Psalms 139:16 Your eyes saw even the embryo of me,
And in your book all its parts were down in writing,
As regards the days when they were formed
And there was not yet one among them.
Life is sacred. Abortion is wrong in God's eyes.
1 Cor 6:9 What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men,
God knows what's best for us. Jehovah knows what will make us happy and what will hurt us.
Malachi 2:16 For he has hated a divorcing,” Jehovah the God of Israel has said;
2007-10-08 12:19:44
answer #1
answered by Jason W 4
The fact is that we're all sinners in need of a Savior. You do not need to be perfectly sinless to preach God's word: The Christian is not "judging others" but simply telling the world of God’s judgment —that God (not the Christian) has judged all the world as being guilty before Him (Romans 3:19,23). Christians are not morally upright according to Christianity and are also deserving of hell, the difference is that Christians accept God and the sacrifice that Jesus made for them and get into heaven through His sacrifice. God doesn't have to tolerate evil and He doesn't tolerate evil or rebellion. You may dislike Christianity for that very reason, but if Christianity is true then you are the one rebelling and refusing all kindnesses given.
EDIT: "May the Lord watch over his irrational, conformist flock".
"Conformist flock." .... Ok? How old are you? Because you sound like the typical trendy atheist' who have a copy of a Dawkins book and think that gives them a right to be offensive and talk nonsense. It is a very sad fact that there exist people who will choose religion, faith, sexuality etc. On the basis of fashion. Most especially of the young. As for the irrational comment you do not know me or any of the other Christians on this thread (presumably) or every Christian outside this thread to make a rational judgment.
My bet is on 12.
2007-10-10 00:08:47
answer #2
answered by Evolution - of - the - gaps 4
All people are called to Repent and turn from their sins, no matter which ones they commit! Christians that are committing certain sins cannot address those issues. Divorce was not in God's ideal plan and neither was it His plan for everybody to be married and have children either. Those who don't repent don't see anything they are doing is wrong in God's eye's. It is God they are betraying.
2 Chronicles 30:9, Leviticus 26:40, Acts 2:37-38, 1st Corinthians 7:7,25-38, Matthew 19:12...
2007-10-08 19:29:40
answer #3
answered by ShadowCat 6
"So, if we are all sinners and humans are imperfect and sin let them choose their sins..."
Why would I want people to sin? Also, I'm not forcing people to stop having abortions. I am telling them why they shouldn't. I am telling people not to murder the baby that they risked creating when the had sex. Forget about incest for a moment and focus on the fact that the majority of abortions are by people who could have easily prevented the pregnancy through abstinence. Essentially, I'm telling people not to murder. What's wrong with that?
On the other hand, are you forcing me to support gay marriage? That would be forcing me what to do. You can't have it both ways. If I can't force you not to have an abortion, you can't force me to support gay marriage.
2007-10-08 19:19:34
answer #4
answered by Thardus 5
If we were all criminals would that make it ok to go out and rape and murder as we please?
Just because we are sinners doesn't mean that sinning is ok. The real issue is that sin left to itself spreads like a rotten apple in a barrel. Your sin will tempt others.
The reason we care so much about other people is because we realize what is going to happen to you. If I saw you in a burning home I would rush in to save you, I would not say to myself, "its his business what happens to him."
Sin is the breaking of God's law.
Have you ever broken God's laws? Have you ever told a lie, ever stolen, disobeyed your parents, looked at someone with lust (Adultery of the heart). If you have you have broken some of Gods laws. Now the punishment for sin is Hell. So IF God were to judge you by his standards would you go to heaven or Hell.
The answer would be Hell. What a terrible thing to consider. I don't want you to go to Hell. But there is only one way to avoid punishment. That is someone that has never sinned would have to pay for your punishment. That someone was Jesus Christ. For you to accept his free gift of salvation from Hell you must confess your sins to Jesus and ask for forgiveness and then turn away from those sins. Leave them and follow Christ, putting your trust in him like you would a parachute. In other word you repent (turn from your sins and turn to God) and put your faith in Christ. Then you will be saved. Then read your Bible daily so you will know how to live.
2007-10-08 19:28:52
answer #5
answered by Praise to the Trinity 4
Oh, I remember Jesus saying something about this...
about how you should remove the log from your own eye before you remove the speck from somebody else's eye.
Jesus was a loving, caring, deep-thinking, liberal kinda guy. When somebody messed up, he'd just say, "go and sin no more," not, "You're going to HELL if you don't follow me! Burn forever in the fiery tar pits! Bwaaaa-haaa-haa!"
Too bad many Christians are so interested in making other people look bad and trying to curtail freedom in society (even though as religious people, they benefit from freedom every frickin' DAY.)
It's called ad hominem. It's a fallacy where a person is made to look "less guilty" by shifting blame onto somebody else.
But people should only be judged on what they actually do and don't do, not how bad they make other people look.
It's a logical fallacy and decidedly un-Christ-like.
Jesus was a cool guy.
Wish all Christians were like Christ.
That would really make the world a better place.
2007-10-08 19:17:28
answer #6
answered by SlowClap 6
I don't quote scriptures I am not that good. I would have to look it all up. God does say thay we are human in the mothers womb. the BIble says sex with man and woman only,there is a lot about that if you will look it up. and yes it gives reasons for divorce, such as adulty, abuse, they are reason that divorce is right in the eyes of God.
Jesus has told us in the Bible to spread HIS word and to even save one soul is a blessing to all. We try to help you.
Why do you not accept things as we do?
We sin, but we also know how to be forgiven, do you?
We also know who died so that our sins could be forgiven.
2007-10-08 22:14:10
answer #7
answered by lana s 7
Then there is the flip side of this coin. People who support abortion and gay marriage/ gay lifestyles, and attack those who refuse to accept what they preach.
It's one of the oldest tactics in the world. Accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of.
Christians inform people what the word of God says on certain topics, among them these issues. Those who insist on leading their lives in a manner contrary to the will of God are quick to "kill the messenger."
Israel did the same thing with the prophets sent to them by God.
But the book is written, and there will be no excuses.
2007-10-08 19:18:30
answer #8
answered by Hogie 7
Initially, they are shocked that there are people who do not agree with their beliefs. Then they feel that they must control other's behavior because it threatens them. In the case of abortion, they believe they are protecting another life and that that is equivalent to murder which should not be tolerated by society. They might actually be persuaded to let others do as they wish except for this one issue, but that requires reaching a maturity of faith that no longer feels threatened by non-believers.
2007-10-08 19:17:14
answer #9
answered by mommanuke 7
Actually, many mainstream denominations DO accept these things.
I can't agree with abortion for "any reason," but I do support it in the case of rape, incest (which is usually rape), and the life of the mother. But otherwise, I believe an unborn human being should be protected as the weakest members of our society.
I do support the right of gays to have a civil ceremony as well as be married, because in the USA I believe it is a basic right that falls under "the pursuit of happiness." But I also believe that churches who don't believe in that practice should be forced to perform the ceremonies (because that would be the government interfering with religion).
2007-10-08 19:15:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous