I am a Christian. To answer your questions, the world is not 7000, and it may have existed for billions of years. It is mankind that is approximately 6000 years old. This is achieved by working backward from the Bible's chronology. This is not synonymous with the theory of evolution which states that man has evolved over millions of years from apes (that still exist). There are so many unanswered questions in the theory of evolution, like the missing missing link fossils (the ones they thought were missing links were dropped as being animals and not early humans), and our creation is so complex that it could not have come about by natural selection. If you found a brick house in the middle of nowhere, would you think that it built itself, or that it had a creator? Same thing with humans. (Heb 3:4) There is no solid evidence for evolution, and creation is the only logical option.
I agree with you about the cross. The cross is a pre-Christian phallic symbol, and Jesus Christ and his followers did not use this sign or any other. (Acts 15:20) Christ's true followers worship with spirit and truth, not things they can see. (John 4:23) Furthermore, if a man's child was shot to death, will it make sense for the parent to wear a gun around his neck as a sign of respect? Of course not if he was in his right mind. Why people do the same for Jesus Christ is a mystery to me. As a side point, Jesus died on a single stake, not a cross sectional cross, as bought out not only in the scriptures, but also in history as those crucified were never hung from cross sectional poles, but from a single, vertical, stake.
"Hell" in the Bible is not what many people think it is. It is only the common grave of mankind. It is the english correspondence of the Greek word of Hades, which is a translation of the Hebrew word Sheol. Hades and Sheol both refer to the grave of mankind. Because the word Sheol literally means "a hollow place", it is was translated as "hell". Because of the clergy's misinterpretation of Revelation, they associated hell with fire, and this started the misconception of the way people use the word "hell" today. Think about this: Acts 2:27 quotes david's prophecy about Jesus, "you will not leave my soul in Ha′des, neither will you allow your loyal one to see corruption." If Jesus was a perfect man, why would he go to a burning hades after he died, since people believe that it is a place for gross sinners? However, since the Bible shows that it is the common grave of mankind, then that would be in agreement with this prophecy. Also, Ecclesiastes lays it all out by saying "as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all." The dead are just that - in an conconscious, inactive state, awaiting their resurrection if God deems them as being fit. (Acts 24:15; John 5:28, 29)
The last question has a composite explanation though it is quite simple. For simplification reasons, I will list the scriptures for this paragraph at the end instead of throughout the paragraph. When God has a purpose for something, it is completed. He does not predetermine our individual future, but does plan the events that will happen. In Genesis, God purposed that the earth be a paradise and that Adam and Eve's perfect offspring fill the earth. God gave them everything that they need and could want in the Garden of Eden, but He told them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad which represented God's right to rule. If they obeyed, then they would be showing that they relied on God's right to set the standard for them to live by. If they disobeyed, then they would die in the day (1,000 years to God) that they ate the fruit. This is why Adam never lived pass 1000 years. Anyway, God could have wiped them out and start over but he holds himself to his own standard of not lying and he had purposed that a perfect human race come from Adam and Eve. Because Adam and Eve showed that they would rather set their own standards of right and wrong, God is giving all humans these few millenia to see that no human or satanic rule is as good as His rule. But don't worry, according to 2 Timothy 3:1-5, and other Bible chronology I won't get into here, we are living in the end of this system. That is when the wicked will be destroyed for refusing to serve the true God (including so-called christians who never followed anything Christ did and taught), God's true living servants will be ushered into a new earthly system (like the Garden of Eden since that is what he purposed in the beginning) to live a perfect life without dying (this is why no one with minimal stress want to die today, and those who commit suicide are only trying to escape the situation), and there will be a resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous people on the earth.
Here are the scriptures:
God's word always happen - (sa 55:10, 11
We have free will - compare Philemon 14
Command not to eat from the tree - Genesis 2:9, 15-17
1 day to God is as 1000 years - 2 Peter 3:8
God cannot lie - Titus 1:2
The wicked will be destroyed, but God's servants will live forever in peace - Psalms 37:10, 11, 29
God has put living forever in our hearts - Ecclesiastes 3:11
There will be a resurrection - John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15
I thought I would answer the second part of your last answer first. After explaining all of this, it was necessary of Jesus to die because a perfect man (Adam) got us into this sinful mess, so a perfect man would have to get us out. Because no perfect man exists, God had to send one of his perfect angels to the earth to live the life of a man and die for us. (Micah 5:2) In the meantime, the Israelites and alien residents would offer unblemished animal sacrifices which pointed to Christ's unblemished body that would die. Without going further into the individual sacrifices and what they meant, Christ would eventually present his blood to God's figurative altar in the heavens, which would take away the sins of mankind once the new system (mentioned above) starts. (1 Peter 1:19; Hebrews 9:11-14)
I know all this was a lot, but it's only the start. There are so many Bible truths that I have yet to discuss. If you have any other questions, drop me a line, and make sure you look up all the scriptures - I didn't make any of this up.
