Well, *do* something about it! Seriously!
Here in Utah, we know that a decisive majority (70%) want illegals thrown out. See the cite, below. We're sick and tired of illegal aliens invading our state, consuming our public aid resources and returning nothing but more crime statistics. It's gone on for too long. Finally, I think after Bush+Kennedy+Pelosi+McCain tried to ram "immigration reform" down our throats and we spoke up, they finally started listening to us.
2007-10-09 01:17:29
answer #1
answered by trentrockport 5
Reading several questions and answers, I see people has mixed feelings. I am all for closing the borders and deporting illegals.
Why? Security, American jobs, Our Welfare, Health care cost and the list goes on and on. How much will it save the American family and businesses? That depends.
There is millions (repeat millions) of illegals in the US. Each one has the same needs as we do. Take away the millions, it gives back to each American. Opens jobs, homes and free ups the jails and school systems. It would lower the demand we have on our resources and it turn in the long haul lower cost of living and taxes.
As Americans we believe everyone has a right to live free. Well this was the idea and what our forefathers built the US on. Why change that? If the immigrants don't follow our laws and ethics, then they don't need to be here and we shouldn't have to pay their way and take away from our own children's future.
If they come here illegally, that tells me they do not care about our laws and here only to take what they can get.
2007-10-09 11:03:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
well thats the problem with minimum wage limits for different types of peope, people who come from mexico - mexicans most likely are employed for a lower wage then the average american (in the UK we had such an issue with polish/east european immigrants willing to work for a lower wage and doing jobs most people wouldnt want to do - ie cleaners, bin men etc)
if the law becomes that all people despite legal status should be paid the same then there wouldnt be so much discrimination on basis on place of origin(though it would help if it was harder to get from mexico to the US, and that legallity of immigrants was checked more)
america is becoming a much more mixed ethnic country. with house prices rising and the medis perpetuating fear people want to get away and be safe, thus people go abroad and live on their house's prices and the rest of the money pays for living expenses and allows them to start a new life.
the UK population is emmigrating at a higher rate then immigration currently meaning we are having a drop in british people as a % living in our country
within the next hundred years british will become a minority. but maybe this isnt such a bad thing, think if it was not for old values changing america would not and could not be what it is today - if eauropeans had not invaded america - the american indians would still be there. the indians couldnt stop the europeans and thus america has become what it is over hundreds of years, all things have to change and evolve over time. try as we might somethings just cant be stopped
2007-10-09 11:41:47
answer #3
answered by morderwarg 3
The people here who are wrong are the American farmers turning their backs on American people and hiring illegals. Its not their fault that someone gives them a job its the farmer who wants to save money by turning away Americans who will have to be paid more. The government should punish those who hire the illegals. If the illegals cant get jobs then there is no purpose for them to come to America.
2007-10-09 11:14:28
answer #4
answered by lordadolfo 2
Well i recon some of the people believe if we have Mexicans for cheap labor, lettuce will remain at $1.50 a head. that just is not true, it would only increase product price about 10 to 20 cents a head. I would gladly pay $1.00 more per head if they will hire some help that can get rid of the little bugs that fly around the produce section of the local grocery store.
Besides that what is it that lettuce has in it that we need so much of>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing.
I believe We still have power as a people. lets examine the great lettuce scare of 2007
All Illegals are deported as of Dec 1 2007.
the 2008 crops are planted and harvest time arrives.
Farmer Jones cant find a mexican to work for free anymore!
So he hires some Americans, pays them an honest wage.
to make up for the rise in labor cost He adds that cost, but He is American and We believe in getting every penny outta everything We can cause (We are greedy) So He tacks on a few cents extra on that.
Lettuce prices sore to new records $2.10 a head
and I think thats great.
Lettuce prices rise to even greater prices $3.45 a head
the self life of lettuce is about 10 - 12 days in the fridge, after that its trash, and most times its bad before then.
the price of lettuce gets outta hand = We as a people don't buy lettuce for 12 - 14 days. Next harvest He will think about not only His family but all Familys .
