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here is a video http://www.godtube.com/uvideos.php?UID=33107&type=public

it makes me curious to if we are in the last days or not. Can u give any websites of what the bible says will be in the last days

2007-10-07 16:20:24 · 33 answers · asked by dwcsoup22 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

yeah we are..in the bible it tell use that “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.” He then goes on to list 20 personality traits that would characterize ungodly people. Have you observed some of these characteristics in those living in your community? Consider what has been said in recent times about the people of today.

“Lovers of themselves.” (2 Timothy 3:2) “[People are] insistent on doing their own thing as never before. [They] are becoming gods, and expect to be treated as such.”—Financial Times, newspaper, England.

“Lovers of money.” (2 Timothy 3:2) “The ego of materialism has in recent times overpowered the spirit of modesty. Unless you are seen as rich in society your life is not worth living.”—Jakarta Post, newspaper, Indonesia.

“Disobedient to parents.” (2 Timothy 3:2) “Parents are puzzled to find their 4-year-old ordering them around like he’s [French King] Louis XIV or their 8-year-old screaming, ‘I hate you!’”—American Educator, magazine, United States.

“Disloyal.” (2 Timothy 3:2) “The vastly increased willingness of men to leave behind partners and children constitutes perhaps the single greatest change in moral values during the [past 40 years].”—Wilson Quarterly, magazine, United States.

“Having no natural affection.” (2 Timothy 3:3) “Family violence is the dominant factor in the everyday life of communities around the world.”—Journal of the American Medical Association, magazine, United States.

“Without self-control.” (2 Timothy 3:3) “Many stories that occur on the newspaper’s front page every morning reflect minds lacking self control, moral fibre and mercy towards their fellow human beings and even themselves. . . . If our society continues to favour aggression the way it is now, our society will soon enter a phase of moral annihilation.”—Bangkok Post, newspaper, Thailand.

“Fierce.” (2 Timothy 3:3) “Irrational anger and uncontrolled rage [are] seen on the road, in abuse within families, . . . and [in] the apparently gratuitous and unnecessary violence which often accompanies crime. Violence is experienced as random and unpredictable and people are left feeling disconnected and vulnerable.”—Business Day, newspaper, South Africa.

“Lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.” (2 Timothy 3:4) “Sexual liberation has become a moral crusade, in which Christian morality is the enemy.”—Boundless, an Internet magazine.

“Having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power.” (2 Timothy 3:5) “[A former prostitute in the Netherlands] acknowledged that opposition to legalization [of prostitution] comes largely from religious groups. She paused, then said with a grin that when she was a prostitute, several [religious] ministers were among her regulars. ‘Prostitutes always say their best clients are from the religious community,’ she laughed.”—National Catholic Reporter, newspaper, United States.

What Lies Ahead?
The world today is filled with trouble, just as the Bible foretold. However, the prophecy about “the sign of [Christ’s] presence and of the conclusion of the system of things” contains a positive feature. “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,” said Jesus.What Can You Do?
There is no doubt about it. The end of Satan’s system is close at hand. Those who ignore the evidence that we are living in the last days will be caught off guard when the end comes.Therefore, Jesus said to his listeners: “Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. For it will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth. Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man.”—

2007-10-08 03:00:37 · answer #1 · answered by boyzmadison 3 · 2 0

I can't give you any websites at this time, but I can give you some scripture to read: Matthew 24:1-12, 2 Peter 3:1-7 and Daniel 12:4. Take the time to read these scriptures and then ask yourself, are any of these things happening today?

2007-10-07 19:00:19 · answer #2 · answered by Virginia B (John 16:33) 7 · 0 0

Some people do think this. However through out time people have thought it was the last days they thought this as far back as the 1800 probably further. The truth be only the Father knows, not even Christ. The book of revelation talks about their being great plagues, more natural disasters earthqakes, Tsunamis etc. the anit-Christ will rise up and try to take over The holy land. If you have access to a bible I’d recommend reading Revelations or Apocalypse as its called in the Catholic bible.


