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check out this email I got from "smegma" ... he sent me the leviticus "man shall not lay with man" thing... so I sent him back the OTHER leviticus stuff about shellfish, slaves, pig skin, cotton blends.. ALL "abominations" and asked If he would stone them TOO?... and when does it end... here's his response...

Subject: Re: Re:homo

Message: try to defend yourself all you want.
but what about the helpless gerbil in your ***?
who defends the gerbil?
I'm sure your mom and dad are real proud of their **** sucking son.
you are a freak of nature & a sin against mankind.
so back back in the closet.
or to the circus side show where you belong.
if AIDS dosnt kill you first.
THATS a gift from God to you.

sounds intelligent doesn't he... If these are the people making decisions I'd say that's pretty scary... wouldn't you?

2007-10-10 07:42:16 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

to "reclusive extrovert" ( or whatever it is )..

My post is simply to share... my attitude?... as bad as his?... I guess you just can't win....

thanks... I'll post what I want...

2007-10-10 08:27:07 · update #1

to "victor"

no one judged or "lumped" you in with anybody... where in the question does it say anything about "all Christians" or anything like that... the question is simply whether or not this fine specimen represents the group he claims to belong to...so don't go gettin yer hail mary beads all in a tangle...

2007-10-10 10:23:09 · update #2

23 answers

what ever this "THING" is that sent u that its not a Christian ill tell u that

2007-10-10 09:05:39 · answer #1 · answered by tasty 7 · 2 0

It takes a close and narrow minded person to come back with insults. I find that people who result in name calling have basically lost the argument. AND he's not much of a Christian if he's using Leviticus for his "God hates gay" rant. Christ did away with all those old Jewish codes in Leviticus with his death on the cross.... that's why we can enjoy a bacon cheeseburger today.

I personally have never gotten any response like this. But I know the "clobber" passages, and the original Greek and Hebrew texts they derived from. I guess people find it hard to argue with me when I'm quoting the original Greek and Hebrew against them. ;-)

2007-10-10 08:41:49 · answer #2 · answered by Tim A 6 · 1 0

You will have the last laugh when you are happy living a comfortable life in blended cloth and eating shellfish while he is in jail for upholding the great values of his "faith" after he is caught beating his wife and neglecting his kids and bedhopping around with tramps he picked up at a local bar then getting pinched by the cops on the way home driving drunk. But he can certainly quote the parts of the bible that supports his predjudice against gay people so that must make him a fine upstanding example of the hetero male in america. John Wayne would be proud. And as for the gerbil reference-that is an urban legend and I wish the bigots would come up with something new to keep us entertained.

2007-10-10 08:05:02 · answer #3 · answered by C P 6 · 5 1

Indeed narrow mindedness and anger are unfortunate traits. More sad than scary since these traits are typical and common amongst us humans whether we be Christians, gays, atheists, male, female, old, young, etc.... When people stand behind there convictions they seem too often to narrow their way of thinking and become defensive of their beliefs especially when attacked. Why must you goad him on? Your question seems nothing more than an attempt to get people to give you a pat on the back. Your attitude sounds as bad as his just in a different form. "Live and let live" and try moving on to something a little more positive and constructive.
This is a question and answer forum NOT a place to share attitudes.

2007-10-10 08:23:24 · answer #4 · answered by reclusive extrovert 2 · 4 0

The Reconstructionist branch of Christianity (also called Dominionist and other similar names) believes that they need to conquer the world for Christ and rule it, killing all those who disagree with them, before Christ will return. They are a disgrace to mainstream AND to evangelical Christianity, but they have a great deal of power and are very dangerous.

Take a look at the book "Religion Gone Bad: The Hidden Dangers of the Christian Right" by the Reverend Doctor Mel White, from Archer/Penguin if you want a deeper look at the battle going on.

Kind thoughts,


2007-10-10 07:55:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I got this email from Quigley.

From: Quigly

Subject: ??

Message: You didnt have to tell me you are a lesbian.
I could figure that out by the defensiveness.
and the fact that you went off on a rant about me.
that's what gays do.......you...you..you.
always trying to turn the table to defend yourselfs.

I am sure you are perfect and your spot in Heaven is assured

no, I'm not perfect. and i will repent my sins and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior.
But I will not have a gerbil in my *** while doing so.

I may see you at the pearly gates....but I will be watching you be turned away because you have ***** on your breath and you are stinking up the place.
but you will be happy with your gay friends in hell where you all will face eternal damnation.

Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."

Sounds like the same person to me. And just FYI, I have been gerbil free for years. Had to get off the hard stuff.

2007-10-10 08:02:05 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 6 1

OK, Just don't rush in to

a) Passing Judgment On Others, as you don't want him to do; or

b) Generalizing groups of people into catagories.

I happen to be Christian, Catholic actually. And the phrase I choose to focus on was the scene where Jesus told the prostitute/adulterer that He did not condemn her. My job is not to condone or condemn. I'll live and let God take care of that. Please don't condemn me with someone else who uses the name Christian.

Live, Love and Let God take care of His Biz

2007-10-10 10:14:21 · answer #7 · answered by Victor 2 · 1 0

A good upstanding Christain will accept anyone into Christianity.I am Christain, but I would be ashamed to have someone like that in my church.

What we have here is not an example of a Christain, its an example of a closed-minded bigot that pretends to be a Christain so they can defend their views. I will be laughing my head off when he's burning in Hell.

2007-10-10 08:18:06 · answer #8 · answered by Agent 007 4 · 2 1

Sounds like the ignorant person that tried to pull crap on me yesterday....I bet it was the same person. His name was Quigly.

He said this "And it's not me you have to answer to. It's God.
And I'm sure God will have no problem with the fact that you suck another mans **** and have a gerbil in your ***.
Good luck with that."

AND this:
"I suggest you go to a library and look up original Hebrew text. Just in case you don't believe what you read on the net."

HA HA he believes what he reads online...LOL

AND the little guy tried his hand at Hebrew...

""V'ish asher yishkav et zachar mishk'vei ishah to'evah asu shneihem mot yumatu d'meihem bam.""

Ignore him, honey. We know the truth, and the truth shall set us free.

2007-10-10 07:47:01 · answer #9 · answered by Oberon 6 · 7 1

While this guy is wallowing in ignorance, we need to pray that he gets delivered from ignorance and stupidity. This person can be delivered from ignorance and stupidity, but he would rather stay in his "sin". Hmmm... does that sound familiar?

2007-10-10 08:41:20 · answer #10 · answered by Pnthr wmn 4 · 1 0

the best chrisitains are the ones who follow Gods word by not teasing others of sins. Chrisitains have a bad reptution for teasing what we call "sinners" . don't listen ignorant chrisitains like that. if they were real chrisitains they except who you are.

2007-10-10 16:17:35 · answer #11 · answered by rknrollcrzygirl 2 · 1 1

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