I stopped being actively bi, I just stopped.
Apparently, it didn't mean that much to me, in my life.
I just didn't continue.
not to say the temptation isn't there.
Or that I don't have other urges / impluses.
And I have acted upon them.
I'm sorry to say; but it is the truth.
(not w/ same sex; male)
Even in my profile; I say.
I have been known to slip & fall;
but I get right back up!
I fell, and have fallen, I am Not perfect, By Far.
But, I am sorry, and I do tend to stay away from
that which would be so easily in my grasp.
And of course,
then Satan will send it Directly into my home.
My hsbnd is not in the truth,
and he would rather I do what I used to do.
So, I continue to put up "the fine fight,"
for my integrity.
Stay in prayer.
Cling to Jehovah.
Adhere to His ppl, here on earth.
Stay busy in your ministry.
If U aren't that far along yet,
then continue in your studies,
Lean Upon Jehovah's Understanding Not Your Own.
Do research on this matter,
Meditate upon it,
Ask Jehovah to remove that which is undesirable,
ask Him to make your heart strong,
for His name's sake.
We all have our fallicies, that we must work on,
Daily even; @ times.
Speak to the sister u r studying w/.
2007-10-15 02:47:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you mean you're a happy ('gay') person, why stop?
If you mean that you perform homosexual acts, the answer, according to scripture, is that you should stop doing so.
If you mean that you have a strong desire to perform homosexual acts and wish to change that desire, the answer is more difficult.
We are told not to murder (rape, steal, etc.), but some individuals have an overwhelming desire to do so. This is a terrible thing for them, but it is still wrong for them to carry out this desire.
Only God can judge, in the final analysis, whether the person had a mental/physical disposition that was humanly impossible to resist.
In the meantime, a Christian would do all in his power to resist temptation. This would include sincere prayer, Bible study, friends who do not participate in things which violate Biblical commands, activities which are of great interest, etC.
2007-10-14 17:01:09
answer #2
answered by ted t 4
I was not raised in the truth so I had alot of things to change when I first started studying.
Raquel and I were not married and we were living together. So we had to change that right away. We were part of the world so we had to get rid of our bad association and start putting on the new personality.
We prayed alot for Jehovah to help us. We were real specific with our prayers.
We prayed to Jehovah for his Holy Spirit to help us make the changes so we could please Him.
With in 3 months I was a totally different person and so was Raquel.
We studied the Knowledge Book in three months and the Brother that studied with us married us and then we were baptized in 1996.
It's truly amazing how Jehovah will help us with our weaknesses.
So pray, and make sure you read the Bible and meditate on what you read.
Remember reading is for the mind, but meditation is for the heart my dear Sister.
Feel free to e mail anytime for encouragement. Please know that you have Jehovah with you, Jesus is with you, and you have all the Brothers and Sisters that are here for you.
And make sure you stay close to Jehovah's Organization.
2007-10-15 14:35:04
answer #3
answered by Jason W 4
Every habit prohibited by the Scriptures is hard to break. But if it were not possible to do so, the apostle Paul would not have written about anointed Christians, "fornicators, idolators, adulterers, men kept for unnatural purposes, men who lie with men [conversely, women who lie with women], thieves, greedy persons, drunkards....that is what some of you WERE. But you have been washed clean, but you have been sanctified, but you have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God." -- 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Persons who are gay or who have gay tendencies are, to some extent, similar in this matter to heterosexuals who are not married. Since God has reserved sexual intercourse for married people, both have to fight hard against urges to engage in sexual activity.
It can't be done in your own power. You have to appreciate why God made sex, how He feels about it, and appreciate His right, as the Creator, to regulate it. Then you have to seek God's help in prayer, supplication, and serious outpourings of your heart. Christian activity and association with others who are also serving God will help to strengthen you.
Because we are all imperfect, you may stumble and fall at times. What matters is that you get up, and keep walking in the strength that God gives, to do what is right in His sight.
No, it may not be easy. But neither is it impossible. Keep trying to please God first and foremost.
2007-10-15 10:23:38
answer #4
answered by בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh) 6
I've heard of fellow brothers and sisters having these problems but its something that needs to be fought even if we have those feelings and we should not practice those things. Jehovah is a very loving and mericful God and understands us and the faults we may have. Don't be afraid to talk with your congergation elders they are there to help you. :)
2007-10-18 10:33:51
answer #5
answered by ♥Kempa♥ 4
I had a friend who was married, but had a "girlfriend". She was studying the bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Her parents were Witnesses.
I'm glad to say that she is now been baptized for several years. I was good friends with her parents and I remember her telling me how she just had to learn to hate what Jehovah hates. It took time, but she got over it just like any other "addiction" sex, drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling etc..
You need to constantly pray to Jehovah about it, especially when your having a weak moment. To avoid any situation, movie, reading material that my tempt you or bring it back to mind. Stay busy doing what you should be doing, and you won't have much time to even think about.
2007-10-15 10:45:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The same way you stop over drinking, lying, stealing, or what ever imperfection a person is dealing with.
