The Book of Revelation 17 gives some insight as to who this great harlot is.
Verse 1
" And one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke to me saying,' Come here; I will show you the judgement of the great harlot who sits upon many waters.
Harlot here refers to the apostate Roman Catholic Church. A harlot does not have a husband. This indicates that God never admitted having any relationship with the Apostate Roman Church.
Vs 2
With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication adn those who dwell on the earth have made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
What the Apostate church commits is not adultery, the sin of an unfaithful spouse, but fornication, the sin of a harlot. This is more sinful than adultery. The fornication of the apostate church consists of her having sinful relationships with the kings of the earth for her profit, just as a harlot commits sin for her gain. Hers is spiritual fornication. The kings of the earth commit fornication with her directly.
The Wine here signifies the heretical doctrines of the apostate church in her fornicating relationships with the governments on the earth. These heretical doctrines confound, as wine does, those who become involved in her religion. This is the wine of her fornication. It is in an indirect manner that those who dwell on the earth are made drunk with her wine.
In Rev 17;4 This Harlot is gilded with Gold, pearls and precious stones. In appearance she looks like the Bride of Christ. But under all the gilding there is evil and abominable things.
The Bride of Christ, in contrast is CONSTITUTED inwardly with the Gold, Silver and Precious stones.
This harlot has to be utterly judged and removed out of the picture by God BEFORE the Bride of Christ can be revealed in Chapter 21
This is the spiritual side of the Apostate Roman Catholic church.
At the beginning of the book of Revelation we see something interesting regarding the Church in Thyatira... This church in Apostasy. Thyatira is the greek word meaning " sacrifice of perfume or unceasing sacrifice."
As a sign.. the Church in Thyatira.. which all theologians have agreed is the Apostate Roman catholic Church was fully formed as the Apostate Church by the establishing of the universal papal system in latter part of the 6th century. This apostate church is full of sacrifices, as demonstrated in her continual Masses.
In Rev 2:20 we see that the woman Jezebel is also the great Harlot seen in Revelation 17. She is the woman who was prophesied by the Lord in Matthew 13:33. She was the one who added the leven.. which signifies evil heritical pagan things and teachings.. and she mixes it into the fine flour which signifies Christ as the meal offering for the satisfaction of God and man. THIS woman is the great Harlot who mixes Abominations with the divine things. Jezebel, the pagan wife of Ahab is a TYPE of the Apostate Roman Cathoic Church.
There were some. According to Revelation, who came out of Her..Some who overcame. Rev 2:22-26
" But I say to you... the rest in THyatira, as many as do not have THIS teaching, who have NOT KNOWN the Deep things of Satan, as they say-- I put no other burden upon you.
Nevertheless what you have hold fast until I come
As he who overcomes and he who KEEPS MY WORKS until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations."
Interesting isn't it sister kait.
There are Some..some who overcome Roman Catholicism. Some who do not know the deep things of satan. The word deep means " deep things ' or Depths ( same word in Eph 3:18) The Roman Catholic Chruch has many mysteries or deep doctrines. The deep things of satan are within this Apostate church, This philosophy of satanic mysteries are all used by satan to damage and corrupt the church.
May many many more be rescued By our Lord OUT from such a satanic system.
Lets keep praying and sharing Christ sisters and brothers.
The judgement of the whore will be swift and sure.. But may those that " have an ear to hear what the SPirit is saying to the churches" be saved.
Great Q sister
Ur sister
2007-10-08 06:56:41
answer #1
answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6
The answer is given in many of the answers that are given already.
In a nutshell.
In the book of Revelation.
1. whore=woman church.(this is the church that was causing SPIRITUAL adultery on God by a whoring after other beliefs that God will not recognize.)
2. 7 mountains=7 hills of Rome
3. drunk with the blood of the martyrs= the great persecutions of the Protestants
4. scarlet= riches
all adds up to the Catholic Church System.
(remember not the people just the system)
2007-10-08 20:22:08
answer #2
answered by garykofoid 2
Babylon is the pagan Roman Empire.
The whore of Babylon was the Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem who cooperated with Rome and persecuted the followers of Christ.
2007-10-08 12:32:49
answer #3
answered by jabberwock58 2
Hello Kait,
Revelation 17:1-6 had a Biblical reference which lead to Rev. 1:20-23, this in turn lead to 1 Kings 16:31, 32 and 21:25, 26 and also to Exodus 34:15,16.
In 1 Kings Jeroboam took Jezebel as his wife. He then served Baal and worshiped him. Ahab the king of Israel made images and worshiped them. Jezebel stirred up Ahab who sold himself to do wicked things. Exodus talks of playing Harlot with their (false) gods.
The common thread running through all of these quotes is turning away from the true God.
I believe that the Whore of Babylon is every thing and any thing that makes people turn away from God. Worldliness, materialism, humanism, greed... you get the Picture.
To sum it all up, uncontrolled sin.
Interesting to note, A reference note for Rev. 17 in the New American Bible, Catholic Edition actually suggests the Whore is Rome!; making reference to the 7 headed beast, and the 7 hills of Rome.
Lutheran though I am, I can't quite get my head around Rome. I think my answer makes the most sense.
Your friend in Christ,
2007-10-08 16:26:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
A whore is someone who goes put and gives herself to basically anyone.
