Mormons teach that God evolved from mortal man and the whole Joseph Smith philosophy is false doctrine so she has been in an occult.
First the drugs and alcohol must be dealt with and the false religion must be dealt with.
Here is a simple prayer that you can use to converse with God the Father when you recognize a need for His cleansing healing from sin in your life. Recognize the sin issue participated with or connected to the disease (sin) of drugs and alcohol.
False doctrine invites evil spirits within. So she should pray
Father God, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I recognize that I have participated with the sin of mormonism a false doctrine in my life. (If you recognize your family line has served the same sin) I recognize that my generations have served this sin of mormonism also.
Father, I take responsibility for participating with and serving this sin of mormonism in my life.
Father, I confes my sin and the iniquites of my fathers. In the name of Jesus, I repent to You and ask You to forgive me for following the false doctrine of mormonism which has manifested through me. I also forgive all person, living or dead, that have injured me or spoken evil towards me. I forgive them, so I also may be forgiven. By faith and in the name of Jesus, I now receive Your forgiveness Father and ask to be released from the power of this sin over my life.
Sin of mormonism, drugs and alcohol I renounce everything you stand for in my life. I will no longer serve you. I take a stand aainst you and everything you represent. I will discern you and help others discern you all of my days.
Remove - Spirit of false doctrine, drugs and alcohol, I have repented to God in Heaven for serving you and allowing you to manifest through me. You must leave me and into a dry place now in the name of Jesus. Now go.
NOW YOU SAY - Spirit of mormonism, drugs and alcohol you heard her confession and declaration. You have to obey them in the name of Jesus. Go now from (her name) in the name of Jesus. I take authority over you in Jesus' name and command you to leave (her name) now.
Calmly speak to evil spirits because they hear you very well
Minister to her now and teach her the Word of God. It may help to get a book called "Fast Facts on False Teachings" and it helps to show some the difference between their false religion and the gospel of Christ.
As the older woman it is your job to teach her the correct way to behave. You said she acts as if she hasn't given her life to the Lord. We come to God just as we are with all our sinful baggage and it takes time for the Holy Spirit to purify and refine us. Keep telling her that "He that is in her is greater than he that is in the world." If she will try the Holy Spirit will make it happen. He'll deliver her from drugs and alcohol.
She cannot get what she needs in church. She needs you as a good Christian woman to train her. She'll sin again and make mistakes, but just remind her to ask forgiveness and each time it gets better and one day the Lord will take it away.
I thank the Lord for you. You will be blessed while you help her. The Lord sees this kind of giving and He always blesses it. This is not an easy road so be ready, but He sent her to you.
2007-10-15 06:06:14
answer #1
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
*** km 9/93 p. 1 Starting Home Bible Studies ***
Starting Home Bible Studies
1 One of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences for true Christians is to teach someone the truth by means of a home Bible study.
2 Using the Direct Method and Tracts: One of the easiest ways to start a study is by the direct method. All some people need is a warm invitation to study the Bible. This can be done by merely asking the householder: “Would you like to have a personal home Bible study and increase your knowledge of the Bible and God’s purpose for the earth?” Or you could tell the householder that you would be happy to demonstrate the way in which a home Bible study is conducted. Although many may refuse this offer, think of your joy in finding someone who accepts it!
3 Another way to start a Bible study is by using one of our tracts. Although small in size, they present a message that is powerful and convincing. How can a study be started in a tract? Simply by giving the householder a tract that you believe will interest him. Then, take the initiative, and invite the householder to read the first paragraph with you. Look up the scriptures cited, and discuss how they apply to the material. On the first call, you might consider only one or two paragraphs. As the householder comes to appreciate that he is learning interesting things from the Bible, you may be able to increase the time you spend in your discussions.
4 Using Just the Bible: Sometimes a person is agreeable to discussing the Bible but seems reluctant to accept a formal study or make use of one of our publications. You can still start and conduct a Bible study by preparing interesting Scriptural discussions based on portions of the Live Forever book or the Reasoning book but then using only the Bible when visiting the interested person. Such discussions may last 15 or 20 minutes, or longer, depending on the circumstances. If done regularly and with a progressive method for teaching Bible truths, you have started a Bible study, and it can be reported as such. When the time is right, introduce the Live Forever book, and conduct a formal study in it.
5 In addition to finding opportunities in the field ministry, have you endeavored to start Bible studies with neighbors, associates, or family members? Was it some time ago? Have you tried again recently? If one method didn’t work, have you considered trying another?