Ever wonder if the US GOVERNMENT thinks its so cool to purchase a human so cheap in Mexico! why don't Farmer Jones drive down to Mexico, adopt a Mexican for the harvest, and return them when used up. They do not have to live here and use up Medicaide and welfare while waitting for the next day labor job to pop up.
2007-10-09 09:11:26
answer #5
answered by BA M 1
Our Children doesn't have a chance in hell of achieving the American dream. It use to be that the high schoolers would look at summer jobs like cutting grass, working at McDonald's or some sort of entry level job, but the illegals have those jobs now. We need to put an end to this and the way to do it is to penalize the businesses that hires illegals.
2007-10-09 22:47:45
answer #6
answered by Grogan 5
I strongly suspect that once an employer hires a lot of people they know are illegally here, they aren't keen to hire those who would have a problem with that.
I don't know that for a fact, but you aren't the only one I have heard say this, and I've heard a couple of others say they were hired 'pro forma' and 'frozen out' by people who wouldn't talk to them, etc. even though they spoke Spanish, until they left. It is as if they think those jobs belong ONLY to hispanics, from what I have heard, in California. However, I have never tried working there myself. I do know my mother earned her discretionary money (she had a scholarship for college) working the fields picking produce in the summers between semesters, and I understand those jobs aren't available for American college students, now.
Truth, I can understand a business owner not having to adjust schedules to meet the school year, or take 'first time workers' and train them, but that is what those jobs used to be for. It is hard for high school and college students to get above minimum wage jobs until they are educated enough to have an actual education based skill. Why shouldn't OUR people who need these jobs get them? We set limits on immigration for many reasons, and this is one of them.
2007-10-09 11:45:23
answer #7
answered by DAR 7
Until we get a government back that is concerned with maintaining the American way we will have to be content in watching life as we knew it 40/50/60 years ago become a thing of the past.
Our good old days are gone, they have been spread out to the entire world. The children of the world, today, are experiencing their, good old days, right now. Fifty years from now they will be saying the same things we are saying today.
Teach the children of today how to live in the present. How to do things they will remember as being part of their good old days when they have become the Older Generation.
2007-10-09 08:24:52
answer #8
answered by From Yours Trully 4
I have never had trouble finding a job and well now I am forced to go back to the job with the two supervisors I really dislike. I have no problem with them being here really except the ones here illegally should not be taking our jobs.
2007-10-09 08:21:49
answer #9
answered by christina h 5
I was just doing a little research on this subject yesterday. I have always considered myself a republican, but I also make sure that I have all the facts before I make any decisions. so yesterday I went to foxnews.com to check out their section on where the candidates stand.
I guess not really to my surprise, all of the democrats support coming up with a way to ease the already illegals here into legal citizenship, as well as making it easier for them to get their citizenship. Only a few of them even mentioned supporting stronger border patrol. The majority of the republicans support very strong border control, harsher punishment for Americans that hire illegals, and do not wanna see anything come into play to help the ones that are already here illegal. They want them to leave as much as every other hard working American does.
My point to answering your question this way was that we have the power to at least take steps in the right direction by voting for who ever supports our own beliefs. Also keep in mind that our soldiers fight every day to give us freedom of speech so that we can ask and answer questions like this without fear of repercussion.
I hope this comes across as helpful and not just ranting politics.
2007-10-09 08:29:09
answer #10
answered by jktoosweet_1 2
Once again, why do u think that all hispanics are Mexican? That for one is ignorance. Yes there are a lot of hispanic ppl in the united states but only 75% are mexican. People are so quick to judge. Honestly, it is not going to change do u honestly think they are going to deport millions of ppl. At first I thought yes but I am sure that they will not.
2007-10-09 10:34:43
answer #11
answered by Jennifer 3