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Let me start off by saying that I'm a Christian. I believe in God, the Bible, Heaven, and Hell. Having said this, I want to know why people hate Christians sooo much. I mean I'm not going to force you to be part of my religion. I wish you would be, because of what I believe are the consequences of not being saved, but I can't make you do anything....it's you're decision. And please don't say "it's because you act like you're better than me", because I'll be the first to admit that I have done wrong things in my life....I've sinned....I still do. I don't deserve forgiveness, but I do believe that God has forgiven me, because He is gracious, and loving, and because I have asked for forgiveness. I just don't understand why people resent me for being a Christian......if you find it offensive, what do you find offensive?

2007-10-12 11:21:27 · 53 answers · asked by Confused 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

53 answers

We are told though the Bible that it will be this way and worse as we approach the end time.

Hang in there

2007-10-12 11:26:20 · answer #1 · answered by kenny p 7 · 5 8

It's deep rooted and stems from the old testament. In reading it you'll see where the God of the Bible used his power to assist the Israelites in taking many lands and people. This includes the current day problem with Israel and Palestine. The comes Christ, a Jew, saying he is the Son of God. You must remember, Christianity or Christians are but grafted in to God's true vine, the Israelites, and God's ultimate plan is for them to be saved above all others. This is in the New Testament. Non-Jews will be saved simply because we believe in Christ. Then came all the Holy Wars and the Inquisitions and world travels. All of which ended with them trying to convert the people they came across to Christianity and killed those that wouldn't.

These old hatreds are deep rooted in other faiths and regardless of how we may practice today the Bible still commands us to spread the word and try to convert others just as do the Holy Writings of other religions. It's how one does it that matters. And what they find offensive is that we don't believe in their God and we won't convert.

2007-10-12 11:36:10 · answer #2 · answered by iuud2noitall 3 · 2 1

Sweetie, I do not find you the least bit irritating or offensive.

There are others, however, that are the zealots that cause me endless frustration. The attitude they have that they can speak for god, or judge non-believers to hell and basically try to insinuate (force) their beliefs into my personal life. I do not like being forced into converting to your belief system. I have been there and done that. It was not for me. I do not like the hypocrisy rampant in the church. There is much corruption in the ranks of Christianity. Have you seen the news lately?

Anyway, that is just a quick synopsis of my feelings and frustration. Tip of the iceburg, really. I know there are some very decent Christians out there and I have no problems with those people. As I say, it is the zealots and fanatics that get under my skin.

Peace to you upon the path you travel in life.

2007-10-12 11:30:57 · answer #3 · answered by Willow 4 · 3 1

I finally figured out not long ago why atheists HAVE to hate Christians sooooo much... and especially to call us "stupid" and "dumb" etc. etc.

Note: Okay, not ALL atheists are so ... "impassioned" in their opinons, but the idea is still the same.

Why they must hate us and call us stupid is really simple: IF they said that we were smart and we had "thought out" our positions, that would mean that our faith had validity to it. And if our faith had any bit of validity to it, that would mean what they "don't" believe in may just NOT be valid. If they said, "Hey, you've got something there," then they would have to reconsider their non-faith, and they don't want to do that. It would be like pulling the rug out from under them.

So, now, when these angry atheists start hurling insults at me, I smile and say, "Thank you," because they are telling me that I have something they don't have.

Have a blessed day.

2007-10-13 13:14:39 · answer #4 · answered by wyomugs 7 · 1 0

I will answer your questions honestly and sincerely.

I am a pagan Witch. One of the main problems I have with Christianity is that it claims to be THE ONLY path that is valid. truly believe that there are many correct spiritual paths, and everyone must find her or his own way. I don't hate Christians. However, I resent it very much when I am told that my spiritual path is not valid. I don't think you are better than I am, I don't think you are a better or worse person than I am just because you are different. I do not get this respect in return from Christians. I have been told outright that I worship the devil (I don't even believe in a devil) that I am evil (thanks a lot) and that I am going to hell (likewise, I don't believe in it.)

Also, the bible verse that is so oft mis-quoted "suffer not a WITCH to live" should be corrected to to the original word "poisoner" as it was originally intended ( I have heard it said that either "poisoner" or "thief" was the original term used) Christians quote this so often and use it to put us down and call us evil and not fit to live and deserving of being murdered, it is horrible.

I don't resent you for being a Christian. I resent it when SOME Christians try to tell me these things about myself. I take my spiritual path just as seriously as you take yours, and I would never dream of telling you something as insulting as Christians don't even exist, they aren't real, they are all evil and they worship this really bad entity that my religion has created.

Do you understand? I am only speaking for myself here. I know that many pagans and Witches will quickly bring up the Burning Times as a reason why we should resent you. While I don't think we should forget what happened to Witches in the Middle Ages, I know of no present day Christians who have burned any modern day Witches at the stake. Therefore, I try not to get into this, in the spirit of trying to resolve our differences and find common ground, of which there is plenty!

Another thing about Christianity in general is its patriarchal set up, male only deity, even though you say that your God is gender neutral, you always call your God by a male pronoun, never She. This is a very strong message about the power structure of your church, which doesn't really sit well with those of us who are working to include the Divine Feminine in the awareness of society.

