If the trinity were the central theme of your beliefs, wouldn't you try to explain it no matter how hard it is to understand?
Trinitarians are very confused. It shows because they use Bible verses like John 1:1 and 10:30 which mention only TWO persons to explain a God that is composed of THREE persons.
Trinitarians are also confused by the trinitarian formula. To them, the Father is fully God AND the Son is fully God AND the holy spirit is fully God. But when trinitarians add up these THREE "fully Gods," they CHANGE them into "persons" that become one God. Ask them how they figured that out. They can't tell you.
Also, ask a trinitarian to show you ONE scripture that says
God is made up of three distinct persons, Father, Son, and holy spirit, but that the three are only one God? Ask a trinitarian to show you ONE scripture that says that the Father, Son, and holy spirit are equal in all ways, such as in eternity, power, position, and wisdom? They can't. So they attempt a cop-out by saying the trinity is a mystery.
2007-10-08 09:45:21
answer #1
answered by LineDancer 7
Bigfoot and alien spacecraft have also been labeled as "mysteries" by people who have claimed to have seen them. But there has never been any valid official documentation that either of them exist. So the responsibility of proving the claim lie with those that make that charge. The burden of proof is on them.
Likewise, The Trinity Doctrine has also been labeled as a "mystery" by it's adherents. But, 1) No clear description of the Trinity is found within Scripture and the concept of it was not even adopted until hundreds of years AFTER the Bible was written. 2) There is not one vision, dream, or clear description in Scripture wherein God is shown as more than one person. 3) There is not one scripture in which God is ever described using the word "three." 4) There is not one scripture where Jesus is called "God the Son," 5) There is not one scripture where the Holy Spirit is called "God, the Holy Spirit."
The responsibility of proving the claim that the concept of the Trinity is a Bible teaching lie with those that make that charge. The burden of proof is on them.
Besides, if it really means "eternal life" to know who God is, (John 17:3) and God really was a trinity, then why would the Bible NOT even have ONE clear scripture that CLEARLY explains it?
2007-10-08 15:47:58
answer #2
answered by tik_of_totg 3
Trinitarians Is Not A Cult or Sect. How Would You Define It.
Actually There Is No Mystery Its Quite Simple.
Father , Son And The Holy Ghost.
But To Understand And Percieve This Truth, You Really Have To Be Born Again With Born Again Experience.
In Other Words With The Road To Damascus Experience.
Praise Jesus
2007-10-07 18:38:54
answer #3
answered by engelfeurs 2
People understand that the Trinity is a mystery and try to explain it in their limited capacity.
Same way scientists say the Big Bang theory explains 1/6 of the matter in the universe, and the existence of the other 5/6 is a mystery.
Also, if you are getting conflicted stories on the Trinity, you are getting it from someone who is not Catholic or mis-informed. Doctrine is very specific concerning the Church's stance on the Trinity.
2007-10-07 18:26:41
answer #4
answered by Ziggy 3
They only call it a mystery when they realise that their explanation makes no sense whatsoever, and then realise that they are contradicting themselves.
Take for example what I said on one of my questions:
(Tri)nity means 3 Gods, doesn't the bible say that there is only one God? And that worship of any other is idolitary? Then they say, "ah, well the three are actualy part of each other, they are in essence just one"...(even though "tri" means three)
Then you say, well didn't Jesus pray to God? How can they both be the same? Then they either say, that you have no faith in Gods ability, or that the trinity is a mistery.
Why not just make life a lot simpler, take scriptures in their context and accept that Jesus and God are seperate, like real fathers and sons are?
Forget the philosiphy of the churches, read the bible cover to cover and make up you're mind based on common sense and the harmony of the WHOLE bible.
Each explanation differs because this doctrine is man-made. It is based on about three scriptures that are taken out of context / mistranslated...and well, the rest is open to personal interpretation...not the bibles interpretation.
2007-10-08 10:49:22
answer #5
answered by Paul S 4
Because they can not admit that it is a pagan concept that was introduced to the church without scriptural support, yet they still love it because it really is a part of tradition developed long after Jesus returned to heaven and all his disciples had died. Really you are right, it is amazing how a person will insist on the 'factuality' of the trinity, which they proclaim is 'beyond human understanding' and then turn right around and try to explain it as if they understand what they do not understand. Round and round it goes...
2016-05-18 21:58:03
answer #6
answered by ying 3
The doctrine of Trinity is the second major doctrine of the Bible next to the Verbal and plenary inspiration of the Bible. The Doctrine of Trinity is based in the 9 essenses or attributes of God which are Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresense, Eternal Life, Love, Veracity, Immutable, Absolute Justice and Righteousness, and Sovereignty. All these attributes are in the God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. If you want to understand wholly the doctrine of Trinity you will lost your mind but if you will not believe the doctrine of Trinity you will lost your soul because you will not have a God-Man Saviour in the person of Jesus Christ. (John 17:24/
2007-10-07 18:49:44
answer #7
answered by periclesundag 4
Funny. It reminds me of "Shakespeare in Love" when the main character asks how his play will turn out after seeing the misfits who are going to put it on, the response, "It's a mystery." The bible is the only source for information of the trinity which isn't named there but referred to by Jesus who says, "I am in the father and the father is in me and we will come to make our home in you." It's a mystery.
2007-10-07 18:28:59
answer #8
answered by Creole38 4
No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means. --George Bernard Shaw
The Bible is a book that has been read more and examined less than any book that ever existed. --Thomas Paine
Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand. --Mark Twain
If you believe that exposing your children to violence is a problem, by all means keep them away from the Bible. --Rev. Charles Henderson
The Old Testament, as everyone who has looked into it is aware, drips with blood; there is, indeed, no more bloody chronicle in all the literature of the world. --Henry L. Mencken
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had our land. -- Desmond Tutu
The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women's emancipation. --Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Bible itself is intolerant, and true followers of God's word should be as well.-- Bob Jones III, president of Bob Jones University
The Christian community continues to exist because the conclusions of the critical study of the Bible are largely withheld from them. --Hans Conzelmann
The Catholics have a Pope. Protestants laugh at them, and yet the Pope is capable of intellectual advancement. In addition to this, the Pope is mortal, and the church cannot be afflicted with the same idiot forever. The Protestants have a book for their Pope. The book cannot advance. Year after year, and century after century, the book remains as ignorant as ever. --Robert Ingersoll
The New Testament authors did not customarily refer to their written record as the Word of God. That subsequent Christian tradition tends to do this while the writers themselves hesitate to do it should tell us something. Evidently they distinguished the difference between the living, infinite Word and the written record more clearly than we do. If the written record is every called the Word, it is the Word only in a secondary, derivative or relational sense. It is not the Word in the absolute sense. --Robert D. Brinsmead
2007-10-07 18:23:58
answer #9
answered by Mithrianity 3
That the exact word, The Mystery of the Trinity.
Please study the correct grammar usage. Before discovering the mystery. Be patient.
2007-10-07 18:33:07
answer #10
answered by arnie 3