If you get a copy of your credit report, it will have all your creditors and their contact information. You should be able to determine the agency that currently has your debt. Keep good records and after you pay the account in full, I suggest sending a copy of the receipt to all 3 credit bureaus. The collection agency is supposed to do this; however, sometimes accounts get over looked.
2007-10-07 16:31:29
answer #1
answered by Amy 5
The company that bought the debt should contact you via demand letter. You can try contacting the credit card company and ask them who is now handling your account. If they tell you to just pay them, make SURE you get a PAID IN FULL letter from them, so that when the new company gets around to contacting you, you can send them a copy of it. You can also send a copy of the Paid in Full letter to all three credit bureaus to clear your credit.
2007-10-08 00:31:22
answer #2
answered by Cosmic I 6
They will contact you, and just because you pay them off, does not necessarily remove them from your credit score. You have to have in writing that upon payment in full they will remove the negative items from your report, not just that you paid them which is what they already do, and thus remains for seven years showing paid, or satisfied. Many places will not do this, and would rather take you to court for fees, interest, etc. But it is worth a shot.
2007-10-08 17:20:02
answer #3
answered by Pengy 7
get some one to pull ur credit like 10 times and it will fix it
2007-10-07 23:18:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous