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For a project we have to drop a egg off a building and try to make it not brake.
We can use either use
1. 100 straws and 2 meter of tape
2. 50 index cards and 2 meter of tape

What should I use the straws or index cards. When you choose one tell me what I should do with them to keep the egg from braking.

2007-10-08 14:08:01 · 2 answers · asked by Joel 3 in Science & Mathematics Engineering

2 answers

I would criss-cross the egg with straws, fastening them with the tape, so that it looks like a porcupine.

With the index cards I would make a box, padding the insides with other folded up index cards, and make a bigger box with the more index cards, put the small box inside it, and pad the insides with the remainder of the index cards, folding them like and accordion and wedging them between the small box and the insides of the large box.

The real determining factor is how high is the building?

2007-10-08 14:18:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try to arrange it so the egg lands on end---inside the contraption---which has the most strength, like a bomb shaped box or tube with trailing, stabilizing fins. I would use the straws to build a cage around the egg to center it in the bomb shaped outer cage......try putting an egg lengthwise between your hands, intertwine your fingers and squeeze together...nearly impossible to break.

2007-10-08 22:38:28 · answer #2 · answered by paul h 7 · 0 0

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