There are more than enough things on this Earth that leads me to believe that there is an intelligent being that had to have created them. Every living thing on this Earth has a specific
workings of the weather system, the vastness of the universe etc...those are far too intricate and complex to be reasoned as being just "an accident" or coming from nothing. How could something so detailed and organized be made from nothing?
The theory of evolution is one of the most controversial and talked-about subjects in this world today. There is a massive amount of people that believe in evolution and that's alright. But what gets to me is that those people fail to realize that this theory was made by man, which is an imperfect being with imperfect thoughts, and yet many people believe in what they have to say rather than even taking the time to listen to the wisdom of an infinitely superior and perfect being.
My point is that I find it sad and discontenting that the majority of people would rather put their trust in man than in God.
Psalm 146:3, 4 - "Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,
Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground;
In that day his thoughts do perish.
I expect to get some "thumbs down" for this one, but that's alright. I just hope that everyone that has read this will REALLY think about it and not just give a negative response and forget about it.
2007-10-15 04:58:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Here's where you have a problem. Much of what God reveals to us in allegory. Jesus's parables weren't literally true - but that doesn't mean he was lying.
There are two accounts of creation in Genesis. They can't both be literally true. The older version is in Chapter 2 and represents the state of scientific knowledge of about 600BC. Chapter 1 (6 days and a day off) was an update added about 400 years later. Both stories are very important for understanding the relationship between God, the Universe and mankind. They don't fit in too well with mathematics, yet most mathematicians believe in God.
Chapter 1 of Genesis can be brought up to date by adding one word to Verse 1. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth - bang!
2007-10-15 04:29:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I rather suspect this is a wind-up, as "God tells us in His word that He created the world in six days then that should be good enough" sounds just a bit too naive!
But by your logic, all ancient texts, indeed all texts, should carry equal authority! The Harry Potter books tell us there is a magical school called Hogwarts, should that not be good enough??
You need to establish, via external evidence or compelling evidence, that A) God exists and B) the bible indeed represents his word.
Neither A nor B has been done satisfactorily!
But you do raise a good point. I know a lot of people who profess to be Xtians, who when confronted with bits of the Bible that are obviously nonsense (and there is such a lot of it!) declare that that bit is just allegory or parable, and not to be taken literally. To me that undermines the whole thing - once you start deciding which bit to believe, you might as well write your own book!
2007-10-15 04:27:23
answer #3
answered by Avondrow 7
Many, many Christians are able to interpret the book of Genesis as parable and still believe in divine creation without needing to believe it took place in 6 days. Besides, there is another verse where God says that for him a thousand years is as a day. Why not a billion years?
2007-10-15 04:24:13
answer #4
answered by mommanuke 7
If this guy suggested he turned right into a christian, he's were given some very blended up concepts about who God is in accordance to christianity. He would properly be a deist that believes God set the international in action and then left it on my own, even if advent become intentional or unintended makes no massive difference. in accordance to deists God exists yet has no longer something to do with what occurs contained in the international and may want to care a lot less about it too. In different words God would besides no longer exist. Now if he become speaking of evolution i can purchase that. i trust that evolution might want to be wisely equipped into christianity or perhaps the biblical tale of Adam and Eve. yet even then that isn't any longer an 'twist of destiny'. Evolution might want to be an extremely managed technique of populating the international used by technique of God. So i in my opinion do no longer you may have an wisely depending christian faith and say that the international become led to by technique of an twist of destiny or by probability.
2016-10-21 05:01:15
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am a Christian and I believe that God is creator.
I take the Bible for what its worth. The Creation account is not meant to be taken literally we need to understand the culturally background as well as the theological point of the passage.
I believe God created but not necessarily in the six day format. The six day format has more to do with culture and theology and poetic style then with science or history.
2007-10-15 04:24:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You're missing one great big point . You claim that God told us he created the world in six days . Who did he give this information to ? In what form was this information received ? How did the receiver identify the sender as being God ? If it was a mental message , you know how much superstitious imagination is worth .
2007-10-15 04:46:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If the boy didnt believe that God created the world in 6 days, then I dont believe he was a Christian. He may believe in God, but you cant be a true christian unless you believe all of God's word. I believe that he created the world in 6 days because thats what the Bible tells me, and YES to all you atheist out there, I DO BELIEVE what t he bible tells me. And I hate reading all your answers that you leave on here about how fake God is and how he isnt real and blah blah. if you think your going to change a christians heart by leaving stupid comments, you are sadly mistaken.
2007-10-15 04:32:47
answer #8
answered by footinmouth3 1
Why cant that boy be a true Christian because he has knowledge? If God hadn't wanted us to question the world around us then surely we wouldnt have that ability.
I'm an egnostic and dont belong to any particular faith. Just because I dont believe the writings of ancient authors who, at best, interpreted the word of a
"god" - it doesnt mean my faith (in whatever I choose to have faith in) isn't as strong as yours is.
2007-10-15 04:27:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
What is this God person supposed to have created? All the evidence ever gathered points to everything that we can see coming into existence without the need or intervention from a 'god'.
2007-10-15 04:42:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous