BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) is a liberal disease. The only cure is intelligence.
2007-10-10 20:08:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
People are still bashing Bill Clinton, George Bush 1, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, and John Kennedy (at least these are the names of Presidents that I hear bashed today) and it has been a while since any of them have been in power. The idea of having an open discourse and discussing issues is long gone. The right and left are equally angry and unresponsive to most forms of communication, deciding to attack each other instead of defending their positions and working together.
If the bashing of our current President is getting old to you, I am sorry. I understand how you feel, but telling people to keep their opinion to themselves on a website such as this is a rather odd request.
And your statement about Bush saying hateful things about those that bash him, Bush does seem to have too much class for something such as that. He may think things to say, but generally does not put himself on that level.
2007-10-11 05:23:54
answer #2
answered by Still Learning 4
"You don't like him keep your opinion to yourself...." There is such a thing as a First Amendment in this country. People can say what they want about him! If you don't like it, you can keep YOUR opinion to YOURSELF. That being said, I don't waste much time talking about him. People's minds are already made up about him, and what I have to say isn't going to make much of a difference regarding that one way or the other. In the past, I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans. From now on though, I plan on either voting Democrat or not at all. I do not appreciate how virtually everyone in the Republican Party has treated the rest of America during these two terms. Your "keep your opinion to yourself" comment is a fine example of it.
2007-10-11 05:18:22
answer #3
answered by RIP_GOP 5
Because we can. It's called Freedom of Speech, look it up.
I see you, just like your hero, like to ignore the Constitution when it becomes inconvenient. As for more human, no, not necessarily. It does, however, make me feel more American. If we just blindly followed who ever was leading us at the time, the Queen would still be on our money. If you don't like the Bush bashing, I would suggest you log off until 1/9/09
2007-10-11 06:59:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
"To sin by silence when one should protest makes cowards of men" - Abraham Lincoln.
It makes me feel very good as a human being to protest the injustices, the murders, the outright lies propagated by this puppet of the military industrial complex (a phrase coined by a great president, and a republican, Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Your suggestion that I keep my opinion to myself is a typical neocon response to anyone who expresses an opinion counter to theirs. It also smacks of the totalitarian regimes of the past which you seem to so admire.
But riot batons and horses couldn't shut me up in Chicago in 1968, and you are similarly impotent to do so now.
Go back and read the constitution that your president seems so intent upon violating, and I'm sure you'll see my right to free speech guaranteed in there.
2007-10-11 09:29:02
answer #5
answered by Charlie S 6
It is best not to try to have an intelligent discussion with Bush Bashers. They are so full of hate for the President that they cannot see the truth if it slaps them in the face.
2007-10-11 04:04:11
answer #6
answered by mamadixie 7
We're so sorry we hurt his
If any of us had performed as poorly in our jobs as GW Bush has performed in his, we all would have been fired a long time ago. It is not about 'bashing' Bush. It is about expecting and deserving more from someone 'elected' as the nations president.
2007-10-11 07:30:08
answer #7
answered by ndmagicman 7
I fear your question is in vane...Impeach..liar, criminal...all sound tough and first amendment-ish...But they have no support for their arguments...only generalizations and rhetoric...and of course..their hate...ironically...the biggest criticisms of Bush can be traced back to Clinton and Kerry WMD accusations against Iraq...I guess Bush was lied to as well.....Maybe Republicans have a better grasp of history and a bit more class...Who knows....?
2007-10-11 07:09:37
answer #8
answered by That Guy Over There 4
Because he turns around and says so many things about us "Bush bashers" and assumes we don't know what we're doing or talking about. At least thats how I, and many others, feel.
2007-10-11 03:31:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Does it make neocons feel more human to smear liberals? Does it make them more of a person? I am curious becuase it's getting very old. You don't like liberals, so keep your opinions to yourself...but just out of curiosity, why say so many hateful things about them, I'm sure they could say just as many back to you?
Get the point now? We'll shut up when Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and everyone else that does Bush's smearing for him shuts up. I hope you understand, you certainly mustn't live in a cave, you've had to have heard all of the nasty things neocons say about anyone who doesn't agree with everything they say. They've even attacked John McCain. They have no sense of decency whatsoever.
2007-10-11 03:10:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
After seven years, making fun of this gump has gotten tiresome. Its time for someone new at the helm as America continues its death spiral.
Giuliani would be neat, because it would establish once and for all the hazards of putting an Italian in charge of anything.
But having Ms. Crabtree as president (otherwise known as Hillary) will be rip-roaring fun as she exacerbates the decline with one comic blunder after another.
2007-10-11 03:22:00
answer #11
answered by Anonymous