In the old testament, God referred to Israel as a whore more than a few times because they were allowing the gods of other people to be part of their religion. To discipline them, among other things, He allowed them to be overpowered by other nations and carried off as slaves.
If their is a whore referred to in Revelations (and there is) it would be a body of believers in Christ who incorporate all kinds of idols in their worship, people who pray to more than the living God alone.
The new testament of Jesus Christ leaves no room for going to anyone other than God the Father and though I'm not dogmatic on the issue, Jesus said (I do not say pray to me. The Father hears you) paraphrased of course.
So look all around you. Do you see a Church, which calls out to and prays to someone other than the living God, who's temples are full of idols?
This may be the whore referred to.
Unbelievers (non born again Christians) can't be referred to as whores because they still don't know the living God. Only members of a body claiming to be of Christ could be this whore.
2007-10-08 12:30:49
answer #5
answered by Gypsy Priest 4
Of course you are going to get only opinions here.
The whore is likely the world system of government.
It has traditionally though been taken as the Roman Catholic Church.
The reason is in the details.
The crown which all popes are crowned has written on it in latin,"Vicarious Son Of God". Which means one who stands in the place of Jesus.
In Latin all numbers are letters of the Roman alphabet. This inscription in Roman numerals adds up to 666 which lends itself to the mark of the beast.
Martin Luther saw that the Papal system was the anti Christ system.
It became traditional to hold this view.
Today you will have other views but the control of people and religion by the Roman Church and the Claim to be the only true representative of Christ by the Papal system is for sure
Read the 2 Babylons by Hislop 1868.
Although some of his concepts are hard to prove today he does show that the Roman Catholic church was taken over by the priests of the Babylonian religion in the fourth century.
email me I have the book on my computer.
It is a classic.
2007-10-08 12:22:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Babylon is the name os the whore who rules over the kimgs of the earth and rides upon a seven headed beast, the beast is marked with 666.
2007-10-08 12:42:00
answer #7
answered by dymplez_2002 2
It could not be the ancient city of Babylon. Revelation was written at the end of the first century C.E. and describes events that would reach down to our day. The Encyclopedia Americana says: “The city [Babylon] was taken by the Persians under Cyrus the Great in 539 B.C. Later Alexander the Great planned to make Babylon the capital of his eastern empire, but after his death Babylon gradually lost importance.” (1956, Vol. III, p. 7) Today the city is an uninhabited ruin.
It also cannot be Rome since the nature of its political rule does not harmonize with the description of Babylon the Great’s course and her methods of dominating. She is a harlot, committing fornication with the kings of the earth, making them drunk with the wine of her fornication, misleading the nations by her “spiritistic practice.” (Revelation 17:1, 2; 18:3, 23) Rome’s dominion, by contrast, was gained and maintained by its ironlike military might and its firm application of Roman law among its provinces and colonies.
In the symbolism of Revelation, Babylon the Great is referred to as a “great city,” a “kingdom” that rules other kings. (Revelation 17:18) Like a city, it would have many organizations within it; and like a kingdom that includes other kings in its domain, it would be international in scope. It is described as having relations with political rulers and contributing much to the wealth of men in commerce, while itself being a third element that “has become a dwelling place of demons” and a persecutor of “prophets and of holy ones.” (Revelation 18:2, 9-17, 24.)
Babylon the Great is the world empire of false religion, embracing all religions whose teachings and practices do not conform to the true worship. Following the flood of Noah’s day, false religion had its beginning at Babel (later known as Babylon). In time, Babylonish religious beliefs and practices spread to many lands. So Babylon the Great became a fitting name for false religion as a whole.
After she is destroyed at Revelation 18:4-8, in verses 9 and 10 "the kings of the earth who committed fornication with her and lived in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and say, ‘Too bad, too bad, you great city, Babylon you strong city, because in one hour your judgment has arrived!"
The harlot called Babylon the Great cannot signify the political system since the 'kings of the earth' have 'committed fornication with her', they 'weep and beat themselves in grief over her' and 'they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment'.
2007-10-08 12:19:39
answer #8
answered by Iron Serpent 4
It's basically symbolic !!. As are many things concerning the Bible !! Mainly because we nolonger speak "BIBLICAL LANGUAGE" !!or pronounce things & or The things used to describe Many then Modern situations ,objects & or goings on/happenings!!-- if you will of that day/time !! For instance a country could be named that symbolically speaking !! Like the U.S.A. can be seen as this HARLOT/Whore!?! Mainly because of the freedom/poor Governing that must've did very little to not having things like prostitution be allowed in whichever land... Please contact your head or local clergymen such as a PRIEST or PASTOR !! "I would'nt want to tell you things in such a way that they go against your religious following !! & many of us have slightly different meanings for certain things !!~!! `'R"r.r`r,r'.-
2007-10-08 12:53:10
answer #9
answered by ? 5
That is the mystery IS it You and me Or I Or them !!!!!! supposedly in Revelations and Daniel he stop the meaning to be reveled only those with spirit will know the truth!!! The bible is a puzzle that can be fitted together even the wise wont know and understand . Till it is revealed by all maker!!!! Read and know whats in your mind!!!
2007-10-08 12:17:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous