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I can't decide what I want to do with my civil engineering degree when I get out of school... As far as I know I can go into design, or I can go into something like field work or construction management. As far as I see, there is more money in design, but I think I'd enjoy being out doors on projects more. I would like the design to, but just not as much. Does anyone have any opinion on this situation...is there money in managing out in the field?

2007-10-08 15:48:59 · 3 answers · asked by Andrew N 2 in Science & Mathematics Engineering

3 answers

The most money in civil engineering is from consulting, after you have gained enough experience in your field of choice. Outdoor work is fulfilling, but the sun is a serious threat to health now, so do some while you are young, then move indoors.

Bridge design is going to be very active in the future, especially now that the public is aware of the terrible condition of the bridges in the country now.

Also, consider getting a master's degree to further your abilities and knowledge base. It's also likely to assure you of even higher income and command of your career.

2007-10-08 16:19:25 · answer #1 · answered by Jeanne B 7 · 0 0

Why settle for either design or construction? The trend these days is design-build. In the past, typically, and agency or design firm would design a bridge or highway, and then the project would be put out to bid, and the low bidder would construct the project according to the plans provided. Now, an agency will request proposals for the complete package: They will provide the basic parameters - build us a bridge 4 lanes wide from Point A to Point B. Companies will then submit proposals that include a design of the bridge as well as the cost of constructing it. You could work on the design of a new bridge or highway, and then manage the project through construction.

2007-10-09 21:04:14 · answer #2 · answered by Rick B 2 · 0 0

With a Civil Engineering degree in your hand you have 1000 jobs you can do.You can go into design,concentrate on construction management or work out in the field and if you want to step into software programs you can do that.But on other hand if you have a Computer's degree you can work only in computers field and not in civil engineering field.

See the advantage in here!!!!!

2007-10-09 09:19:51 · answer #3 · answered by Aslam M 1 · 0 0

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