2007-10-07 16:37:19 · answer #3 · answered by Spread Peace and Love 7 · 0 2

Some persons even scoff at that there could be such a thing and close their minds when the Bible subject of the “last days” arises. Yet, it is a fact that many things do come to their end, and, hence, experience their final days.
For example, people enter the last days of their life, or of some aspect of their life. If you were to visit a large library and look in its card catalog, you would find books on such subjects as “The Last Days of Charles II,” “The Last Days of Marie Antoinette,” “The Last Days of General Grant,” “The Last Days of Abraham Lincoln,” “The Last Days of Hitler,” and so forth. Certainly no one doubts that people experience the “last days” of human life!“Last days” is clearly a common topic. So to scoff because mention is made in the Bible of the “last days” is certainly unwarranted.
Since “last days” and “the end of the world” are thus linked in the Bible, many persons believe that the “last days” will mean the end of the literal heavens and earth. Somehow, they believe, a tremendous fire will ignite the earth and heavenly bodies, and these will all be burned into desolate cinders. It is no wonder that persons with such a belief consider the “last days” a foreboding and unwelcome subject!

2007-10-07 16:29:06 · answer #4 · answered by conundrum 7 · 0 3

Outside of the Bible' arena, I would say that we could be possibly moving from one area of consciousness to another one, yes that is possible, and nothing more.

But I will comment on the more complicated outlook to indulge you in this big drama.

According to Biblical scenery, the last days were the days of the Roman Empire and the Antichrist was Nero. It eventually moved on to be hehe...the "Holy" Catholic church, and before anybody gets mad at this, please take a moment to understand if you truly have looked into this in the first place. End times are over..woo hoo (let's all dance!)

If you fear your own belief system to be debunked, definitely don't look into what i have just laid a giant, giant clue to...Happy days everyone!

2007-10-07 16:35:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Well who really knows. Yes many of the signs listed in Matthew and Revelations are seen today, but they were also seen 100's of years ago. Today there are 24 hour news shows that let you know anything and everything that happens so everyone knows about it. I think the whole world is a corrupt place now, so it is very possible, but no one really knows.

2007-10-07 16:25:02 · answer #6 · answered by Alawex12 3 · 2 1

well maybe maybe not, if you read luke chapter 21, it talks about the end. people worry about increased warfare so it must be the end, but the bible says all of this must come to pass, we also need to have 3-3.5 years of peace, we havent had that yet. pretty much just read revelations, the last book in the bible, it explains the end. we still have many things before it happens

2007-10-07 16:27:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Every day is a last day.
I looked at the page. What blows me away is that cranks like Billy Crone actually attract followings.

Try this NOW

Notice the header bar for moving around the pages.

2007-10-07 16:29:22 · answer #8 · answered by Y!A-FOOL 5 · 1 1

Well various religions have been saying for decades that "everything is ending / Christ is returning etc etc" and it is always "very soon".

It was "Very soon" last year. It was also "Very soon" 15 years ago. Would you be stunned to know that is was also "Very soon" over 50 years ago.

I am guessing in 50 years time, it will still be "very soon".

In the grand scheme of things - and the time the earth has ben kicking around, I expect another few hundred million years might well count as "very soon". It is after all, quite a lot sooner than a few tens of billions of years.

But still enough time to pop to the shops and get back again before everything goes to hell in a hand-cart.

In fact probably enough time for your great great great great great great great great great great grand children to do the same.

Mind you, it will still all be imminently about to happen for them - well "very soon" anyway.....

PLEASE understand that not even the religious folks claim that God OR Jesus OR any "supreme beings" wrote or even dictated the bible. The bible (in all of its various names) was written by MORTALS - over HUNDREDS of years.

If they knew when it was going to happen, they would have popped a date in. They didn't so they didn't. In fact, they didn't even hint at what millenia it might be did they?

The last days, sure things ARE going to get a bit grim in around 4.5 billion years when the sun goes to a Red Giant - however recent studies have suggested it might actually just "push" the earth out of the way rather than obliterate it.

Either way, I expect things might get a bit sticky around then. And folks with little boards saying the end of the world is Nigh - or perhaps just "very soon", may FINALLY have a cat in hells chance of being right for the first time in their lives.


2007-10-07 16:32:01 · answer #9 · answered by Mark T 6 · 1 4

The Earth still a good 1.8 trillion days left, so I'm not sure if I would consider us being in the "last days."

Barring some natural disaster, disease, war or some other catastrophe that wipes out humanity before we have the technology to leave this planet, it seems humans are going to be just fine.

2007-10-07 16:30:10 · answer #10 · answered by Stedway 4 · 2 2

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