The biggest difference between Lutherans and Baptists is about how salvation happens.
Baptists are broadly categorized as "particular" (Calvinist) and "general" (not-quite-Calvinist)--I'll concentrate on general Baptists, since that is by far the majority.
Lutherans believe that salvation is bestowed upon a person by the Holy Spirit, through the Church, by means of the sacraments. So we look to our baptism as assurance of our salvation.
Baptists believe that salvation is offered through the preaching of the Word in conjunction with the Holy Spirit's calling of a person, and that this salvation is put into action by the recipient's conscious decision to accept it.
This means, in effect, that Baptists believe our own will is a secondary agent in our salvation. Because of this, the sacraments are not central to Baptist theology (and they deny both the Real Presence and the saving power in water baptism). Instead, Baptist theology is centered around the Choice to be God's disciple.
While Lutherans emphasize Word and Sacrament, a Lutheran might perceive that Baptists emphasize Word and Choice. In a good Baptist church, their church life revolves around intense Bible-oriented Christian education, and making sure people have plenty of opportunities to make, and reaffirm, the choice to follow God. The altar call is as important in most Baptist services as communion is in our Divine Service.
So you could say that where Lutherans look to the sacraments, Baptists look to their choice. In all fairness, a well-informed Baptist would insist that the choice is only possible because God made it such; but nevertheless, the difference is profound.
2007-10-08 16:13:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous Lutheran 6
Well, there are several branches of Baptists. There's Free Will, American, Southern, Independent, Independent Fundamental, etc.
I'm an IFB and we believe that the head of our church is Christ, that He died on the cross for our sins and by the grace of God and faith alone are we saved.
We believe in teaching the whole counsel of God, The Bible is not sugarcoated to be PC like some churches do. A sin is a sin. Our church is based solely on New Testament--the way Christ started His church.
We believe in being separated from the world--we don't listen to secular music or movies. Ladies dress like ladies, no pants.
We believe that baptism is for the believer, and that infant baptism is not Biblical. A baby can't confess their faith, so they can't be baptized.
There's a lot more, but check out some websites bout the different Baptist churches for a full breakdown. Hope I could help. God Bless.
2007-10-08 22:36:07
answer #2
answered by the pink baker 6
I have been baptist most of my life. Baptist believe Jesus went to the cross and died for our sins. One day He's coming back to take His people home. The ground is level at the foot of the cross. My cousin married a lady that was Lutheran. I heard him say something about they had to go to classes . I'm not sure what the difference is. email me back and tell me about the Lutherans. God bless you.
2007-10-08 22:41:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
lutheran believe in the Sacraments like Catholic.
These churches teach Salvation is like a ladder, each sacrament you are stacking up chips by yourself to get into heaven. Another invention to take God out of the picture, and give it to men.
Baptist are OK for the most part, besides asking for the tithe and treating the church like a business.
Best if you find a non-denominational church.
2007-10-08 22:34:25
answer #4
answered by Brian Z 2
Anon. Lutheran hit it on the head. I would like to add one important point. They do not believe in the real presence in Baptism or Holy Communion. To them, they are both symbols. For them, baptism is all about them giving to God, not about God giving to them. And, while we believe that the body and blood is in, with, and through the bread and wine, for them the bread and grape juice are mere representations. And, as such, they don't quite get why we have close communion.
One of my dear friends and I have gone round and round on this.... I wouldn't commune when I went to their church for one of their children's baptisms, and I wouldn't let her commune when she came to our church for a service my girls were involved with.
2007-10-09 05:40:36
answer #5
answered by usafbrat64 7
I used to be member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church until 1954
I understand? they no longer practice baptism??
2007-10-08 22:30:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
very good reference page
2007-10-08 22:31:23
answer #7
answered by Robert K 5