If Wicca itself does not feel "right" to you, I agree with Prairie Crow that you need to ask yourself WHAT it is that does not feel right. And there are others who have also mentioned that Wicca may not be the EXACT religion you are looking for, but another "Pagan" religion may be. While you are looking at what exactly does not feel right also look for what DOES.
Then when you have what DOES feel right see if there is another path that incorporates those things, whether it is a denomination of Christianity, a specific Wiccan "trad", or even another Pagan religion such as Hellenic Reconstructionism. When I was about 17 I was exploring Wicca, but rapidly realized that although there were SOME things that I liked, one of the things I didn't was the "fad pantheons" that many people tended to cycle through.....
When I discovered Hellenic Reconstrucionism as a religious methodology, I felt that I had "come home"....
You might discover something similar about yourself, or you might find a SPECIFIC Wiccan "trad" that is right for you.
2007-10-13 15:21:55
answer #1
answered by Anne Hatzakis 6
Sometimes seeking takes a whole lifetime.
There are a lot of religions out there, the only way you will know when one is right for you is to keep searching until you find the one that feels right.
Some forms of Paganism can be studied by ones self, because they are solitary paths, Wicca was not founded to be one such.
Wicca was founded to be entered in, initiated into, as part of a group, a member of a priesthood. If you have this understanding of Wicca it may very well be that you do not feel that the priesthood is right for you, nothing wrong with that.
There is nothing wrong with being an eclectic Pagan, or an eclectic Witch for that matter. Either would allow you to follow the parts about Wicca that you like without becoming a Wiccan.
2007-10-13 15:28:36
answer #2
answered by Black Dragon 5
I know what you mean. I breifly did the 'wicca' thing and now with age and experience I can tell you what it is that feels wrong. And that is the 'religion' part. Spirituality is a solitary journey in many ways. It is great to bounce things off of people who believe in a similar way, but when you've got 'rules' and specific dates you have to observe, and certain things you can or cannot do... it restricts spiritual exploration and it will always feel wrong to people who really have an open and questing heart, as it sounds like you do. So my suggestion is to do what feels right and forget about religion. Religion will never be the answer to the big burning questions. So explore your spirituality with an open mind and heart and follow what feels right. Please take some time to read a book or two by Esther Hicks. A lot of how you can stop moving towards rule driven religions and begin to follow your own higher self towards understanding and spirituality is answered by her. But the actual journey must be your own.
2007-10-13 15:10:49
answer #3
answered by CB 7
Wicca is what you make it, it is a mixture of traditions solidified to one basic religion. What are you close to? What about it attracts you? Does it not feel right because of the Christian Programming we have in this society? Find the answers within yourself and discover your personal spiritual path. Although finding a religion may not be a life long thing the journey to self discovery and learning never ends.
I do not label myself as a Wiccan But I have studied quiet a bit about it over the years. I use the energy work for personal balance and centering, I do some candle magick, make my own oil blends for healing and aroma therapy, connect with the elements/nature, etc. But I do not have a pantheon of Deities that I pray to, I do not have magick tools or do rituals. I use a blend of Quantum Physics and the basic workings of eastern philosophy and pagan beliefs.
I am always looking for folks interested in quality conversation to discuss personal questions as we search the path. I have a growing library and would be glad to add to the knowledge you already have, as well has learn what you have thus far. Feel free to contact me.
2007-10-13 16:15:08
answer #4
answered by The Soap Man 3
If you feel a closeness to Wicca, but it doesn't feel right for some reason, study more. Don't push yourself to find a particular path. If it still doesn't "feel right" after a while, then maybe its not truly for you. Be patience with yourself, meditate, and stay away from Silver Ravenwolf books. She is a poor source of info for Wicca and an even poorer source for Witchcraft.
2007-10-13 18:12:23
answer #5
answered by Bookworm 6
That is the question. As with all Pagan Paths', it's a personal one.
I've seen people who's adapted Wicca with other paths for that more personal feel. Maybe looking at what has that 'feel' in other faiths & see if they are adaptable with Wicca. OR just adopt the Eclectics Rede "nick what looks good, adapt what isn't & ignore everything else"
2007-10-13 18:11:22
answer #6
answered by Rai A 7
Immerse yourself a bit more, if you feel that deep undeniable feeling, its for you. If you dont after a while, then its not for you. Its not like a blood cult that youre chained too no matter what for life, lol. You wont know until you explore a little deeper. Maybe the feeling hasnt come so far because the people educating you about it arent doing it properly. Talk to another priestess (right word, right?) and see how you feel. Not all covens have the same beliefs and are as "pure" as others in their adherence to the original religion - too much misinformation and trendiness swirling around it.
2007-10-13 15:05:36
answer #7
answered by Learning Conformity 5
Perhaps you desire a path that is similar to Wicca but it's just not Wicca. Have you looked into other forms of Neopagan spirituality? Wicca is but one branch on a very large tree (yeah I know, funny metaphor from a Norse Pagan). Have you considered being just a Neopagan with some Wiccan influence? I know lots of people who go that way. Or like I said look into the other Neopagan faiths. You have many types (the various "reconstruction" faiths...Heathenry, Hellenism, Kemeticism, Celtic Recon, and others for example).
2007-10-13 15:21:18
answer #8
answered by Abriel 5
I have paganistic tendencies as well... but I am monotheistic. In short, I'm a Christian, but it's hard for me to admit that because I'm not a "by-the-books", average Christian, because I believe in many, many things... I'm a 'weird' Christian because I'm open minded, lol!
Instead of branding yourself to be devoted to one, certain religion, always keep your options open and your heart curious. Ask questions about Everything! Do not ever stop asking questions until your soul is peaceful with your decision. And PLEASE understand that religion will most likely change with you... You will grow, and your beliefs will most likely change. That is why it is very important never to settle for a set of religious rules - that is how many people get in religious ruts.
Be forever active in your religion, and only choose whatever your heart really yearns for. If you do not acquire peace, it will be hard for you to fully enjoy life.
Never shut out anyone else's explanations or experiences, because you can learn a lot. Keep an open mind and heart, and whatever religion you are meant to follow, whatever god/goddess you were meant to worship, will come flowing into it naturally. If you allow life to enter you, the source will enter as well.
But I wouldn't rush into a religion, if I were you. Take your time and be patient. The only thing that is instant in this world is time itself. Just keep an open mind, and an open heart.
Good luck, or should I say.. "Blessed Be!" :)
2007-10-13 15:22:54
answer #9
answered by chris 2
Read into other paths. There are a ton of them. paganspath.com covers a bunch of them. See if one clicks. Read what you can, meet as many different pagans and witches as you can whether on line or in real life. It sounds like something is calling you, you just don't know what. I was generic pagan for a while, then studies Kemetic for a while before I found Heathenism. Everything slid into place like the perfect puzzle for me. It was a long journey but worth it for me personally.
2007-10-13 17:21:21
answer #10
answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7