they are spirit not created into flesh
2007-10-14 10:59:41
answer #1
answered by sml 6
There is nothing that says they "tried to take over the place". We are taught in scripture that one-time lucifer, an arch-angel (a great leader of other angels) convinced them someway to follow him rather than the Lord. Evidently, they were deceived just as people are to follow him..., Hhmmmm? Seems after "wickedness was found IN him"; lucifer was cast down out of heaven by the other 2/3rds angels who were doing God's biddings and he got a name change to "satan" meaning "the dog", so I have been told.
How this happened and how it all works I can't tell you. I have my ideas and there are other people with different ideas, but I, for one don't want to be on the opposite side from God.
The Garden of Eden was also a "paradise" on Earth for the first humans and nothing negative or sad or hurtful and the devil came in there and deceived those two people and they followed him ignorantly and God put them out of their paradise.
Seems to me the whole story is about what God said; "There is set before you today life and death, blessings and curses, CHOOSE LIFE.
I'm as simple minded as you and this is the simplest answer I know. I choose life and blessing WITH GOD! Come aboard and let the devil and his crew worry about that negative stuff.
Some things are revealed and some are not, focus on what is revealed and be encouraged. Seems to me, God fights for and protects those who choose Him.
As for "guitarpickers" answer; my personal opinion is that points #2 and #5 are personal suppositions without any basis of fact.
Especially point #5, for God made everything He made "very good" and for Adam and Eve to "replenish" the Earth, it would have to have been plenished in the 1st place. Also, for the Earth to have been "without form and void", (Hebrew words say phonetically: TaHo vah BoHoo") and means it had been devastated and I believe the devil did that upon his being cast from heaven and destroyed all that God did here initially. (Read Isaiah chapter 24; and yes I know it has also 'other' implications) I DO believe we are the 7th and final race of beings to be here and that is scriptural.
2007-10-14 18:18:00
answer #2
answered by gg28 4
1. Heaven is a place as fire and glass, with streets of amber that appear as gold.
2. Angels are those entities that have been born, or will be born on earth, have died, and are now serving as messengers of God.
3. The one-third of the hosts of heaven followed Lucifer's plan of forcing mankind to return to the Father's presence rather than allowing the great gift of free agency be exercised.
4. Free agency is for everyone, both spiritual and temporal, and those spirits that followed Lucifer were exercising their agency, though a terrible choice it was. Consequently, those angels will never own a body that will one day be immortal of flesh and bone. Neither will Lucifer. They shall be cursed having spiritual forms for the eternities.
5. The casting out of Lucifer and his followers preceded the arrival of Adam and Eve on earth. The event occurred before the Creation of the earth.
2007-10-14 18:16:33
answer #3
answered by Guitarpicker 7
they do have brains ex. Michael head of Heavens armies, the angles that moved the rock from Jesus' tomb spoke implying they think and what not
NOW what your saying is completely right:
"If heaven is a place where there are no tears and peace and the streets are filled with gold, how was it that a third of the angles tryed to take over the place and were cast down here to earth?"
just think of a person who would think of changing such a thing, pretty messed up right?
that's Satan
2007-10-14 18:02:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
What did Lucifer hope to accomplish in his rebellion against God? Read Isaiah 14:12-14
Years ago, as the story goes a great organist performed a piece on a pump organ. After the well received performance, the man who pumped the air commented to the organist, "That sure was a fine job we did, wasn't it?" "WE ?" replied the organist. "You may have operated the machinery, but I made the music all by myself." At their next performance, in the middle of the finale, the helper came out and sat on the front row. As the organ wound down to silence, the organist turned and shouted, "What are you doing out here. Get back in there and PUMP!" The other man calmly replied, "I just wanted to see how you were doing out here all by yourself."
Lucifer became so infatuated with himself that he forgot that he was dependent on God for his very life. Lucifer has not life in himself. He gets it from the same place we do, GOD. He is also subject to God's judgement and will have no more power than we do to escape God's decision.
2007-10-14 18:05:16
answer #5
answered by dreamdress2 6
Hey There Frank, Good question and there may be people more knowledgable than I to answer your inquirey but as far as I've found, Lucifer (who was so beautiful, read up on him then) started to beleive he was all it and then some and got full of himself that he wanted to be God and got 1/3 to rebel against The Father and his angels and finally he was cast out from heaven.
Btw, seeking answers about heritage and future home isn't a bad thing. The Holy Spirit is guiding you, as The Word says "He will lead you in all Truth".
2007-10-14 18:11:24
answer #6
answered by Retrodude 2
OK, first of all the angels were created long before humans, all of God's intelligent creatures have free will and can choose right or wrong. AFTER, the creation of Adam and Eve, the angel that became Satan allowed his pride to get to him and he wanted worship for himself. Satan never challenged God's power, but challenged his right to rule his creations. Many angels foresook their proper dwelling place in heaven and came down to the earth where they materialized bodies for themselves and started taking wives for themselves, as many as they wanted, because they noticed the daughters of men and that they were good looking, so the angels did not fall until after there were humans on earth. Later, a war broke out in heaven when Christ Jesus was enthroned in heaven and that's when the demons and Satan were cast down to the vicinity of the earth.
2007-10-14 18:04:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
391 Behind the disobedient choice of our first parents lurks a seductive voice, opposed to God, which makes them fall into death out of envy.266 Scripture and the Church's Tradition see in this being a fallen angel, called "Satan" or the "devil".267 The Church teaches that Satan was at first a good angel, made by God: "The devil and the other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but they became evil by their own doing."268
392 Scripture speaks of a sin of these angels.269 This "fall" consists in the free choice of these created spirits, who radically and irrevocably rejected God and his reign. We find a reflection of that rebellion in the tempter's words to our first parents: "You will be like God."270 The devil "has sinned from the beginning"; he is "a liar and the father of lies".271
393 It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angels' sin unforgivable. "There is no repentance for the angels after their fall, just as there is no repentance for men after death."272
394 Scripture witnesses to the disastrous influence of the one Jesus calls "a murderer from the beginning", who would even try to divert Jesus from the mission received from his Father.273 "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil."274 In its consequences the gravest of these works was the mendacious seduction that led man to disobey God.
395 The power of Satan is, nonetheless, not infinite. He is only a creature, powerful from the fact that he is pure spirit, but still a creature. He cannot prevent the building up of God's reign. Although Satan may act in the world out of hatred for God and his kingdom in Christ Jesus, and although his action may cause grave injuries - of a spiritual nature and, indirectly, even of a physical nature- to each man and to society, the action is permitted by divine providence which with strength and gentleness guides human and cosmic history. It is a great mystery that providence should permit diabolical activity, but "we know that in everything God works for good with those who love him."275
2007-10-14 18:04:30
answer #8
answered by peterjd77 1
Satan is the originator of sin 1/3 of the angels were decieved by satan just as he decieved Eve. Angeles don't have the priveledge of repentance because they were to obey God without question. I believe angeles are already souls because they are eternal just like our souls are. I pray this helps you. Peace, Love & Blessings!!!!
2007-10-14 18:17:35
answer #9
answered by GREGORIOUSITY 5
The heaven that you are talking about does not yet exist. It comes into existence after the millenium...
Revelation 21
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
2007-10-14 18:06:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Mankind was created in the image of God and was made higher in class than any angel.
2007-10-14 18:01:04
answer #11
answered by faceeternity 3