Satan is a man made concept. Invented to keep people going to the church and tithing.
2007-10-12 06:12:28
answer #1
answered by ? 6
Yes, the devil is real. He is not just a symbol for evil, nor is he an imaginary figure that people dreamed up to explain the existence of evil. Evil is real—and so is Satan or the devil.
Don't picture Satan, however, the way the cartoons do—as a comic figure with a red suit and a pitchfork who bothers people sometimes but otherwise has little influence. Satan is a very powerful cosmic spiritual personality who has one goal: to stop God's work wherever it is taking place. To accomplish this he schemes and works every way he can, and he is behind all the evil that takes place in the world. His name—Satan—literally means "Adversary"—and that is what he is: our adversary.
More than that, the devil works to deceive us and convince us that his promises are true and God's Word is a lie. Jesus said that the devil "was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). Don't ever take Satan lightly!
But one other thing needs to be said about the devil: He is a defeated foe! By His death and resurrection Jesus Christ conquered all the forces of death and Hell and Satan, and when we belong to Christ, we are safe from all these terrors forever. Make sure of your salvation by giving your life to Christ today.
2007-10-12 06:37:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well....this is a fun one. Satan is neither of those three actually. He is an angel that was cast out of heaven for rebellion against God. He isn't a "force" in a physics or scientific way. To understand what Satan is you have to realize there is a spiritual realm. He is a spirit in that way, but is also subject to God. His goal is to oppose God in every way possible and that usually means that he tries to corrupt and pervert all that God does and creates. The Bible says we shall narrowly look on him in that day and ask if this is the one that troubled the nations (Isaiah 14:16). This implies a single being that we shall be shocked to realize his true impotence. Remember, even in Job he had no power until God allowed it. As for Sin, he can't be sin itself as sin is a transgression against God. Satan sinned in rebelling against God and man sinned in the garden through disobedience. And Satan cannot be a deity as God said "Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God." (Isaiah 44:6). If Satan is a deity (Deity = God) then Jehovah would be a liar.
All quotes KJV
2007-10-12 06:20:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Satan is a fallen angel created by God who rebelled against God. He wanted to be worshiped in the place of God. He is a spirit being who for reasons we do not understand has been given by God a limited amount of power. Notice a limited amount of power because only God is all powerful. Satan is not all knowing, all powerful and neither is everything in his presence. He has a lot of other fallen angels that work with him, the demons. He is also the father of all people who are not the children of God. He can only do what God allows him to. He wants people to believe that he is not real and that he does not exist. Pride is what got him kicked out of heaven. Look at the following to see some of the things that comes from him.
2007-10-12 06:54:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
He isn't deity, but a fallen angel. Right now, he has sway over the earth, but we give him that sway. He was kicked out of heaven after he tried to gt all the glory and power for being our savior instead of God. He took 1/3 of the spirits of heaven with him, so if you can imagine, that's a lot.
His agenda is to make us as miserable as he is. Nothing like holding a grudge for millions of years huh? His followers are the same. They want to take what God wants back- US!!! That is the only way he will be able to get back at God. He will never have a body, and none of his followers will either. This makes him more upset then being kicked out. He knows what a body means, so that's the biggest insult of all.
The only influence he has is what we give him.
2007-10-12 06:40:10
answer #5
answered by odd duck 6
I'm not Christian per sa but believe Christ a Prophet, however, I wanted to give you a different perspective of belief system. I'm a Baha'i and was once an agnostic myself.
Satan: is a metaphor used to teach us the idea of turning from God, or sin; sin is simply acting in contradiction to what we understand to be God's commandments.
I believe it could be said that "Satan" is a representation of a part that all humans carry within themselves. In the Baha'i faith we are taught that man has two dual natures; man has a higher nature and a lower nature. The higher nature reflects Divine attributes: love, kindness, truthfulness, ect and the lower nature reflects the qualities of the animal: self interest, drives--food, sex, power, ect..
In this life we need to develop our higher nature so that it is more powerful than our lower nature. This is our purpose, in part, in this the material world. We need to prepare ourselves for the spiritual world
2007-10-12 06:31:47
answer #6
answered by enigmatic1844 3
Satan is a created being a fallen angel, he is known in the Bible as the prince of this world and the prince of the power of the air. Satan is not a deity, he wants to be like The Most High. Satan has no power other than deception. He will not rule in hell, but will be tormented day and night in the "Lake of Fire".
2007-10-12 06:18:30
answer #7
answered by Steel Rain 7
I believe that Satan is a fallen angel. He has no kingdom, he has been allowed to have authority over those who do not belong to Jesus and he will be punished in Hell someday along with his demons and those humans, who do not choose to accept Jesus' free offer of salvation. The sin nature is what people inherit from Adam and Eve from the moment of conception.
Humans are sinful by nature, and humans sin. This is why we need Jesus and His sacrificial death to take our place for our sins.
2007-10-12 06:26:09
answer #8
answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7
Satan was an angel the equivalent of Michael the Archangel. Satan is "the god of this world", and that is all. Satan is also a defeated foe--the war is already won. It's only a matter of time.
This all takes place in the spirit world, but it is just as real, or even more a reality than our physical plane.
2007-10-12 06:15:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Satan is a person. Once an angel of the LORD, but rebelled. God cast him out of Heaven and now he "rules" over this world. Satan will eventually be cast into the Lake of Fire with all who have not accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour. It is man that sins, Satan just deceives. Satan only has as much authority as we allow him to have, we have the power in Jesus name to cast him out.
2007-10-12 06:53:20
answer #10
answered by zero_or_die77 3
More than 1 Q here so...
1) An actual diety.
{ a god, Not the one true God.}
1 of the 10 Commandments,
given by God Almighty says
"Thou shalt not worship any other gods before me."
So, there are other gods.
Doesn't mean they are the Living God, Jehovah.
Or that it is good for you to serve them.
The other 2 options u provided are null & void.
2) No kingdom of hell.
Rev 12:7-12~~ Satan Cast to Earth.
All Bibles.
2007-10-12 06:19:03
answer #11
answered by Anonymous