2007-10-12 15:14:53
answer #1
answered by peaceablefruit206 7
There is a lot of errors in carbon dating. There is nothing wrong with wearing the cross , it's wearing the cross with the graven image on it that God does not like( Exodus 20:4 ). Yes you are on your way to hell because everyone is a sinner ( Romans 3:23 )and Jesus is NOT all forgiving . God cannot let a sinner into heaven ( John 3:3 )Jesus died on the cross for the payment of the sins for those that believe in him ( 1 John 4:10 ). Read the bible and go to a bible believing church to have a chance to go to heaven and be in paradise for ever ( Romans 10:17 )www.fbbc.com
2007-10-12 12:49:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
For your first question, I believe that the world is acctually about 6000 years old. And how do you know that carbon dating is correct, and that the decay rate of carbon is constant?
2nd question: I think that wearing a cross is wrong, because it shows the power that Satan had over the masses of people.
3rd question: Yes, I think that you will burn in hell for being an athiest "That they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" 2Thess. 2:12.
4th question: Because God just can't forgive us, it's not enough. It would show to the whole universe that the transgression of God's law was not a serious thing. But it is. So the blood of someone equal to the law, who had lived a sinless life here on earth, was needed. On the cross, Jesus suffered the weight of every sin that had ever, or would ever, be commited. So, what that means, is that our sins are now resting upon Jesus. If we confess and forsake our sins, our sins will be forgive. Now, at Judgment Day, those who have not had their sins forgiven will have their sins put upon them again and will suffer accordingly. Also, God hates sin, and can't tolerate it. Therefore, he would never change his laws so that it would be possible for everyone to sin.
2007-10-12 13:10:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes, 7000 give or take. God would have had to create it with an appearance of age to support animals, vegetation, and yes, man; all of which happened in less than a week. I know... Dinosaurs. In Genesis when Adam and Eve sinned, the whole of creation turned against them. Had God not caused a mass extinction, the big herbivores would have stripped all the vegetation, the big carnivores would have eaten everything that didn't starve, including man. Again in keeping with creation, the fossils were also given the appearance of age. The "appearance" of age explains your carbon dating.
I believe that Christ would be glad to see the crucifix that I wear, because i wear it to be reminded of the total once and for all sacrifice that has earned my salvation, through Christ Alone. It also points to the empty tomb, and to his throne in Heaven!
Yes. You are bound for Hell. The Bible tells us that even the devil believes, and quakes. The devil believes, and is hell bound. One must not only believe, but surrender their spirit to the Lord. Your interest in Christianity is likely due to the Holy Spirit trying to work in you. I also believe that is why you have asked such good questions. Try opening your heart and see where the Spirit leads you.
God demanded, way back in the Old Testament blood sacrifices in payment for our sins. It also showed obedience to God: Remember, we broke the Covenant with God when we exercised free will and listened to the devil, and ate the forbidden fruit. Jesus was the once and for all last sacrifice. Remember Jesus is true God and true Man at the same time. As God he knew what had to be done, but since God is omnipotent and eternal, only the human part of Christs dual nature could die. Christs human body was raised from the dead because Scripture tells us that when Christ appeared in the locked room he told Thomas to put his hand in to his wounds.
Even the "Best" Christians sin. The ten commandments prove this. True Christians, because of their faith "WANT NOT TO SIN". Everyone else because of their lack of faith "WANTS TO SIN".
I hope that I have answered your Questions, if you have any others, email me.
Your friend in Christ,
2007-10-12 14:01:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The Bible does not state how old the world actually is, it just gives a written history or timeline about the recorded history.
A cross is a piece of jewelery. It's a symbol, that's all. I don't think Jesus would be upset, however it is a symbol and people have to remember that is not what is important.
Going to hell, ok the two unforgivable sins are blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and denying Jesus.
(Mark 3:28-29 KJV) Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
God created the world and made the rules.