If you want to put a smile on the face of your local pagan or Witch, show her/him that you understand these points, that you respect our path, and that you would never try to convert one of us. This would show true respect and I believe it would go a long way toward erasing any resentment a pagan might feel toward you.

I wish you many blessings on your journey in Christianity, and I hope you wish the same for me in my journey as a pagan Witch.

Bright Blessings,
Lady Morgana )0(

2007-10-12 11:53:56 · answer #5 · answered by Lady Morgana 7 · 1 2

I'm Catholic, & I really hate how everyone stereotypes my religion.
No, I've never been molested by a Catholic priest.
No, I don't worship statues.
No, I don't value saints at the same level as God.

I think that before people start attacking someone's religion,
they should at least look up the values on Wikipedia or something.
Come onnn now.

2007-10-14 07:22:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I doubt that people resent you for being Christian. Even assuming that gives your whole post a ring of self righteousness. Really, what's to resent about someone believing in a religion?

People do resent being told they are not "saved" because they don't believe as you do. People resent others speaking for some god and condemning them to hell. People resent being forced to follow the rules of a religion that they don't belong to or believe in. They resent Christians thinking that they have no morals simply because they don't follow some old book. They resent being portrayed as sinners or lost or worse. They resent Christians who point fingers of blame and decry sin, all the while sinning themselves and reminding everyone that, of course, "they" are forgiven..

2007-10-12 11:48:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Have a look at Praise Jesus' comment: "They are all going to Hell anyway. Who cares if it is sooner rather than later. They need to accept Christ."

This is typical of narrow-minded fundie vitriol. She's convinced she's perfect and anything is allowed to be perpetuated on non-believers.

And, THIS is the perfect example of what give the rest of you theists a bad name.
You and your flock of ‘moderates’ need to actively seek out these zealots and set them straight; they are giving you the reputation you deserve by your passive acquiescence.

I hope this adequately answers your question.
I'm an atheist - I never chose to become one - I just never found the evidence I needed to change my mind.
Don't tell me to look harder - I'm almost 61 - I've looked in war and in peace - there's no evidence - children still starve and 99% of prayers aren't answered; the 1% that are 'answered' would have happened any way.
Don't tell me to read Bible (aka Goat Herders' Guide to the Galaxy) - I've read it more than twice.

I am perfectly at ease with being responsible for my own life - I don't need the help of an invisible sky guy - I'm not into delusions.

2007-10-12 11:51:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

One thing that the bible teaches us is that we Christians will be laughed at, rejected and even persecuted for our faith.

Some Christians speak about not living in the World but in the Word. This means we turn our faces to God and what he desires of us, not other human beings. We seek the wealth found in the Word of God rather than the weath of material things, the world tells us makes will make us happy and is the mark of success. Of course this is offensive to those living in the world. Having everyone striving for material glory is a way to control others.

Being a Christian is a journey, not a destination. You dont stop sinning and your do not become a perfect Christian when you become part of Gods World. Some of us get stuck on imploring others to join the faith. I do not think they do it out of malice, they want others to feel the peace they do, but some can be overzealous in thier efforts to share the Word.

This is my very long way of saying, yes others may resent you for being a Christian, but that is not your problem. Your focus should be on pleasing God, that is where your true happiness lies. The great thing about being a Christian it is clear that happiness is no just something you get when you go to heaven, it is possible in this phase of our life, on earth, if you continue to follow God.

God bless you!

2007-10-12 11:37:33 · answer #9 · answered by CHELLE BELLE 5 · 3 3

I was born a Christian and raised as a Christian. I believe what I believe. If u don't believe what I believe, then I ask u what do you believe. I don't judge anyone on their religious beliefs. If we were all meant to believe in a certain thing we would have been born that way. Look at how we need to eat and drink to survive, this is apart of us, no one wrote this down, this is a natural instinct we have from birth, we need to eat and drink in order to survive. Our bodies don't tell us believe this way or that way in order to survive........................... What happens is that we as Christians see how the word is being taught when in church, how our Pastor's say do this or that or go to hell. That's wrong, teach it, encourage it, but don't judge, for judging is doing the opposite of what Jesus said to do. The blood is not on your hands once you have told at least one person and u try to live the best u can.......What happens is that Christians act is if perfect lyes within them, we all make mistakes, no one is perfect, but God. We all fall short of his Glory, this was intended and when spreading the word people will except it better from u, by u explaining to them this is basically a survive to do better, mistakes happen, ask for forgiveness and go on. We tend to dis-reguard the fact that we were once sinners too, and someone encouraged you to seek God.

2007-10-12 12:08:35 · answer #10 · answered by Dawn 2 · 0 2

I don't hate Christians. I hate what Christians and other religions are doing to this world. It's getting to be a crowded place, there's lots of tension, hate, and war. If we want to survive the next 100 years, we need to learn more about ourselves and each other. This means having an open mind and accepting others for who they are. Many religions don't allow that. And we need to set aside dumbass beliefs in mythology that allow the masses to be swayed by those in power.

2007-10-12 11:31:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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