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I mean, can't anyone drive a thousand laps or whatever around a big ugly track? Oh no, he's has to go to the pit stop, oh no he might not win. WHAT IS SO GREAT? Please give me your opinion!!!

2007-10-07 06:22:08 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Auto Racing NASCAR

20 answers

And what's so great about whatever it is you like? Do you presume that because you like it, everyone else must too?

2007-10-07 06:25:17 · answer #1 · answered by Crypt 6 · 2 0

If u have ever been to a race - from the sounds of it probably not - it's the thrill of hearing the roar of the engine and watching the worse driver on the track take out some other driver u can't stand. The thrill of the pit crew leaving a gas can attached to the car as the driver pulls out, just the whole process is fun if u understand the sport. Rather watch that then football - having a bunch of guys falling on top of each other then getting up and slapping a teamate in the ***! That just creeps me out!

2007-10-10 09:57:04 · answer #2 · answered by sweetness 2 · 0 0

Racing in general provides entertainment by combining a balance of man an machine placed into a competition. It takes skill, engineering, and a finely tuned car and driver to be competitive. Yes, ANYONE could drive a thousand miles on a big ugly track, but only a few are good enough to be competitive. The key word here is competition. That's why it's entertaining.

I have learned one thing from the many years of being a race fan - some people just don't get it. I have stopped trying to convert non-fans. To you, it may be boring, to me, the spectacle is better than any other nationally televised sport. I personally think baseball is boring. But I don't make fun of baseball fans for being simple minded hicks.

2007-10-07 07:15:51 · answer #3 · answered by Crazy Ant 5 · 2 0

What's so exciting about hitting a little white ball around the grass into a cup and doing the same thing four days in a row?

Or what is so great about hitting a green ball back and forth until someone yells out?

Or let's get 9 guys to stand around while one guy tries to throw a white ball past a guy on steroids.

Unfortunately I can't give you my opinion on what an idiot I think you are for asking this question because Yahoo has all the rules about the truth and profanity.

2007-10-10 06:53:32 · answer #4 · answered by Ms Betty 4 · 0 0

Its nt just NASCAR. Race fans love the thrill and the danger of the race. It is beautiful to think of how many people keep the technical aspects of the race not just going but safe also. All I can say is - put 50 or more type A personalities on any track and tell them to run safely at 200mph - without killing your self and others ( not just finish but win for large amounts of fame and money). Drama will unfold. If you go in person you can feel the ground shake.

2007-10-07 07:33:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

well you try driving for 400 laps at speeds near 200 miles an hour on a race track and then tell me why you think people find thrilling about nascar.

2007-10-09 04:56:39 · answer #6 · answered by Missy H 2 · 0 0

Why do people like you who are obviously NOT fans ask this question every other day. I have only been a member here for three weeks, sticking only to the NASCAR topics, and I have seen this question ten times!! I can only imagine how many times the rest of the NASCAR fans that have been here for a long period of time have seen it. It's getting old. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

2007-10-10 07:58:47 · answer #7 · answered by 4 In A Row (#48JJFan) 5 · 0 0

Its the excitement of driving 198 mph, on a 33 degree high bank track and not wrecking. It is all a speed rush, deep down inside all of us we all wish we could drive a Cup car just once...

Its the Need For Speed

2007-10-07 08:40:26 · answer #8 · answered by str8putter 4 · 0 0

The drama, the wrecks, the drivers. My theory is that it is a great sport for us ladies because we like gossip and drama. Nascar is so full of those two things. You totally start to develop ideas about the drivers and then you see that their driving says a ton about their personalities.

For instance if you watched the race today you'd probably start to understand the Jeff Gordon and Jimmy Johnson are whiney and when they don't get their way they go cry to nascar about it. .....And Tony Stewart is awesome...

Who wants to fight about it?!

2007-10-07 06:51:24 · answer #9 · answered by Atilla the Han 3 · 1 0

I guess you have to understand it to appreciate it, I love it I have been watching it for about 9 or 10 years now, you have to be able to be competitive enough to pick a driver and stick by that driver, no matter if he wins or loses, and always stick up for him, and defend him, I don' t know you either like it, or you don't! But, I LOVE IT!!!!!!! GO JIMMIE JOHNSON GO!

2007-10-09 04:43:53 · answer #10 · answered by 48's biggest fan 3 · 0 0

EVERYTHING!!!!! I guess you are just not a fan. Go to a race, and feel the experience. Then come back and tell us about it. There is a great deal of competition, at high speeds. It's a definite rush.

Go JR.>>>>

2007-10-07 07:21:03 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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