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Since belief in JC is the "only way to get to the FATHER" according to John the apostle, what became of those who died before Jesus came and those who died after but did not know of him? Are these folks doomed to an eternity in Hell?

2007-10-12 07:07:19 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

If God exists, then there must be many paths to God. To claim exclusitivity is arrogant and just plain stupid. To decide who is "saved" or goes to "Heaven" is up to God. Everything else is posturing and bullying.

2007-10-12 08:28:57 · answer #1 · answered by Zelda Hunter 7 · 0 3

You know something that makes me wonder. Why would the religious leaders of the time kill him saying he committed blasphemy if he did not claim he was God, or the Christ, as it is put? Namely put, Christ did claim he was God. To put my point together, when the Sanhedrin asked Jesus whether he was the Christ or not, the first thing he said was "I AM" which is a reference to what God told Moses when he asked for a name. That was based off Mark's take which has been said to actually be based off what he learned from Peter. Also Jesus called himself the Son of Man which is a reference to Daniel 7 describing One that can only be God for our God is a jealous God which shall not share his glory with any other god (rough reference to Exodus 20:3-5). If it is true that God will not share His glory than why give Jesus glory if he is not God? Philippians 2:9-11: Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. If God is the only one who deserves glory and Jesus deserves such glory acceptable to God than he can only be God. Jesus also forgave sins. When a man who was paralyzed was brought to him, Jesus said to the man that his sins were forgiven. When the priests heard this they said among themselves, "This man speaks blasphemies for who can forgive sins, but God alone?" Jesus of course had something to say (rough reference to Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, and Luke 5:16-26). As far as the Trilogy goes, there is a reference in 1 John, specifically chapter 5 verse 7. "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. Also there are times in the OT, that a plural reference was used for God. The one I remember right now is when God was calling Isaiah and it was put in this way, "Who shall we send, and who shall go for us?" There is still more, this one is a bit hidden in translation but when Jesus said, "It is I" when he was walking on the water he literally said "I AM." There are many other things I could bring to the table, but I really feel like time would fail me to name all of them before this question is closed. O, and there was the time that Peter said Jesus was the Christ.

2016-04-08 05:29:00 · answer #2 · answered by Heather 4 · 0 0

You know what?

It's always been what it's been. God chooses a remnant of people (even the Jews) and gives them the ability to trust Him. It's always been that way.

Even in the Old Testament it was revealed that God only wants a few of every people. The righteous were the people who trusted God, all along.

So before God came to Earth as Jesus, He had certain people picked out that He worked with. Isaiah said it, Habakkuk said it, Elijah heard it, it is expressed that way in many places in the Old Testament - God wants only some people. Even in the midst of sacrificing and working through the Law of Moses, only a few would do it because they actually loved God. Most of the others did it for religious, or because they would be embarrassed if someone noticed, or political and social status; whatever. But only a few would really think that God was worth it.

And that's what we have today. There are even some Christians who do it for the wrong reasons. Human nature is just the same even to this day.

2007-10-12 07:16:48 · answer #3 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 3

For starters, God did not manifest himself as Jesus christ, on Earth, God sent his Son, to die for our sins, when he saw that the People were worse than Animals,"No Morals." and he was going to sent his Son, to Die for the Sins, of our Ancestors.. As for those as you say, who Died before Jesus Christ came to walk the pass of righteousness, when the resurrection comes, they will be resurrected, and can once again, be Human form. I hope I could be able to see that day come.

2007-10-12 14:19:05 · answer #4 · answered by a.vasquez7413@sbcglobal.net 6 · 0 1

When we die we sleep, when judgment day comes we will all awake, the ones who died before Jesus came alot knew God the Father. No one knows what will happen to the ones who died not knowing Jesus, other than what the Bible says..God will make the final judgment on where any one goes..Remember God see's the heart of man...

2007-10-12 07:49:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Jesus (PBUH) is not God first of all, he's the Messiah and a mighty messenger of God, secondly, there were many prophets before Jesus (PBUH) that called for the worship of the one God who created everything... those who heard the message from any of the prophets and followed are saved (inshallah) and those who heard and didn't follow shall be punished... those who didn't hear because they didn't have a prophet come to them and clarify things for them shall not be punished... and God knows best.

2007-10-12 07:36:09 · answer #6 · answered by Ilyes 2 · 0 2

When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, the sacrifice of an animal was the first death ever recorded. This death paid the price for Adam and Eve and clothed their nakedness. At this point, God spoke the first Messianic prophecy of One who will come and crush the head of the serpent.
Until the coming of the Levitical Law, those that came to God were justified by faith--such as Abraham. When the Levitical system was put in place, faith was exercised via a "type" or "model" of He who was to come - that is, the Lamb of God. However, this model was only a temporary covering for sin until Yeshua came and took the sins away. Hence the need to repeat it yearly.

When Isaac asked of his father where the lamb was for the sacrifice, Abraham said, "God will provide Himself a Lamb." This was seen when John the Baptist pointed to Jesus and proclaimed "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."
If we ask Jesus to be Lord and Savior, we are, in essence, passing our sins onto Him as our personal lamb. Our payment was paid in full on the cross. Which is why Jesus said "Tetelestai" or "paid in full" (commonly translated as "it is finished").

The cross is nothing new. It had been fortold since Genesis. The work that Yeshua did on the cross was the completion of a plan that had already been in place thousands of years before.

All those who trusted in the coming redemption were justified by their faith. Just as we, looking back, will be justified in our faith.


This is all explained indepth in Hebrews chapters 9 through 11.

2007-10-12 07:16:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

Jesus is the son of God, he never claimed to be a God, and I suppose if God existed, he would claim all his children before and after Jesus.

2007-10-12 14:30:26 · answer #8 · answered by robink71668 5 · 0 2

see before the bible no one apart form the Adam and the fruit seller was about and then when they where these two people
they had so many kids that how we came about

next thing we will be saying is that when clouds bump it causes thunder

2007-10-12 11:33:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

They did believe in Jesus Christ in the form of the promised Savior of the world. Those who did not believe in this Promise may have been in big trouble after they died.

2007-10-12 07:16:59 · answer #10 · answered by gismoII 7 · 0 3

It is written Jesus came to take away the sins of the world.


John 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.


2007-10-12 07:13:37 · answer #11 · answered by Hogie 7 · 1 3

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