mature and make us grow. i have recently been through hardships to but it has made me such a better person!
2007-10-15 11:35:56
answer #11
answered by Anonymous