Well, the reason *I* personally didn't like wearing my glasses was because I wasn't sure they suited me, and, if you're self-concious, you don't want to -change- what everyone is used to. The first time I wore glasses, it felt like everyone was staring and I hated it.
Also, I was only a child in primary school when I found out I needed them and with all the stupid comments like "speccy four eyes" also put me off.
2007-10-14 03:00:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't like wearing ANY glasses. I don't wear them for correcting sight, but I can't stand sun glasses on my face either. They just seem to be my entire focus sitting there on my nose. They feel funny, bother my nose, and constantly hold my attention. They just drive me nuts! It seems whenever I put a pair of glasses on within minutes I have taken them back off.
I also don't like the change of getting use to the tint and then when taking off again adjusting. I don't know what I'd do if and when I need glasses for sight as they are something I just don't like. I don't know about the use of contacts as my eyes are very sensitive as well. I dread the day I need glasses and I have NEVER owned sunglasses.................. Doesnt have a thing to do with looks in my case. They flat out are bother some to me.
2007-10-14 10:30:47
answer #2
answered by savahna5 6
I can understand why some people don't like wearing them; they can be very expensive and feel awkward and uncomfortable if you are not used to them.
I'm very used to them, having been as blind as a bat for most of my life - I have to put mine on before I even get out of bed or I'd fall out. Because I have to wear mine all the time, I saved up and bought some lovely classic Chanel frames which are light (I always have plastic lenses) and comfortable (they have not got the 'nose rest' things which can really hurt). They give my face character and on the odd occasion I wear contacts for going out in etc, I miss them - I think I look odd without them!
2007-10-14 10:25:39
answer #3
answered by supashopper 3
You know I have often wondered taht!
I have glasses and I love them.
I found the perfect ones for me.
I think that they make my face look thinner and I think that I look better in them.
Also because I am a teenager., (YAY PUBERTY) I get a pimple every once in a while, so my glasses cover it up. My glasses also help me see, I know thats a given, but I canno't see putting contacts into my eyes. Also I am in the shop allot. so when I get hit in the face with a tire ir a flywheel, my glasses save my eyes. They have done it more then once!
2007-10-14 10:18:13
answer #4
answered by Black Rodeo 2
I always think I am ugly with glasses. Tried contacts but didn't like them either. But really most people don't even know you have glasses on. It is a necessity of life for a lot of us, so we just have to live with it.
2007-10-14 10:26:54
answer #5
answered by jamsterette@sbcglobal.net 4
Most people don't like glasses coz they make their eyes look smaller or bigger than what they really are, and it's been considered as being ugly. For some others like me, glasses are annoying. I simply don't feel comfortable while wearing them.
2007-10-14 10:05:28
answer #6
answered by PRSD 3
I have had to were mine since I was eight ( I should have had them before then) If you have thick heavy lenses that steam up in rain, or when you move from a cold place to a warm one show all the colours of the rainbow when you have failed to clean them properly. Slide down your nose and make you ears sore if they are not adjusted correctly, you would not need to ask this question
2007-10-14 10:23:53
answer #7
answered by Scouse 7
Glasses just don't suit some people others find them anoying and some people see them as geeky just because of stupid steriotypes that have been made in the media.
2007-10-14 09:58:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i don't like wearing mine b/c i'm clumsy and i always knock them off, also i have sensitive eyes and i have to wear sunglasses during the day (and i don't like the clip on kind). the other reason is b/c i lose my glasses a lot. lol.
2007-10-14 10:00:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Uh, they can be uncomfortable, a pain to always have to remember where they are and not leave them anywhere, they're expensive so you don't want to get them damaged, and it means you can't ever, say, just run into the sea or impulsively wrestle someone ;), you need to take them off and put them in a safe place first.
Basically, they're a pain.
2007-10-14 09:59:32
answer #10
answered by alexhobart2004 3