6 You can be successful at starting studies if you apply the suggestions given, persevere in the field service, and trust in Jehovah for his blessing. Never underestimate the power of the truth and the help that Jehovah gives. May you increase your joy in the ministry by starting and conducting home Bible studies.
2007-10-15 05:39:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Perhaps if she's feeling that she doesn't deserve God's forgiveness, go over the example of the Prodigal Son. Luke 15: 11-32
Health wise, you might want to see if her addictions are caused from other things such as Bio-Polar or Schizophrenia.
She may need medication to help her function properly in live. She may also need counseling to get off the drugs and alcohol. That fact that she has tried to commit suicide many times, shows she needs medical help.
In addition to studying the bible with her, perhaps you could help her get going on rehabilitation classes.
Ask her to personally pray over the matter. Something that comes from her heart, not a pre-written pray that may not be her thoughts.
2007-10-15 06:19:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The Beth Moore studies would probably be very helpful - particulary the Isaiah study called "Breaking Free" -
Also, Breaking the Cycle of Hurtful Family Relations put out by the Rapha Healing Centers would be very good - not a Bible study but has a lot of Scripture in it and I lead a study for recovering drug addicts. I have also lead it in prison and many people have been helped.
I enjoy the workbook approach and Beth Moore and Breaking the Cycle use those daily type studies.
the Explorers Bible studies are pretty in-depth..........Max Lucado has some good ones.......endless supply really.......
2007-10-15 05:33:19
answer #4
answered by fanofchan 6
Hey it's a hard road buddy! Tough it out, lot's of church's don't teach the true Bible as long as you know you need a church to match your Bible study then your on the right track! Just hang in there and definitely don't toss your Bible away! God Bless!
2016-03-12 23:28:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well if she is a mormon she has never heard of the trinity, the real story of satan, creation science, being saved, joyce meyers book "battle field of the mind," shes probably never read a real KJV bible or and NIV or any other translation bible, She believes that what eve did in the garden when she ate the apple was a good thing, that temples still need to be built today, that women are not allowed to use their spiritual gifts, like pray, intercess or prophecy over people if they have that gift, she probably has no relationship with jesus even if she claims she does so I would start with beth moores book on Jesus, she probably needs to go thru theophostics ( she probably knows nothing about worship that has to do with raising your hands. She could probably teach you how to make things from scratch and how to be independant and how to keep a years supply of food, but she may have some generational curses passed down from generation to generation that she may need to get rid of.
2007-10-16 05:54:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My suggestion?
Do NOT, repeat, do NOT, start by bashing "Mormonism".
If you want to do a Bible study with her, then study the Bible, but do NOT try to influence her towards or away from any particular church. Believe me, she will have MUCH more respect for you if you allow her to find her OWN way without influence or prejudice.
Doing a Bible study is not a bad idea, if she goes for it. But, like I said, try to stay away from Mormon bashing or any other religion.
2007-10-15 19:13:53
answer #7
answered by mormon_4_jesus 7
Which church does she go to? Does her Pastor know of her past? There is a high degree of suicide in the Mormon Church especially among women and teens who just cannot live up to the perfection and pressure to perfection demanded by the LDS. I would enter into this in detail but for the fact I do not know her or her background. She has been spiritually brutalized and will take a long time to recover. I suggest that you continue to be friends with her and let her take her time but meantime get the church to pray for her that she will seek the peace offered by Christ. Lead her gently as this bird has broken wings. In the Lamb
2007-10-15 05:45:01
answer #8
answered by pwwatson8888 5
Try talking to your pastor. I'm sure he could give you some good advice. Pick the easier passages in the Bible, like some of Jesus's miracles and such, and study those with her first. Pray that God will help you answer her questions.
2007-10-15 05:33:52
answer #9
answered by ~*Fender Freak*~ 3
She's an atheist in training. Leave her alone so she can get on with her life.
EDIT* I'm not trying to be a nay sayer. I really think she is not a religious person and not a whole lot can change that. Just love her and don't ask her to anymore Bible studies.
Leave her alone meaning, don't force the bible down her throat. Trust me, it will not work. Respect her during this difficult time. I've been through it myself and anyone who tried to tell me that bible study was the answer no longer has a place in my life.
2007-10-15 05:33:20
answer #10
answered by Bgirl9488 3
Romans is a good one to start off with but also John as well because it talks about Gods love. Another really good thing to go through is something called the Bridge illistration not sure if you have heard of it but it basically takes you through the Christian faith from the beginging to the end and is amazingly easy to explain and understand especially if someone is confused. I can give you it if you want.
2007-10-15 05:35:04
answer #11
answered by Anonymous