It is so important to remember that God judges each of us individually, weighing all the factors of our lives, our beliefs and our motives. Each one of us is so intricate and complex, only God could really judge us in total truth, wisdom, and without favoritism. The most important truth of all, is that each one of us will stand before His throne and give account of our lives. If we lived intimately with this sobering truth, much of the sin in the church and the world, would immediately be stopped.
2007-10-12 12:49:28
answer #5
answered by Get A Grip 6
Boy, you're going to work yourself into a sweat in Philosophy class! Christians do not have difficulty with this because Christians believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God exists. Just as you cannot see the wind, yet you can feel it and see it working, Christians know that God is working in their lives. Many things - the complexity of DNA, the human mind, the earth and its perfect balance and sustenance - all provide examples of a master architect at work in things that could not possibly have happened through randomness and chaos. My favorite proof is based on irrefutable scientific law - thermodynamics - which certainly stands above scientific theory. The Laws of Thermodynamics tell me that the universe had a beginning; its mass-energy is constant, and the energy available for work is running out. It could not have existed forever, or its usable energy would have been exhausted. Since the universe had a beginning, it has a cause. Something caused it to come into being. For better or for worse, I simply call the thing that caused it to come into being God. Einstein demonstrated that time is linked to matter and space. Time itself began with matter and space. Therefore, before God created any matter, he was not limited by a time dimension. As Isaiah tells us, he is the one who inhabits eternity. Hope this helps.
2016-05-22 03:33:09
answer #6
answered by ? 3
A lot of questions. I believe the world is young and not millions and millions of years old. Carbon dating is not reliable and neither are the scientists who do the dating. Jesus, when He comes back, is not going to bother about crosses on our necks. He will be busy elsewhere. I cannot say if you are going to hell or not but those who deny Christ can't possibly go to heaven according to the Bible. God is a holy God and He could not accept your sin. Jesus died for your sin so you could be made acceptable to God.
2007-10-12 12:35:05
answer #7
answered by Fish <>< 7
I don't believe the earth is 7000 years old, but I do believe it's between 50000-100000 years old.
Jesus would want to see another cross. For that symbolizes our faith.
Yes I think your going to hell. God does forgive but you have to ask for it.
God is a righteous and loving God. That's why He doesn't like sin. Jesus died for our sins. He died so we can have a personal relationship with God. And He came and died to show that He truly loves us and would do anything for our righteousness. He was an example.
2007-10-12 14:11:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
1. yes i do believe the world is 7000 years old.
2.i don't think he would care maybe he would want to see it because that is the time he saved us(christans) from going to hell!
3. well i think that you would if you r still an atheist....and it sort of sounds like you do believe in him cuz you say he forgives! oh and you have to repent from your sins before you get forgiven.......you can't go to heaven unless you r saved and you have putten your full hope into God and you trust in him fully!
Psalms 42:5
4.first of all, Jesus died on the cross for our sins so we could go to Heaven......2nd of all if he didnt' die on the cross then we would have no way into heaven, cuz the devil(Satan) made sin in the world......and God does not want us to sin cuz he wants us to bring all the glory to him.
Genesis 2:4-25 3:1-24
2007-10-12 12:50:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
As a Christian, I believe the world is 4-5 billion years old.
Jesus knows that some of His followers wear crosses. This is not news to Him.
It WAS necessary for Jesus to die so that we would no longer be held under the laws of the Old Testament.
The purpose of His death was to save us from sin.
You seriously think sinning ought to be allowed. I can't believe you think murder, rape, theft, extortion, adultery, etc. ought to be fine and dandy.
You think it's cool to use illegal drugs, to get drunk every night, sleep with 5 different people every night, etc.
Come on!
Where are you going when you die? Why do you care what I think?
You say you are safe because He forgives.
You supposedly don't believe in Him.
It doesn't make sense for you to say that someone in whom you don't believe will forgive you.
Why don't you read a bit about all this? then you might have a better understanding of it.
2007-10-12 12:45:26
answer #10
answered by batgirl2good 7
I'm a Christian and
1. No I don't believe the world is 7000 years old.
2. I don't wear crosses.
3. According to the gospel, salvation is contingent upon faith and repentance.
4. It was necessary to satisfy God's judicial nature. God is holy and so doesn't allow sin. So the answer is - because of God's nature.
2007-10-12 12:37:25
answer #11
answered by Steve Amato 6