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two years ago my credit score was 460 now its 630. ive been paying back old debt and credit cards for this time. now all that i have left on my credit report to pay off is 1000 in bills that were sent to collections. all the cc's have been paid off. zero balance as of right now. once that 1000$ is paid. will my credit score go up again...what makes it rise more. paying off credit cards or collection accounts. i wanna find out if my score will go up substantially after i pay this.!!! i know i gotta pay all bills on time and everything. if anyone has any experience in paying off old debt how soon did you notice a change in credit score....also the only cc i have is only in my husbands name. i wanna get one in my name to build my credit back up...is my credit score good enough to obtain a credit card that doesnt have a lot of fees.

2007-10-07 14:38:04 · 4 answers · asked by nikkylyn 5 in Business & Finance Credit

4 answers

suggest you open an account with PAYPAL on the internet, then apply for their debit card. If approved, you will get a card that accesses your account and has a VISA or Mastercard logo on it, which reports to the credit bureaus. Also, set up to join PAYPAL's Money Market Account--NO minimum balance, pays 5.21 %, and no fees to open or maintain. You can always get your funds to your checking account in 2-3 business days and NO fees for transfer.

2007-10-07 14:45:39 · answer #1 · answered by Mike 7 · 0 0

I understand your concerns. Many people out there believe that credit repair is a scam. And, to be honest, there are a lot of scam artists out there posing as credit repair specialists. However, it should be noted that most of the myths about credit repair are perpetuated by the credit reporting agencies. They don't want you challenging what they do because it costs them money. So they will tell you that you don't need to do credit repair or that you can do it yourself. While that is true, it is also true that you can repair your car yourself when it breaks down. However, you take it to a mechanic because you know the mechanic understands engines better than you do.

I KNOW its legitimate i went from a 502 credit score to a 767 in 6 months!!!!!!!!!!!!

The company i used offered a money back guarantee.

NWBA has been in business for over 13 years. In all that time they have had only one complaint against them with the BBB. Other companies in this field have as many as 300 in the last three years. In fact the other two of the top three credit restoration companies both have over 250 complaints against them in the last three years.

The decision is ultimately yours. there credentials and reputation are unimpeachable. It comes down to, are you going to listen to people who only believe what they hear on TV or are you going to believe people who actually work in the field every day and know the truth?


2007-10-08 04:25:49 · answer #2 · answered by carrieazgirl 3 · 0 0

the collections will get better in time to help your score, the quickest boost is to payoff balances on revolving debt. i have seen 80 points up just by paying revolving debt, though thats not the norm. over time the collections will weigh very little, just keep doing what your doing and keep the credit card balances low. also if your husband adds you to his accounts, not just a card in your name but adds you completely you can piggy back his credit and get a complete full good credit history instantly.

2007-10-07 14:47:07 · answer #3 · answered by explosurenet 2 · 0 0

Wow!!! I can tell that you're really young and naive. Holy crap! I love you, I don't love you (repete ad nausem). Girl, are you freakin' blind? YOU ARE BEING PLAYED; and you're a glutton for punishment. Why do you put up with this? I can forgive one infraction, but that's it!!! No more chances. And all apologies fall on deaf ears. If you are the one making the $$$, then HOW is he taking care of you? This relationship is lopsided, in his favor. You're young, stuck with a baby from a Bozo who doesn't give a sh!t, and you don't want to be alone (plus you still like those little orgasms he gives you). Good lord, pull your head out of the sand. Kick this @$$hole out and get on with your life. You're already screwed now that you've got a kid with this ********. Don't make it worse. Thus spake the voice of reason.

2016-05-18 03:50:36 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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