It doesn't matter what I think,
Plenty of science has been done, thats the same science which puts food on your table, gives you a nice car, goes into your TV. It's all science you know.
2007-10-13 07:13:31
answer #1
answered by John Sol 4
GW is a natural process. Just as well as ice ages are. In fact, how would the earth come out of an ice age if GW wasn't a natural process?
Human beings do change the enviroment however, but only on very small scales. People change the enviroment in their homes, office buildings, and even big stadiums. But doing so requires huge amounts of energy. And when you stop trying to change the eviroment in a building (like turning off the heater or A/C) it doesn't take long before the climate changes in the building. Think of how much energy it would take to change the enviroment on a global scale. To say we puny humans can drive an SUV or fly in an airplane and destroy the planet is non-sense.
When will liberals and socialist stop selling the doom of the earth and release themselves of the shackels of blind faith in science? When will they be openminded and start questioning science?
GW is a natural process. We've had doom and gloom pushed down our throats for well over 30 years! It's time to get over it.
2007-10-13 14:36:46
answer #2
answered by J.J. 2
Yes, because the earth is comming out of an Ice Age!!! They are always followed by global warming.
The only reason for the fluxuation of tempertature after this Ice Age, is the existance of a land mass on the southern pole. None of the previous Ice Ages had such an obsticle to slow down the natural warming process or cause 'Mini Ice Ages' on the way back to earth's normal temperature range.
Otherwise, the present rate of global warming would be much more rapid, and dangerous for any anmimal too stupid to move away from water, more like previous ages of warming.
The complete idiots who think that the 'northern passage is opening up for the first time ever', in spite of the fact that most of the earth's history has been completely ice free, from pole to pole, have taken control of the Universities and News outlets and the politicians are to guttless to stand up to them.
2007-10-13 13:59:26
answer #3
answered by Victor S 5
Yes ,global warming is here.I can see the effects so why would anybody not believe.Were i live the average temperature has gone up 7 degrees in the last ten years.In the north there has been a dramatic change to environment.Most of my life i could not imagine not having a white chirstmas,now i can only hope .
2007-10-13 15:10:23
answer #4
answered by Zombie 6
There is no conclusive evidence "global warming" is anything other than natural temperature variations which existed before mankind and have very little to do with man made fossil fuel emissions.
The idea that global warming would melt the ice caps and flood coastal cities seem to be mere science fiction. A slight increase in temp.-whether natural or human induced- is not likely to lead to a massive melting of the earth ice caps, as sometimes claimed by the leftist media.
2007-10-13 15:45:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I do believe that global warming is really happening. The earth does go through warming and cooling periods. Skeptics can say that we are just making a big deal about nothing, but one very interesting thing to consider, is that in previous times when the earth has gone through cycles, it was not loaded down with humans who were doing everything in their power to upset the balance of their own ecosystem. Imagine going about your daily business while loaded down with parasites.
The point is, whether you believe in global warming or not, we are tearing the crap out of our planet, and in the process dooming ourselves, and future generations.
2007-10-13 14:44:48
answer #6
answered by iga k 3
Yes I do believe it is happening.
In a recent survey conducted in 30 countries around the world tens of thousands of people were asked if they considered climate change to be a serious threat - 90% said yes, 8% said no, 2% didn't answer or had no opinion. (this is last years survey, this year has an even higher figure for the number of beleivers).
Amongst scientists the figures are considerably higher, over 99% of climatologists agree that global warming is happening and that humans are contributing to it.
2007-10-13 14:11:41
answer #7
answered by Trevor 7
Ohh it is soooo real. It IS natural and it IS being dramatized by the media but us humans have done some pretty awful thing to the Earth. And I'm going to be pretty surprised if nature doesn't win in the long run.
For you people saying it isn't a problem? Will you please take you heads out of your conservative asses and realize that just because a guy you don't like says it's real doesn't mean that he's lying? Global warming is a seriously inconvenient truth, and that's all.
2007-10-13 14:09:05
answer #8
answered by Demia 2
is it happening: yes
are we the cause of it: NO
can we stop it: no
will its consequences be as bad as people(gore) are claiming: no
and for everyone's information almost all the scientist's who worked on the IPCC report ASKED TO HAVE THEIR NAMES REMOVED FROM IT because they said the report did not agree with their findings and that their research was ignored when it was written. the majority of the names on the report are those of the beaurocrats running the operation
also yes ice caps and glaciers are melting, just like they have done every single summer for thousands of years, and when its winter in that hemisphere, guess what they freeze right back up again
2007-10-13 18:31:15
answer #9
answered by Da Funk 5
0⤋ is happening. It doesn't take a genius to see that the polar ice caps ARE melting. Most people KNOW global warming is occurring. The ARGUMENT comes when you try to figure out WHY.
Is it humans...or a natural progression of the planet?
Some of my favorite reasons::
Moose burps are causing global warming...
3% of global warming is caused by cigarettes.
It's total crap like that...that confuses people about the REAL facts. When you hear things like that, which are you supposed to believe?
2007-10-13 13:50:28
answer #10
answered by Lisa E 6