By prayer and supplication to the one who gives you the power to do more than is humanly possible.
2007-10-14 17:29:41
answer #7
answered by TeeM 7
As a Jehovah's Witnesses you love Jehovah and Jesus, and that is no doubt true. But, the question is: Who do you love more, Jehovah or yourself?
That is really the challenge we all face, since, as imperfect sinners, we all have selfish desires that stand as potential stumbling blocks to our loving Jehovah with our whole mind, heart and soul-- as Jesus said we must.
The question you have to answer for yourself is whether you are willing to forfeit everlasting life in order to indulge in your gay lifestyle. That is the choice that is yours to make.
You can say that you "just can't give up your gay lifestyle." But that is not an entirely true statement. What you ought to say is that 'I just don't want to give up my gay lifestyle.' There is no question but that we have a nearly unlimited capacity for self-deception. The scriptures accurately assess our true inner nature when it says: "The heart is desperate and treacherous. Who can know it?"
But, we owe it to ourselves to at least try and be honest with ourselves. The truth is that you can give up your gay lifestyle if you want to.
As you know, in Paul's letter to the Corinthians, after mentioning practices like fornication and homosexuality, practices he said would absolutely preclude a person from God's kingdom, Paul said: "And yet that's what some of you were."
Of course, there is the argument today that individuals are born gay and that it is not something that they choose. Nevertheless, God's Word says what it says. As previously mentioned, we are all born as sinners and as a result of that we all have unhealthy desires that, as Peter said: "carry on a conflict against the soul."
Jesus' advice to us is that we ought to pluck out our own eye or cut off any member of our body that causes us to stumble and lose out on the wonderful gift of everlasting life. By that Jesus meant to say that we might have to suffer intensely in the flesh in order to bridle our sinful passions.
According to Jesus, though, any suffering we may experience now, due to our warring against the sin in our bodies, is nothing compared to the healing and freedom that Jehovah promises to bestow upon those who love him more than they love themselves.
The question you must squarely face is: Who do you love more?
2007-10-15 18:06:04
answer #8
answered by keiichi 6
Whether you are a Witness or not, the issue of your sexuality is separate.
I would pray and ask for God's guidance.No one knows for sure whether it is genetic or not.....We are called to love you no matter what your sexual preference is. I doubt any of your witness Brothers or sisters Will give you that very christian answer.
The Bible is clear that it is a sin. But we all are full of Sin, so whether it is a greater sin than any other sin, well we are just not sure.
It is a shame, that as a Witness, you will be disfellowshipped for how you are, instead of if you were a practicing christian, you would be shown proper love and respect no matter if you were sinning or not, just as Jesus would have.
It seems to me that Jesus said " He that is without sin may cast the forst stone".
Ted...Murder rape and stealing are not the same league with being Gay.
2007-10-15 18:18:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sexual preference only comes into question as a problem when one is acting on it; doesn't that sound like a bit of an understatement?
And, yet, someone who is heterosexual usually doesn't post saying,"How do I quit being heterosexual? It's causing me a 'problem..."
Porneia relates to what Jehovah God deems unclean; this includes, but is not limited to, adultery, fornication (which is Any sexual act outside of the bond of marriage), and "unclean sexual acts".
You are guilty of adultery, Jesus said, by dwelling on the act of cheating on a mate, outside of a bond of marriage; in other words, you, in your heart, desire to act on what you are thinking.
If we were judged by our whims, cravings, and impulses, "who could stand"?
Are you looking around for a likely one to have sex with?
Are you seeking to commit fornication?
Paul was clear...there are no categories to which is 'worse'...the man who pursues dwelling on having sex with a woman not his wife is committing adultery...the man who dwells on having sex outside of marriage, is committing fornication; woman are not exempt from this law.
If you are fighting these tendencies (who isn't?), you are not sinning, you are conquering sin with good; if you are pursuing the fantasy, with a pseudo-latent desire to act on it, you have a problem ... whether that problem is with females or males.
The prayer is for self-control, and then, also, the prayer is for Jehovah to do what he promised, and to "safeguard your thinking ability" with his almighty power and his wisdom and his love. There really is no testing by Jehovah to see if we get thru it; he himself said "I will make the way out." You don't have to prove you can beat this for him...you have to show him you want to do his will, as he sees fit, and he will empower you to do so, if you keep on asking.
Paul clearly respected and loved his brothers and sisters who had alternative- lifestyles before they came to love Jehovah and wanted to please him. He never made some sort of stipulation about one sinful course, be it unrepentant stealing or lying, over another, be it same sex intercourse or sex outside the bonds of marriage.
Your struggle is probably against yourself, and the unforgiving nature we all have for our own sinful flesh...ask yourself, if this was another brother or sister, perhaps my best friend, saying these things to me, how would I respond? Regardless of 'orientation'...
I'm sure you will be successful in strengthening your relationship with Jehovah and Jesus in the days to come, if you see the problem as they see it, and leave the judging and shame where it belongs...with hellfire and damnation... move on...
much love!
2007-10-15 11:28:33
answer #10
answered by hez b 3